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What personality type(s) is associated with jihadi Islam?


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I'm sure there are plenty of "moderate Muslims" out there who cheer for democracy, but the fact remains there are plenty who are simply continuing in the 1400-year campaign of aggression against the world that Islamic history evidences.  My question is, what sort of personality is drawn toward violent jihad?

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So this answer will not nearly be as good as The Lizard of Oz's answer, but the ultra-condensed version is "Sexually frustrated men, who have no hopes of becoming the strong, masculine man that Islamic women want." 


I was gonna say something about how men are indoctrinated to believe there's such a thing as righteous violence (war movies, good vs. evil, honor, etc) but there might be more truth to the sexual frustration theory.


Take videogames for example. There's been an increasing trend towards more and more violence to the point where the violence is so intense it's comical. Because videogames are still part of a free market this means this violence is catering to the buyers. And what is the image that comes to mind when you imagine your typical hardcore gamer?


Jihad is like the ultimate RPG. You get to fight evil through magic and in the end women will adore you.

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The personality is the same as any person who takes a gun and shoot innocent people. A guy who shoots students in a college is no better than a jihadist or a nazi soldier they all are driven by hatred and rage. All of these murderers have in common a horrible childhood since their birth, their parents tortured them and killed their capacity for empathy and they told them that this is done for their own good. Islam or any ideology/religion is only a symptom of a much greater psychological problem. These murderers all of them deny their horrible past and label it "normal childhood” they say that the beatings never hurt them and it was to make them stronger. These murderers glorify the fact that they feel no fear and if they kill it is for a just cause. They are all the same to me they are all garbage psychopaths.  


Here are some books that can help you understand these personalities and more understand the roots causes not only the symptoms:


For Your Own Good by Alice Miller

The Origins of War in Child Abuse by Lloyd Demause & Stefan Molyneux link

Emotional Life of Nations by Lloyd Demause


I am quoting here also a text from Alice Miller from an article called The Wellsprings of Horror in the Cradle link


"Hatred is hatred and rage is rage, all over the world and at any time the same, in Serbia, Rwanda or Afghanistan. They are always the fruits of very strong emotions, reactions to injuries to their dignity endured in childhood, normal reactions of the body that were not allowed to express themselves in a safe way. Nobody comes to the world with the wish to destroy. Every newborn, independently from the culture, religion or ethnic origins needs to love, be loved, protected, and respected. This is his biological design. If he is maltreated by the cruel upbringing he will develop the very strong wish to take revenge. He will be driven to destroy others or himself but only by his history and never by inborn genes. The idea of destructive genes is a modern version of the fairy tale talking about the "devil's children" who need to be chastised to become obedient and nice."

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The personality is the same as any person who takes a gun and shoot innocent people. A guy who shoots students in a college is no better than a jihadist or a nazi soldier they all are driven by hatred and rage. All of these murderers have in common a horrible childhood since their birth, their parents tortured them and killed their capacity for empathy and they told them that this is done for their own good. Islam or any ideology/religion is only a symptom of a much greater psychological problem. These murderers all of them deny their horrible past and label it "normal childhood” they say that the beatings never hurt them and it was to make them stronger. These murderers glorify the fact that they feel no fear and if they kill it is for a just cause. They are all the same to me they are all garbage psychopaths.  


Here are some books that can help you understand these personalities and more understand the roots causes not only the symptoms:


For Your Own Good by Alice Miller

The Origins of War in Child Abuse by Lloyd Demause & Stefan Molyneux link

Emotional Life of Nations by Lloyd Demause


I am quoting here also a text from Alice Miller from an article called The Wellsprings of Horror in the Cradle link


"Hatred is hatred and rage is rage, all over the world and at any time the same, in Serbia, Rwanda or Afghanistan. They are always the fruits of very strong emotions, reactions to injuries to their dignity endured in childhood, normal reactions of the body that were not allowed to express themselves in a safe way. Nobody comes to the world with the wish to destroy. Every newborn, independently from the culture, religion or ethnic origins needs to love, be loved, protected, and respected. This is his biological design. If he is maltreated by the cruel upbringing he will develop the very strong wish to take revenge. He will be driven to destroy others or himself but only by his history and never by inborn genes. The idea of destructive genes is a modern version of the fairy tale talking about the "devil's children" who need to be chastised to become obedient and nice."


