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A complete case for home education (54 arguments)


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Hi FDRers!


I've just released a podcast/mini-book (20-pages)/blog on a comprehensive case for home education.  It contains 54 cases for why people should shun public compulsory schooling and embrace homeschooling.  Please check it out when you have time:




Thanks so much in advance!


Jeff (tasmlab)




1.     The argument for knowledge

2.     The argument against conformity

3.     The argument for better learning, a love of learning and engagement

4.     The argument for exposure

5.     The argument for powerful subjects

6.     The argument for useful subjects

7.     The argument for modernity

8.     The argument against instructor-led, time-fixed training

9.     The argument against testing and grades, and rewards and punishments

10.  The argument for doing vs. observing

11.  The argument for free play

12.  The argument for history

13.  The argument for alternative political views

14.  The argument for religion or atheism

15.  The argument for leaders over followers and entrepreneurs over workers

16.  The argument for opportunity

17.  The argument for happiness and for empathy

18.  The argument for family

19.  The argument of efficiency and time

20.  The argument for convenience

21.  The argument for sleep, sleeping in and staying up

22.  The argument against exhaustion

23.  The argument for vacation

24.  The argument for having kids around (to benefit adults)

25.  The argument against boredom

26.  The argument against peer pressure

27.  The argument against stress and unneeded pressure

28.  The argument for caring and thinking about it

29.  The case against useless credentialing

30.  The argument for accelerating, or even skipping, college

31.  The argument for real experience and income

32.  The argument for job or career preparedness

33.  The argument for creating a diverse network

34.  The argument against extending childhood or postponing adulthood

35.  Arguments for socialization and individuation

36.  The argument against bullying

37.  The argument for mixed age groups

38.  The argument for adult interaction (to benefit children)

39.  The argument for health and safety

40.  The argument against drug abuse

41.  The argument for the environment

42.  The argument for self-rule, self-control, self-ownership and treating children as free humans

43.  The argument for libertarian morality (or the argument against coercion and the initiation of violence)

44.  The consequentialist libertarian argument against government effectiveness (i.e., the government is bad at doing things)

45.  The argument for thrift

46.  The argument against human capital

47.  The argument against school and its true function

48.  The argument against poverty and prison

49.  The argument against the military, war and soldiering

50.  The argument for ending public education

51.  The argument for limitless, flourishing education options

52.  The argument for ending government

53.  The argument for a better society

54.  The final personal argument from experimentation and low risk

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