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2 top medical journals claim medical research half false


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this link, the quotes near the beginning by Horton (Lancet editor in chief) and Ioannidis:


Flawed Medical Research May Be Ruining Your Health & Your Life (Important!) | Collective-Evolution




and this link, larger Horton quote near beginning, and nearby, quote by Angell (New England Journal of Medicine editor in chief):


Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False | Collective-Evolution

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In Argentina, where I'm from, an old slang term for doctor is "matasanos" which means "one who kills the healthy".


Does your body have a deficiency of drugs, X-rays, vaccines, and other medical treatments?


The human body is far too complex for some wannabe engineer to monkey around with it and try to fix things that are wrong. We can fix machines that break down because we know how they're built, and we can build them. We can't build a human body. We can't even manufacture a single human cell.


I learned from an early age and from first-hand experience, that if I wanted to stay healthy, I had to keep as far away from doctors as I could. The only reason I would see a doctor is if I had a foreign item, such as a bullet, that needed to be removed. Or perhaps if I had a broken bone that needed to be set. But that's about it.


There is now more medical treatment and intervention than ever before, and there is more disease than ever before. You decide which caused which.

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In Argentina, where I'm from, an old slang term for doctor is "matasanos" which means "one who kills the healthy"...

Wow, thanks for that feedback.

"Bad Pharma" by Ben Goldacre goes in exhaustive detail about this whole phenomenon, a really great read. Unfortunately he offers no real solutions other than the evident "we need more regulation" mantra.

I also discovered his videos and they are very good.

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