Would you think that such childhood trauma can predispose the victim to become an adrenalin addict later in life, which he or (increasingly, unfortunately) she works to locate in terms of violence?

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Child abuse doesn't predispose but results in high adrenaline addiction in order to escape painful emotions. Jihadists or any other extremist groups cannot and will not work on self-knowledge. These psychopaths are not interested in knowing who they are and how they got to be like that all they want is power. All they want is to victimize others and fabricate enemies, make life on earth hell like the hell of their childhood, they do this driven by the unconscious. In my view religions and terrorism are the symptoms of unresolved trauma. Like fever (terrorism and wars) is symptom of an infection (childhood trauma and injury). Right now the society is focusing on the fever leaving the infection intact. In other words society is trying to blame religion for terrorism but they rarely investigate the childhood of the terrorist they want to think it's genetic or something else. For now the whole subject of childhood is tabooed we prefer saying that the islamic texts are violent but we do not say how much the majority of muslim parents are violent and unloving with their kids. I think investigating about our own childhood will unlock our capacity to understand the laws of life and how violence come into the world it is much better than reading the newspaper.

I’ll paste this text by Alice Miller called The roots of violence are not unknown link:

The Roots of Violence are NOT Unknown The misled brain and the banned emotions


The Facts:

1. The development of the human brain is use-dependent. The brain develops its structure in the first four years of life, depending on the experiences the environment offers the child. The brain of a child who has mostly loving experiences will develop differently from the brain of a child who has been treated cruelly.

2. Almost all children on our planet are beaten in the first years of their lives. They learn from the start violence, and this lesson is wired into their developing brains. No child is ever born violent. Violence is NOT genetic, it exists because beaten children use, in their adult lives, the lesson that their brains have learned. 

3. As beaten children are not allowed to defend themselves, they must suppress their anger and rage against their parents who have humiliated them, killed their inborn empathy, and insulted their dignity. They will take out this rage later, as adults, on scapegoats, mostly on their own children. Deprived of empathy, some of them will direct their anger against themselves (in eating disorders, drug addiction, depression etc.), or against other adults (in wars, terrorism, delinquency etc.)


Questions and Answers:

Q: Parents beat their children without a second thought, to make them obedient. Nobody, except a very small minority, protests against this dangerous habit. Why is the logical sequence (from being a misled victim to becoming a misleading perpetrator) totally ignored world-wide? Why have even the Popes, responsible for the moral behaviour of many millions of believers, until now never informed them that beating children is a crime?

A: Because almost ALL of us were beaten, and we had to learn very early that these cruel acts were normal, harmless, and even good for us. Nobody ever told us that they were crimes against humanity. The wrong, immoral, and absurd lesson was wired into our developing brains, and this explains the emotional blindness governing our world.

Q: Can we free ourselves from the emotional blindness we developed in childhood?

A: We can - at least to some degree - liberate ourselves from this blindness by daring to feel our repressed emotions, including our fear and forbidden rage against our parents who had often scared us to death for periods of many years, which should have been the most beautiful years of our lives. We can't retrieve those years. But thanks to facing our truth we can transform ourselves from the children who still live in us full of fear and denial into responsible, well informed adults who regained their empathy, so early stolen from them. By becoming feeling persons we can no longer deny that beating children is a criminal act that should be forbidden on the whole planet.



Caring for the emotional needs of our children means more than giving them a happy childhood. It means to enable the brains of the future adults to function in a healthy, rational way, free from perversion and madness. Being forced to learn in childhood that hitting children is a blessing for them is a most absurd, confusing lesson, one with the most dangerous consequences: This lesson as such, together with being cut off from the true emotions, creates the roots of violence.

