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Lessons for my Son... a most appalling TED talk

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Here is an excerpt for you...


"I have always wanted to be the mother of a daughter. But, as luck would have it, 16 years ago, I gave birth to my only child, a son. And after a little consideration, I decided I wouldn't throw him back, and I'm glad I didn't, because he's actually turned out to be pretty kind and funny and smart. And I'm thinking now how he's made my life infinitely better, so perhaps he can also make life better for all the women he's encountered along the way. So what lessons do I owe a son? How can I teach him to be a colleague, a boss, a spouse, who will really work to make the world better for women?"


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This stuff is just rampant right now.  A virtuous life for a man is defined by how much he does for women.  Lean in for Equality: Men for Women.  #heforshe .  It's just the modern version of Victorian chivalry except without any definition of virtue for women.  Women by the mere possession of a vagina are deserving of men's sympathy, time, effort, money, and very lives.

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Women by the mere possession of a vagina are deserving of men's sympathy, time, effort, money, and very lives.


This has been the way of the world for quite a long time, as long as vaginas have been around anyway.


It's through her eggs that the female of the species derives true power.

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I don't know; seems like her son might be a lot better off learning from virtues being demonstrated by his mother, than by having his mother tell him how he needs to live his life. I mean, if he just does what he's told, that would be living for women, which any responsible parent would never inflict on her child. Oh wait...

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*sorry my quote isn't working


@End the Usurpation:  "This has been the way of world for a long time."  But didn't the old ways (which I'm not advocating for of course) hold women to some standard?  Without welfare, alimony, and child support, didn't a woman sort of have to earn the affections of a man?

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*sorry my quote isn't working


@End the Usurpation:  "This has been the way of world for a long time."  But didn't the old ways (which I'm not advocating for of course) hold women to some standard?  Without welfare, alimony, and child support, didn't a woman sort of have to earn the affections of a man?


Ideally, yes, a woman does need to earn a man's affections, but feminine charms and fertility carry a lot of weight with men. Marriage mainly benefited the woman in the heterosexual union because the man was legally obligated to stay married to his wife, and support her even though her charm and fertility had worn off long ago.


With the power of the gun of the State, women no longer need marriage to protect their interests after fertility wanes. Thus, men as husbands are now completely and utterly disposable. It's no wonder mothers are openly propagandizing their sons to serve women and make the world better for them. It's all out in the open now.


Men are slaves to women, little more than serfs or well-trained dogs fetching food the family for hundreds of thousands of years before the women's rights movement.

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I feel horrible for the son. I wonder how messed up his constitution is to have a mother like this.

It's one thing to own a slave in private, it's quite another thing to brag about it in public.

Same here.

Contrary to normal, reading the comments on the video actually restores my faith in humanity a bit. She's being called out for sexism and there are 29 thumbs up versus 2800 down.


edit: lol just looked again and comments have been disabled since I saw it a few days ago. The top was "Can't you people see how sexist she's being?" and it had like 500 up votes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Her lesson to her son is that he should be an indentured servant to the world in general and women in particular, as a big fan of Ayn Rands Virtue of Selfishness, this is something that is truly sickening to me.


It appears to me that she wants everyone else to be a sacrificial lamb to her agenda and her desires and has rationaised that she is an oppressed woman to justify her narcissistic tendancies.


One of her conclusions was that women drop out of the workforce at higher rates than men not because they lacked ambition, but because they found it too hard to juggle work and family life. This suggests that she finds it inconcievable that a woman may actually want to prioritise childcare and home building over her career.


She also mentions how virtuous her husband is for the fact that she has uprooted her family 3 times to move across the country for her career. Unfortunately her compassion for women doesn't extend to her son, who has had to give up 3 sets of friends and go through the instablity of settling into a new school 3 times. If he has been neglected and feminised by an overbearing mother, it would not be surprising if he had a hard time integrating at these new schools.


Unfortunately she has already set the precedent that the men in her life are there to accomodate her and with the brain washing, the poor boy doesn't stand a chance. He is likely to fall prey to an exploitatative women or women as his father has and to lack the masculinity to navigate the world.


I will round off with this quote:


We don't like to tell our children about things that are painful and difficult to us, but I began thinking, is this fair to my son?


After this she proceeds to explains how heroic she is that she tells her son about her struggles in her career and then talks about how it is his job to put women on in their careers. She sees no contradiction in being fair to her son and telling him that his job is to live for other people.


There is a very important lesson in this quote. No one actually thinks they are evil, evil people are just very good at backwards rationalising self interest and packaging it as virtue.

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I have some questions:

-How is what this woman is doing incompatible with Rands selfishness?


-Also, how is what this woman is doing to her family different from what Rand did in her own life to her husband? I specify doing versus justification.


-Hypothethically, for those with knowledge of Rand, if she had had a child, how would she have acted materially differently from this woman? This last question is speculation, just a thought exercise.

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Good question PGP,


Rand's defines alturism as sacrificing a higher value for a lower value so for example saving a neighbours child over our own or giving money to someone we don't care about rather than giving it to someone you care about.


In this piece it appears that Cammie Dunnaway cares more about females than she does her own son, which although not incompatible with Rand, seems to be a pretty cold hearted and narcissistic way of being.


Rand didn't however agree with using man as a sacrificial animal and so in trying to get her son to act in such a way as to sacrifice his own interests for those of women, Dunnaway directly clashes with Rands philosophy. It is not far removed from teaching your child to be a communist and my understanding is that Rand saw a good education as very important to allow children to grow into rational adults. It is therefore reasonable that Rand would see this as a form of child abuse and deeply immoral.


Rand disagreed with having children as she saw them as a huge sacrifice that would compromise the soveriegnty of the individual. One illustrative quote is:


For such young people, pregnancy is a death sentence: parenthood would force them to give up their future, and condemn them to a life of hopeless drudgery, of slavery to a child’s physical and financial needs.



Notice in this, she doesn't suggest that they are a mere inconvenience, Rand appears to acknowledge the tremendous amount of work required to raise a child.


It is perhaps a shame that Objectivists are so child unfriendly but I have little doubt that Rand would be appalled by Dunnaway for the reasons I have cited.

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Thanks for the answer DaviesMa.




Rand didn't however agree with using man as a sacrificial animal and so in trying to get her son to act in such a way as to sacrifice his own interests for those of women, Dunnaway directly clashes with Rands philosophy. It is not far removed from teaching your child to be a communist and my understanding is that Rand saw a good education as very important to allow children to grow into rational adults. It is therefore reasonable that Rand would see this as a form of child abuse and deeply immoral.




In respect of brainwashing her son to be a simp ( a simp-son perhaps...;-P), she is also laying the turf for her old age. Preparing him for slavery on two fronts, with a prospective wife and for herself. Rational self-interest, but of course bordering evil also. Poor little chap.

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