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I'm going to agree with this one, tho' recognize the reflex to barf and protest.  If this was banning water guns, etc., in backyards, clearly too feminist.  (Oops, I meant Orwellian, how'd that get in there?)


But over thousands and thousands of incidents, a water shot in the eye really hurts, and if it hurts, it's dangerous.  Likewise the balloons, an eye hit, and it may be goodbye eye.  (I'll look for stats on that.)


Also, the kindness angle is legit.  A bunch of nuns with rubber band guns might look cute in a movie but not so much in real life.  Also, when was the last time we met a brown shirt youth group of historical significance?  The Hitler Youth surely were overall kind (to kindred) and not unlike scouts today overall.  Maybe a hedged bet is okay.  The kids can still do those things, just not in uniform.

Toys to Avoid to Keep Your Child's Eyes Safe

  1. Water balloon launchers and water guns. Water balloons can cause serious blunt trauma to the eye that can cause a retinal detachment and permanent vision loss. Even toy guns that shoot a stream of water can cause serious eye damage, especially when used at close range. Examples: SuperSoaker Scatter Blast Water Blaster (SuperSoaker); Nerf Super Soakers (Hasbro); Water Sports TL-500 Stream Machine (Water Sports); Water Blaster XLR Water Cannon (Water Blaster).

Where does it end, AccuTron?


You are not making the culture safer, you are stripping the culture of its common sense and sense of morality, so that when these risk-deprived kids find themselves in an environment of interactive risk, they will go overboard, intentionally shooting for the eyes in reaction to all the damned parental restraints they found themselves in when they were younger.  You are training them for either pussification or extreme sports and extreme violence--extreme risk to themselves and others.  Or war, for that matter.  An undignified, ungentlemanly, rules-less form of war.  Let us go crazy, they shall to one another.  Sort of like how teenagers with no experience with the forbidden adult drugs like alcohol tend to go crazy when they finally get their hands on them; contrast with the European model of gradual introduction of alcohol into their lives and surrounded by family.


This is madness.  Predictable madness, of course, for those with a good enough grasp of the PeeSee blob engulfing and digesting Western civ.  So, what is next?  What will the blob eat next?


It's ridiculous, but I wouldn't consider this anything truly worth the time and energy of being upset about.  Resourceful parents will find a better way to instill values in their kids anyway.  I'm also confident that kids will find a way to continue playing with water guns, too.


Finding it merely amusing or ridiculous is missing the larger danger, that the culture is being eaten.  It is like noticing a single claw and saying, that claw is not very harmful in itself, do not worry about it, missing that the claw is attached to the predatory animal.  All of the attacks of the animal will be of that small, ridiculous type, just little bites and scratches here and there.  Eating the elephant one bite at a time.


Kids at any early age playfighting learn the "not the face" and "not the dangly bits" forbidden targets... but I'm a child of the 60s and things might be different now.

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