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Barack Obama interviews 'The Wires' David Simon


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Yes, it definately is quite odd. Jeffrey suggests it was a rather savvy political move to get the conversation moving in the direction of decriminalisation. That remains to be seen of course, since the media didn't really pick up on this interview much, now a month old.


Maybe he is genuinely troubled by the drugs war, but hindered by the machinations of govt saw this as a covert opportunity to broach the topic perhaps. Maybe he just loved the show.

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Does anyone else think that it's weird that a sitting president is conducting an interview with a writer/director?


Why not? He interviewed Bill Nye the other day. He hasn't interviewed me yet, and I have twice as many science degrees as Bill.


Maybe he's preparing for his next role as a commentator on MSNBC?

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I'm going to pull a tenuous theory out of my behind and suggest that this is a tip of the hat to federal decriminalization and taxation, just as Tucker indicates, but it's wrapped up as a race and police enforcement issue, which is the media topic du jour.


Obama did say the word, libertarian, and I thought he was going to describe the NAP for a moment, but he is not arriving at this conclusion about the dismal results of drug enforcement though a reasoned or logical approach, otherwise he would have to comment on the oppression of federal taxation. With another election fast approaching, this is a popularity play for the Dems. It did not escape my notice that Simon mentioned ex-convicts not being allowed to vote.


How difficult is it to imagine Americans puffing away on their vaporizers in a bid to keep paying the interest on the National Debt, thus keeping our country's AAA credit rating afloat?


Smoke Freedom Brand!


Considering that the show in question is set in Baltimore, which is currently swallowed by riots, it may enlighten us to take a look at some facts behind Baltimore's long tradition of Leftism.



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