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A Mother's Day Message About Circumcision

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My personal experience struggling with the persistent wound of forcible genital mutilation, and my heartfelt advice to new and expecting mothers. While I will never know what it feels like to have an intact penis, I can offer to others the many negative side effects of having my foreskin removed.





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Thank you for this video it should make people think seriously about leaving their baby's bodies intact.


I appreciate the feedback, Lens! Neonatal circumcision has bothered me since I was a teenager, so it is a very personal topic for me.


It needs views in order to educate and inform. My first circumcision video, while much shorter and less personal, received 42 views and 1 upvote.


This one has 17 views in 12 hours, and 2 downvotes. Perhaps some of the picture memes or the mention of Briffault's Law rubbed people the wrong way. Quelle surprise!

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