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Why should I not vote Republican?

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Can we all agree that there is NO voting strategy that will reduce state power.


At best voting can only shave a few percentage points off the the exponential growth.


The state will grow, and grow, and grow, until it eventually bursts, and then we have a brief window to try something new in small locations.


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Through which means do you think support of this conservative political party will eliminate the state completely? That is your group's stated goal, as I understand it.


I never said that. My hope is that we can keep the country relatively stable until anarchic groups can lead a peaceful transition. If it starts to implode then I will vote to speed the process up.


Are you arguing that endorsing the guy who steals from you less is a better choice than endorsing the guy who steals more? Is less rape better than more rape, and less murder better than more murder?


Yes. Less rape is better than more rape and no rape is better than less rape.


How much money is your party not stealing exactly




But seriously, the party I voted for is the only party that does not bribe for votes. It bribes people with freedom. Lower taxes, personal freedom etc. It also keeps consistent pressure on government as it is part of the coalition.


Refusing to vote is much more effective at sending the anarchist message


I don't see how that follows. Government would probably just conclude that people are happy and don't feel the need to vote. The guy I voted for spreads the message of freedom from government every day in parliament and in the media. There is only one of him but his voice is loud and clear for all to hear.


It may be inevitable that all democracies will collapse, but in the meantime it is still fun to troll parliament with this guy.
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