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Child abuse doesn't predispose but results in high adrenaline addiction in order to escape painful emotions. Jihadists or any other extremist groups cannot and will not work on self-knowledge. These psychopaths are not interested in knowing who they are and how they got to be like that all they want is power. All they want is to victimize others and fabricate enemies, make life on earth hell like the hell of their childhood, they do this driven by the unconscious. In my view religions and terrorism are the symptoms of unresolved trauma. Like fever (terrorism and wars) is symptom of an infection (childhood trauma and injury). Right now the society is focusing on the fever leaving the infection intact. In other words society is trying to blame religion for terrorism but they rarely investigate the childhood of the terrorist they want to think it's genetic or something else. For now the whole subject of childhood is tabooed we prefer saying that the islamic texts are violent but we do not say how much the majority of muslim parents are violent and unloving with their kids. I think investigating about our own childhood will unlock our capacity to understand the laws of life and how violence come into the world it is much better than reading the newspaper.

I’ll paste this text by Alice Miller called The roots of violence are not unknown link:

The Roots of Violence are NOT Unknown The misled brain and the banned emotions


The Facts:

1. The development of the human brain is use-dependent. The brain develops its structure in the first four years of life, depending on the experiences the environment offers the child. The brain of a child who has mostly loving experiences will develop differently from the brain of a child who has been treated cruelly.

2. Almost all children on our planet are beaten in the first years of their lives. They learn from the start violence, and this lesson is wired into their developing brains. No child is ever born violent. Violence is NOT genetic, it exists because beaten children use, in their adult lives, the lesson that their brains have learned. 

3. As beaten children are not allowed to defend themselves, they must suppress their anger and rage against their parents who have humiliated them, killed their inborn empathy, and insulted their dignity. They will take out this rage later, as adults, on scapegoats, mostly on their own children. Deprived of empathy, some of them will direct their anger against themselves (in eating disorders, drug addiction, depression etc.), or against other adults (in wars, terrorism, delinquency etc.)


Questions and Answers:

Q: Parents beat their children without a second thought, to make them obedient. Nobody, except a very small minority, protests against this dangerous habit. Why is the logical sequence (from being a misled victim to becoming a misleading perpetrator) totally ignored world-wide? Why have even the Popes, responsible for the moral behaviour of many millions of believers, until now never informed them that beating children is a crime?

A: Because almost ALL of us were beaten, and we had to learn very early that these cruel acts were normal, harmless, and even good for us. Nobody ever told us that they were crimes against humanity. The wrong, immoral, and absurd lesson was wired into our developing brains, and this explains the emotional blindness governing our world.

Q: Can we free ourselves from the emotional blindness we developed in childhood?

A: We can - at least to some degree - liberate ourselves from this blindness by daring to feel our repressed emotions, including our fear and forbidden rage against our parents who had often scared us to death for periods of many years, which should have been the most beautiful years of our lives. We can't retrieve those years. But thanks to facing our truth we can transform ourselves from the children who still live in us full of fear and denial into responsible, well informed adults who regained their empathy, so early stolen from them. By becoming feeling persons we can no longer deny that beating children is a criminal act that should be forbidden on the whole planet.



Caring for the emotional needs of our children means more than giving them a happy childhood. It means to enable the brains of the future adults to function in a healthy, rational way, free from perversion and madness. Being forced to learn in childhood that hitting children is a blessing for them is a most absurd, confusing lesson, one with the most dangerous consequences: This lesson as such, together with being cut off from the true emotions, creates the roots of violence.



This is interesting.  Would you agree that not all religions are equal when it comes to enabling and directing adrenalin-addicted pychopaths or quasi-psychopaths and their dupes towards the most destructive ends?

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I've become enamored with Vox Day's sexual-social hierarchy hypothesis.  According to it, all Jihadists are Omegas. 




I have a great deal of respect for Roissy's analysis of the female psyche. Even the mere terms he applies, in addition to being hilarious, provide tremendous insight for the average, clueless man who finds himself bewildered by the behavior of women around him. After all, what man could possibly assign much importance to the logical conclusions of a woman's "rationalization hamster". And many of the techniques he recommends will significantly increase the average man's ability to get off on the right foot with women regardless of whether a casual encounter or marriage is the goal.

