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Just a quick question:


I often hear Stef talking about "the collapse". Try as I might, I haven't figured out what he means. I've watched countless of his videos and listened to a number of broadcasts, but I'm still a little lost. Is he referring to a governmental collapse? economic? social?


Thanks in advance!

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My understanding is he talking about an economic collapse primarily, but I am not sure you can have one collapse in these areas without the others being sucked in with it.


The reason why he would talk about an economic collapse is because it is mathematically certain to happen at this point in time, so prepare yourself.

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My understanding is he talking about an economic collapse primarily, but I am not sure you can have one collapse in these areas without the others being sucked in with it.


The reason why he would talk about an economic collapse is because it is mathematically certain to happen at this point in time, so prepare yourself.

That makes perfect sense.

Thank you, that cleared up a lot.

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My understanding is he talking about an economic collapse primarily, but I am not sure you can have one collapse in these areas without the others being sucked in with it.


The reason why he would talk about an economic collapse is because it is mathematically certain to happen at this point in time, so prepare yourself.


I'd agree with this, I'd also add that economic collapse can bring about government and social collapses as well, if we can't find a good way to recover immediately then it could have knock of effects, it makes sense to refer to this more broad problem as simply "a collapse" because it's going to bring down everything, at least temporarily.

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"the collapse" is largely a culmination of a string of failures in several established institutions reaching the end of their capabilities. I would argue it has already begun, only because of the current monetary system, third world countries that no one cares about or pays attention to are mainly the people who are seeing it.




The link provided describes a large aspect of the collapse of society as we discover the end of providable resources and begin to fight over the scraps. The problem will magnify once everyone who is holding paper or other money supplies discovers that their money supply can no longer buy them anything. 

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"The collapse" is really a systemic failure where economic, social, political, and technological (think "the grid" or "the water supply" as examples) arrangements all spasm and, well, collapse due to some unsustainable shock. The source is irrelevant, it could be an attack, an earthquake, a failed bank that was indeed "too big to fail".


These spasms are often cyclical is all such systems, but everyone fears a domino effect where all of them fail simultaneously.


People often refer to this event as "the collapse" or "SHTF".

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It's an economic collapse precipitated by a dollar crisis. It's difficult to make precise predictions, but I think it will feel like a train wreck in slow motion. Rapid price increases will be the initial indication that something is imminent, followed by service distruptions.


There are too few people being productive to support the overwhelming number of people on the receiving end of government largesse.

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