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Virtue Alphabet [linked from another thread]

Matt D

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I love this!!

I've heard in old Scandinavia, parents would teach their children the alphabet by having then do body positions that match the letters (so smart, any time children are expending more calories than the grown ups it is good!)  Wouldn't it be fun to come up with positions that represented the virtues?  Then of course, there's all the research around upping levels of health-supporting hormones with certain power posing:    http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are?language=en

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I love this!!

I've heard in old Scandinavia, parents would teach their children the alphabet by having then do body positions that match the letters (so smart, any time children are expending more calories than the grown ups it is good!)  Wouldn't it be fun to come up with positions that represented the virtues?  Then of course, there's all the research around upping levels of health-supporting hormones with certain power posing:    http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_shapes_who_you_are?language=en



Great talk by Amy Cuddy. "Fake it til you become it" may work with body language. However, there are a lot of people who fake virtue and never become virtuous. Nevertheless, a fun exercise: what does integrity, self-discipline, bravery, etc. look like?

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