However, it must be kept in mind that Roissy's social construction of Game is intentionally limited in two ways. The overly simplistic division of men into Alphas and Betas is the natural result of his laser-like focus on scoring vs not scoring. Either you score or you don't score; scoring is Alpha and not-scoring is Beta. QED. And this singular, binary focus also leaves out the many other applications of the male social hierarchy that have nothing to do with women, much less sex. Note that this is not a criticism of Roissy's construct or his conclusions, but rather a tangential expansion of it. Whereas in Game there are only Alphas who score and Betas who don't, except for the Betas who learn the secret of becoming synthetic Alphas, I have come over time to view things in the following manner:

Alphas - the male elite, the leaders of men for whom women naturally lust. Their mere presence sets women a-tingle regardless of whether she is taken or not. Once you've seen beautiful married women ignoring tall, handsome, wealthy, and even famous men because that ugly old troll Henry Kissinger walked in the room, you simply can't deny the reality of Alphadom. Example: Captain Kirk, Big from Sex in the City. Suggestion: Do you see a scoreboard? Right, so relax already!

Betas - the lieutenants, the petty aristocracy. They're popular, they do well with women, they're pretty successful in life, and they may even be exceptionally good-looking. But they lack the Alpha's natural self-confidence and strength of character. They're not leaders and they're not the men to whom women are helplessly drawn. Most men who like to think they're Alphas because of their success are actually Betas. Most Betas won't change their game because they don't really have any need or reason to do so. This is probably the easiest social slot in which to find yourself, since the Beta enjoys many of the benefits of Alphadom without being trapped in the Alpha's endless cycle of competition. Example: Brad Pitt Suggestion: Have some compassion for the less naturally fortunate. Try to include them once in awhile.

Deltas - the great majority of men. These are Roissy's Betas. Almost all of you reading this are Deltas despite the natural desire to believe that you are a brave and bold Alpha snowflake notwithstanding. Deal with it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a Delta, it's just a simple statistical and observable reality. The sooner you accept the truth about yourself, the sooner you will be able to control your unconscious inclinations and modify your behavior in a manner that will help you achieve your goals. I've gone out of alphabetical order here because delta symbolizes change, which most Deltas are capable to some extent. Hence the synthetic alpha instruction set known as Game. Example: Probably you. Suggestion: Never forget that there are plenty of girls on the girl tree.

Gammas - the obsequious ones, the posterior puckerers, the nice guys who attempt to score through white-knighting, faux-chivalry, flattery, and omnipresence. All men except true Alphas will occasionally fall into Gamma behavior from time to time, this is the behavior and attitude that Roissy is attempting to teach men to recognize and avoid. The dividing line between a Gamma and a Delta is that the Gamma genuinely believes in the Gamma reality to the very core of his soul whereas the Delta is never truly comfortable with himself when he behaves in this manner despite being thoroughly indoctrinated in it by his culture. Example: Probably you if you've found yourself complaining about your lack of female companionship over the last two years. Suggestion: Remember that the statement "all are fallen" applies to women too. She isn't any more naturally pure or holy or ethereal than you are.

Lambdas - the gays. They have their own social hierarchy. They can fill any role from Alpha to Omega, but they tend to play the part rather than actually be it because the heterosexual social construct only encompasses the public part of their lives. Example: Neil Patrick Harris. Suggestion: Straights will be more tolerant if you keep the bathhouse behavior behind closed doors.

Sigmas - the lone wolves. Occasionally mistaken for Alphas, particularly by women and Alphas, they are not leaders and will actively resist the attempt of others to draft them. Alphas instinctively view them as challenges and either dislike or warily respect them. Some Deltas and most Omegas fancy themselves Sigmas, but the true Sigma's withdrawal from the pack is not a reaction to the way he is treated, it is pure instinct. Example: Clint Eastwood's movie persona. Suggestion: Entertain the possibility that other people are not always Hell. The banal idiocy is incidental, it's not intentional torture.

