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The Japanese physicist Michio Kaku, who I used to really like.  



He said Fukushima would be cleaned up in 40 years…the TEPCO line…which is clearly impossible (TEPCO doesn't even believe it anymore).  See ENENews.com for a very competent single source on the topic.  NOBODY who reads that site would believe that 40yr BS for a second, so how come Michio did?



He also referred to Alarming Global Warming like it was real.  He shot his credibility in the face with that.  

I hope you've all read my Climate Fraud links in the forums here, climate fraud updates - General Messages  



Al Gore/Ken Lay (11 counts of fraud conviction for Lay and his Enron, both carbon traders getting fees for these lies -- Lay died, I guess because God does have limits, tho' big money will silence things too);


Global Warming Discoverer (yes there is one!) Michael Mann and his falsified data he was forced to reveal by an FOIA request after two stubborn years of not handing it over to a retired curious scientist, then another FOIA request to turn over his algorithm, shown in the 2006 US Congress Wegman Report…without any shred of doubt…how it makes Hockey Sticks from nothing at all, God forbid he'd admit it, he's making out like a bandit;


NASA's Hansen with blatantly illegal math and physics (in my links); his own boss called him "an embarrassment to NASA";


Briffa, one of Mann's proteges, presorting his Ural's tree ring data to not include any raw data that doesn't agree with his desired result…!!!…the result itself being the bogus Mann claim shown to be completely false in Wegman!


Endless more…and Michio knows none of it???


(All this stuff is public record by the way, look for yourself, I provide a bunch of links; mostly the fraud has been known for a dozen years or so, but you haven't seen it on mainstream media, have you?  PLEASE don't buy that "Big Oil" nonsense.  That's to make you not look.)



Which segues to…ANY mainstream news media, especially networks, and sorry to say Public Radio which is a real Democrat/liberal ass-kisser.  Sorry, lil' NPR babies, but Democrats are corrupt too.  (NEWSCASTERS WANTED:  MUST HAVE GOOD LOOKS, GOOD VOICE, AND COMPLETE DISINTEREST IN HONEST TRUTH.)



Yes, given that they lie their butts off, or are just too stupid to care or check, listening to them is a mistake.  


Remember, most news outlets are commercial, merely subsets of the overall networks -- they sell things.  The so-called news content is just to float the commercials and only needs to do that function; genuine honest dispute or outrage puts us out of a buying mood, whether it's buying store items or big lies.


It fills your head with sound bite BS, with quickly-moving visual or aural things that entertain your inner kitty-cat, with intentional misinformation.  It's like filling your belly with corn syrup and white bread.  It will feel good at first.  Then takes time to get over the icky feeling.  Over longer time, it's actually poisonous.  


Not to mention withdrawing your support by viewing, even if it doesn't seem to matter much.  Gotta have some faith in those grains of sand we want to insert into the gears of The Machine.


(Stephan, are you on this climate fraud, all spoon fed from a silver platter here, by the hand of the great explorer returned from vast expanses of the networked continent, with the scratches and bruises and infected insect bites to show for it?  Are you to make me send a goon to your door, upon threat of herding you into a small closed room and simultaneously opening a dozen boxes of Irish Spring soap, should you not agree to read every link under glowering and highly scented supervision?)

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The Japanese physicist Michio Kaku, who I used to really like.



He said Fukushima would be cleaned up in 40 years…the TEPCO line…which is clearly impossible (TEPCO doesn't even believe it anymore). See ENENews.com for a very competent single source on the topic. NOBODY who reads that site would believe that 40yr BS for a second, so how come Michio did?



He also referred to Alarming Global Warming like it was real. He shot his credibility in the face with that.

I hope you've all read my Climate Fraud links in the forums here, climate fraud updates - General Messages



Al Gore/Ken Lay (11 counts of fraud conviction for Lay and his Enron, both carbon traders getting fees for these lies -- Lay died, I guess because God does have limits, tho' big money will silence things too);


Global Warming Discoverer (yes there is one!) Michael Mann and his falsified data he was forced to reveal by an FOIA request after two stubborn years of not handing it over to a retired curious scientist, then another FOIA request to turn over his algorithm, shown in the 2006 US Congress Wegman Report…without any shred of doubt…how it makes Hockey Sticks from nothing at all, God forbid he'd admit it, he's making out like a bandit;


NASA's Hansen with blatantly illegal math and physics (in my links); his own boss called him "an embarrassment to NASA";


Briffa, one of Mann's proteges, presorting his Ural's tree ring data to not include any raw data that doesn't agree with his desired result…!!!…the result itself being the bogus Mann claim shown to be completely false in Wegman!


Endless more…and Michio knows none of it???


(All this stuff is public record by the way, look for yourself, I provide a bunch of links; mostly the fraud has been known for a dozen years or so, but you haven't seen it on mainstream media, have you? PLEASE don't buy that "Big Oil" nonsense. That's to make you not look.)



Which segues to…ANY mainstream news media, especially networks, and sorry to say Public Radio which is a real Democrat/liberal ass-kisser. Sorry, lil' NPR babies, but Democrats are corrupt too. (NEWSCASTERS WANTED: MUST HAVE GOOD LOOKS, GOOD VOICE, AND COMPLETE DISINTEREST IN HONEST TRUTH.)



Yes, given that they lie their butts off, or are just too stupid to care or check, listening to them is a mistake.


Remember, most news outlets are commercial, merely subsets of the overall networks -- they sell things. The so-called news content is just to float the commercials and only needs to do that function; genuine honest dispute or outrage puts us out of a buying mood, whether it's buying store items or big lies.


It fills your head with sound bite BS, with quickly-moving visual or aural things that entertain your inner kitty-cat, with intentional misinformation. It's like filling your belly with corn syrup and white bread. It will feel good at first. Then takes time to get over the icky feeling. Over longer time, it's actually poisonous.


Not to mention withdrawing your support by viewing, even if it doesn't seem to matter much. Gotta have some faith in those grains of sand we want to insert into the gears of The Machine.


(Stephan, are you on this climate fraud, all spoon fed from a silver platter here, by the hand of the great explorer returned from vast expanses of the networked continent, with the scratches and bruises and infected insect bites to show for it? Are you to make me send a goon to your door, upon threat of herding you into a small closed room and simultaneously opening a dozen boxes of Irish Spring soap, should you not agree to read every link under glowering and highly scented supervision?)

My main concern with your position is that if you are wrong, many people will suffer the consequences. I am skeptical myself, but then i remember those past cases involving things like cigarette or leaded gas. How proof should people demand when there are significant consequences to being wrong (in either direction).

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