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Determinism vs Indeterminism (cause and affect)


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I'm editing out the question then.  Exceeuse me!  I came here in a good mood as usual today ready to drop of a few more bucks to the cause but found the responses to be impatient and rude.  Not sure why it is so hard to be polite about a simple misunderstanding. One of you know how I can undo this horrible deed I have done?

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This topic is not permitted by the forum guidelines. It, without exception, devolves into something unproductive and frustrating.






Off Limits
While we do entertain a wide array of topics, there are some areas which we have found do not foster debate.

After several years, and in consultation with a variety of listeners, we have decided to close down the topic of determinism. Thanks to those who participated over the years, and those who gave feedback more recently.

For a debate on the subject, please visit Freedomain Radio: The Determinist/Free Will Debate on YouTube.

To hear all the FDR content on determinism, you can go here: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/search/determinism

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Instead of making the topic 'off-limits', why not just make a separate subforum and label it something like


"Determinism/Free Will, waste your time here if you want but you won't get anywhere"



Would it possibly take up too much storage space or something? It seems to me that banning it just gives people room to complain about hypocrisy or something like that.

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Instead of making the topic 'off-limits', why not just make a separate subforum and label it something like


"Determinism/Free Will, waste your time here if you want but you won't get anywhere"


Would it possibly take up too much storage space or something? It seems to me that banning it just gives people room to complain about hypocrisy or something like that.

There used to be a sub-forum about that. The thread where Stef explains why he decided to remove that sub forum seems to be missing. It used to be a sticky in either the Philosophy forum or the general messages forum.


If people want to talk about that stuff, they are free to somewhere else. Or they can talk about it over PM, I guess.


I don't think that the FDR staff is concerned with being accused of hypocrisy over something like that.


Also, I'm not sure I've ever seen a thread get closed down because the topic was determinism. I'm mostly only posting because I put all my money on it being unproductive. There are lots of determinism threads already.

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Oh, OK.  Blue law.  BTW what does productive philosophy produce?  I think most of these problems are from ego battles, not subjects discussed.

Productive philosophy produces clarity and understanding, according to rational standards, typically by use of universals, principles. That is to say that people walk away from it able to apply certain standards or principles to arrive at new and relevant conclusions. That's my definition, anyway.


It may well be ego battles, but if it is ego battles, then people's egos come out in full force with this subject, more so than with others. It's not like those two things are mutually exclusive. I mean, I've observed and participated in a dozen of these threads. It's about every 4 months or less. Maybe my own ego battle in a couple of cases, but certainly no one changed their minds, insults flew, lots of passive aggression and condescension, etc.

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  • 4 months later...

I guess these forums are not for me then.  I hate generalizing people, topics or material.  I consider this to be intellectual laziness.  Policies can be dangerous things since they often substitute for actual thinking-even common sense at times.  I personally hate fighting/competition and usually refuse to fight-preferring to build on ideas..find a few things right about them instead of polarizations-and I assumed the people here probably rose above that kind of mentality.  You would not have gotten that response from me.  The very nature of my issue was one of consensus.  Truth to me lies more in how people arrive to a thought than to what it is and that is the direction my issues tend to take.

I guess nobody is going to tell me how you delete a topic you started here so oh-well.  Enjoy your choir.

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