Omegas - the losers. Even the Gamma males despise them. That which doesn't kill them can make them stronger, but most never surmount the desperate need to belong caused by their social rejection. Omegas can be the most dangerous of men because the pain of their constant rejection renders the suffering of others completely meaningless in their eyes. Omegas tend to cluster in defensive groups; the dividing line between the Omega and the Sigma is twofold and can be easily recognized by a) the behavior of male Betas and Deltas and b) the behavior of women. Women tend to find outliers attractive in general, but while they respond to Sigmas almost as strongly as they do to Alphas, they correctly find Omega males creepier and much scarier than Gamma males. Example: Eric Harris Suggestion: Your rejection isn't entirely personal. Observe the difference in your own behavior and the way the Betas act. And try not to start off conversations with women by sharing "interesting facts" with them.

I'm not claiming that this hierarchy is science or incontrovertible fact, it's merely the lens through which I tend to view the current sexual-social hierarchy. I think it is a little more broadly useful from a theoretical perspective than the Game construct, even if it is less immediately applicable from a tactical point of view.

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In my view all religions are dangerous for our brains and especially for the brain of a child.


Please listen to Stefan's Podcast on how to break free from Religion 




Best of luck


The type of religiosity Stefan's guest describes is surely bad for the mind.  Abjuring reason and ostracising people, embracing ignorance, online death threats, whatever ignoramuses can think up, well, what can we say.  But as Stefan points out, Catholicism has a long history of quite involved science and logical debate.  If we are made in the image of God then that means a mental image, not a physical image, and what defines us as a species more than our reason?  Therefore Christianity and science must be compatible.

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But as Stefan points out, Catholicism has a long history of quite involved science and logical debate.  If we are made in the image of God then that means a mental image, not a physical image, and what defines us as a species more than our reason?  Therefore Christianity and science must be compatible.




These are sweeping generalizations, but: (1) Atheism usually leads to nihilism, hedonism, and government-intervention all at once.  Nihilism because there's no god, hedonism because there's no future paradise, and government-intervention because all social problems have to be solved now given there's no future paradise.  (2) Christianity leads to passivity, since God is pre-supposed to be handling everything on his own pace. 


I can accept that Christian-passivity looks like callous indifference to human suffering, but given the 100%-reliability with which expanding government powers (eventually) bankrupts every country, that callous indifference is essential to maintaining individual freedom over long periods of time. 


Islam is completely different with its call-to-violence over every non-Islamic society. 

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Would you agree that Islam is an enabler of the violent jihadi mentality, in a way that eg. Buddhism is not?


Yes, absolutely. 


Islam is a unique form of cancerous violence, in a way that Buddhism and even Christianity are not. 

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  • 6 months later...


Child abuse doesn't predispose but results in high adrenaline addiction in order to escape painful emotions. Jihadists or any other extremist groups cannot and will not work on self-knowledge. These psychopaths are not interested in knowing who they are and how they got to be like that all they want is power. All they want is to victimize others and fabricate enemies, make life on earth hell like the hell of their childhood, they do this driven by the unconscious. In my view religions and terrorism are the symptoms of unresolved trauma. Like fever (terrorism and wars) is symptom of an infection (childhood trauma and injury). Right now the society is focusing on the fever leaving the infection intact. In other words society is trying to blame religion for terrorism but they rarely investigate the childhood of the terrorist they want to think it's genetic or something else. For now the whole subject of childhood is tabooed we prefer saying that the islamic texts are violent but we do not say how much the majority of muslim parents are violent and unloving with their kids. I think investigating about our own childhood will unlock our capacity to understand the laws of life and how violence come into the world it is much better than reading the newspaper.

I’ll paste this text by Alice Miller called The roots of violence are not unknown link:

The Roots of Violence are NOT Unknown The misled brain and the banned emotions


The Facts:

1. The development of the human brain is use-dependent. The brain develops its structure in the first four years of life, depending on the experiences the environment offers the child. The brain of a child who has mostly loving experiences will develop differently from the brain of a child who has been treated cruelly.

2. Almost all children on our planet are beaten in the first years of their lives. They learn from the start violence, and this lesson is wired into their developing brains. No child is ever born violent. Violence is NOT genetic, it exists because beaten children use, in their adult lives, the lesson that their brains have learned. 

