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A question specifically for Mr. Molyneux, if I may.

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You'll have to excuse me for not being up to date on all the content (and a newbie), but I had a question (and I like to ask questions).

I hear people coming to you a lot for insight and answers about philosophy and the range of topics discussed here. I was wondering, after all these years, if there are any new or old theories or ideas you are still openly or personally 'struggling' with in any way. Ideas you may or may not have yet shared with the community while you try to figure them out. I'm wondering if there are any theories or ideas or nagging thoughts, old or new, that you would like to share with the community (and me) to see if we can't collectively try to help you solve it. This could include things you think you've figured out, but find unusually difficult to get others (like specifically more intelligent people here) to understand and you're not sure why. I'm sure you do this to a degree with your call-in shows and other ways, but wondered if there are any issues that hadn't come up yet in those for you, or that have, but remain unresolved. I was thinking if we could bring them into one place it would be interesting and useful. Or do you feel you've got most things sufficiently figured out and that you're just focusing more on getting the word out and helping people resolve their issues with understanding and accepting it?



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