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Ignorance and superstition.


Latin America is overwhelmingly Catholic.



Spot on. It also come from the freer legal, economic, and religious system that originated in England begging in the 17th Century. Latin America still is reliant on family/community orientation rather than individualism. This is not to say that this is true for every Latin American or even for every Latin American country since early 20th Century Argentina  pre-socialism. Regardless, the more individualist the culture, the freer it is.

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Interested point I read in Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope (I would really appreciate a modern FDR view of this). This is absolutely oversimplified from Muslim dominance for hundreds of years in Spain left a permanent cultural mark. The Islamic family unit is focused on the absolute hierarchy of the father, which is more or less created by the over-doting of mothers to their sons. The son can have absolutely anything he wants and learns how to throw fits and solve problems through violence. Daughters are treated like cattle and gain their value simply through their ability to create boys. When a girl comes of age, she has been protected to maintain her virginity and is sold, the value of which is supposedly the effort it took to maintain her virginity.


At the same time girls are expected to maintain their virginity until marriage, the boys are expected to get whatever they want, including sexual advances. This leads utter contradiction in the family unit and thus into society. This Islamic organization infected Spanish culture, which spread into central and south America.


Couple that with ridiculous Catholic superstition and you have a wonderful soup of violent goodness.

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Ignorance and superstition.


Latin America is overwhelmingly Catholic.

Also, Atheism is necessary but not sufficient.  Communists are atheists.  Latin america may be better off socialist and Catholic.

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