3. As beaten children are not allowed to defend themselves, they must suppress their anger and rage against their parents who have humiliated them, killed their inborn empathy, and insulted their dignity. They will take out this rage later, as adults, on scapegoats, mostly on their own children. Deprived of empathy, some of them will direct their anger against themselves (in eating disorders, drug addiction, depression etc.), or against other adults (in wars, terrorism, delinquency etc.)


Questions and Answers:

Q: Parents beat their children without a second thought, to make them obedient. Nobody, except a very small minority, protests against this dangerous habit. Why is the logical sequence (from being a misled victim to becoming a misleading perpetrator) totally ignored world-wide? Why have even the Popes, responsible for the moral behaviour of many millions of believers, until now never informed them that beating children is a crime?

A: Because almost ALL of us were beaten, and we had to learn very early that these cruel acts were normal, harmless, and even good for us. Nobody ever told us that they were crimes against humanity. The wrong, immoral, and absurd lesson was wired into our developing brains, and this explains the emotional blindness governing our world.

Q: Can we free ourselves from the emotional blindness we developed in childhood?

A: We can - at least to some degree - liberate ourselves from this blindness by daring to feel our repressed emotions, including our fear and forbidden rage against our parents who had often scared us to death for periods of many years, which should have been the most beautiful years of our lives. We can't retrieve those years. But thanks to facing our truth we can transform ourselves from the children who still live in us full of fear and denial into responsible, well informed adults who regained their empathy, so early stolen from them. By becoming feeling persons we can no longer deny that beating children is a criminal act that should be forbidden on the whole planet.



Caring for the emotional needs of our children means more than giving them a happy childhood. It means to enable the brains of the future adults to function in a healthy, rational way, free from perversion and madness. Being forced to learn in childhood that hitting children is a blessing for them is a most absurd, confusing lesson, one with the most dangerous consequences: This lesson as such, together with being cut off from the true emotions, creates the roots of violence.




The personality is the same as any person who takes a gun and shoot innocent people. A guy who shoots students in a college is no better than a jihadist or a nazi soldier they all are driven by hatred and rage. All of these murderers have in common a horrible childhood since their birth, their parents tortured them and killed their capacity for empathy and they told them that this is done for their own good. Islam or any ideology/religion is only a symptom of a much greater psychological problem. These murderers all of them deny their horrible past and label it "normal childhood” they say that the beatings never hurt them and it was to make them stronger. These murderers glorify the fact that they feel no fear and if they kill it is for a just cause. They are all the same to me they are all garbage psychopaths.  


Here are some books that can help you understand these personalities and more understand the roots causes not only the symptoms:


For Your Own Good by Alice Miller

The Origins of War in Child Abuse by Lloyd Demause & Stefan Molyneux link

Emotional Life of Nations by Lloyd Demause


I am quoting here also a text from Alice Miller from an article called The Wellsprings of Horror in the Cradle link


"Hatred is hatred and rage is rage, all over the world and at any time the same, in Serbia, Rwanda or Afghanistan. They are always the fruits of very strong emotions, reactions to injuries to their dignity endured in childhood, normal reactions of the body that were not allowed to express themselves in a safe way. Nobody comes to the world with the wish to destroy. Every newborn, independently from the culture, religion or ethnic origins needs to love, be loved, protected, and respected. This is his biological design. If he is maltreated by the cruel upbringing he will develop the very strong wish to take revenge. He will be driven to destroy others or himself but only by his history and never by inborn genes. The idea of destructive genes is a modern version of the fairy tale talking about the "devil's children" who need to be chastised to become obedient and nice."

Wow dude...


You know I signed into my account just to tell you how amazing and insightful these two comments are?


Very well said, I don't even know what to add to it.


Sadly, there are a lot of people out there with pent up humiliations and injuries, and like a ticking time bomb all this pressure does is either hurt the person carrying this pent up hatred (self harm, self loathing, depression, anxiety etc.) or hurt others (crime, terrorism, bullying, abuse etc.)


It's a terrible state of affairs humans are in, just scares me every time I think about it...

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