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Much Hoopla over Perceived Sexism in Marvel Movies

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I don't know if you have heard about it but their is a big stink being created by Feminists over the more recent Marvel Movies, why I don't know.


I have seen all of them and have not seen how they could possibly be considered by any stretch of the imagination to be sexist without the offended persons simply deciding to be offended "just because".


all the same the offence taken has reached even this level.



either I'm simply not noticing something, or the feminists are making a Mt Everest out of something that simply doesn't exist...

(please correct me if I am wrong.)

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I'm not sure that I follow the feminist logic either.


Did Scarlett Johansson not join the project? The accusation, I think, is that there aren't enough women in action movies based on comic books. Of course, they have totally ignored the fact that many of these comics were first written a generation or two ago when young men were the sole customer demographic. Despite this, there were still female characters. Look at X-Men, which has quite a few.


I attempted to look up salary information for Ms. Johansson, but could only find out that she was paid $400,000 for her role in Iron Man 2, which is tangentially related to the Avengers series. I anticipate that we're going to start hearing a lot more about actresses not getting paid enough in Hollywood.


I noticed that there is another actress working on the project named Elizabeth Olsen, the younger and almost completely unknown sister of "The Olsen Twins," so we know that there are at least two female characters in the film.

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Yeah, to me, this issue is blown out of proportion. Even if we say that there aren't enough female characters in starring roles in these movies that doesn't mean that there is not a ton of stories out there that do star women. Anime for example is full of stories about women, or teams of women, or stories where the number of women is equal to men, etc.


The real question for me is why aren't these feminists pointing this out? Why aren't they going to these stories if that is what they want. It really starts to betray their behavior as nagging. But, this is just my view on it.

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Feminists don't understand the free market and economics basically, they want more of certain things but the market on average doesn't demand this, they're projecting their ideology onto everyone else.


Most notably we do not see feminists or SJWs taking advantage of this perceived deficiency in the market and themselves providing that content and making some good money doing it, they just perpetually complain that others are doing things they don't like.


It's something that was annoying about the whole Anita Sarkeesian project, she raised $160,000 on kickstarter and far more since and that money could have made an indie game that contains the kind of content she wants to see, instead it just went into a failed series about how others are doing it wrong.

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Feminists don't understand the free market and economics basically, they want more of certain things but the market on average doesn't demand this, they're projecting their ideology onto everyone else.


Or they understand it all too well, that manipulating public opinion affects the economics of things they don't like more than simple "buy what you like and don't buy what you hate" does. Wait until you are forced to use gay cake-makers if they exist in your market (no matter what their skills may be) lest you be labeled "bigoted" and the re-education camps are full.

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Or they understand it all too well, that manipulating public opinion affects the economics of things they don't like more than simple "buy what you like and don't buy what you hate" does. Wait until you are forced to use gay cake-makers if they exist in your market (no matter what their skills may be) lest you be labeled "bigoted" and the re-education camps are full.


It can affect economics but I don't think it's to a scale that is terribly important, people so weak minded they can be influenced by bad arguments are constantly going to hop between lots of positions, those people make bad allies to anyone because while its easy to win them over with stupid arguments, they're also easily lost to others doing the same.

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I don't see anyone complaining about the lack of movies with guys giving birth. It was a woman who was pregnant in The Avengers 2, how sexist is that!? I mean, there's only one movie I know of where it gets this gender equality issue right and the guy is giving birth for once. Is this not outrageous!? I think the real issue is many people confuse the need for equality of rights with the need for actual equality, which doesn't exist between any two people regardless of their race or sex.

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I don't see anyone complaining about the lack of movies with guys giving birth. It was a woman who was pregnant in The Avengers 2, how sexist is that!? I mean, there's only one movie I know of where it gets this gender equality issue right and the guy is giving birth for once. Is this not outrageous!? I think the real issue is many people confuse the need for equality of rights with the need for actual equality, which doesn't exist between any two people regardless of their race or sex.


Feminist ideology in a nutshell. It states that we're equal, when we're demonstrably not equal, then demands we expect equal outcomes because if we're equal then that's what we'd expect, when we don't observe equal outcomes it's not because we're unequal, it's because patriarchy.


Feminists want women to be equal to men but men aren't even equal to each other! It's fucking nuts.

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