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problems accepting modern form of female sexuality


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Hi, my name is Alex, I'm 23. I was born in Russia, on a little farm in Siberia, with 4 Years my parents draged me to germany, where I'm staying to this day. My cultural backround is fucking weird and hectic and Germany is also a strange and sometimes disturbing country to grow up in, especialy with a russian mentality.


I have emotional issues and intellectual shortcomings that I work on constantly. For my Age I am more reflected and wise then most people at least double my biological Age. I have big problems connecting to people on a real and mature level. Most People lie, fake and do everything to run away from themselves, even my parents do that. When you try to reduce illusion and enhance Truth in a relationship, people react like if you are trying to destroy their existence ( wich is true, because most peoples lifes are build on lies ). When you start to speak truth or dig into something deeper, they feel frightended, annyoed or totally irritated, so all relationships stay shallow, fake and vulgar for the most part... to put it simply: it's just a fucking waste of time and energy!


I'm honest and direct, also when interact with girls. I'm no superman, I am also made of flesh, but I'm no stupid egg-hunting idiot, who is controlled by his biology. I made my experiences with female beauty and how irritating and destructive it can be for a Mans mind. I completly abondend my admiraton for female beauty and I made it a golden rule, never to glorify a girl that I haven't even spoken too... It acctually is quite shoking how shollow and neurotic most pretty girls are, but that is a different topic! Never fall into the Looks trap, that's all I want to say...


I'm a 6,3 feet, blonde, I was a boxer for many years, so I'm pretty athletic. I eat healthy, work out and use everyday to gain knowledge and heal my emotinal scars and intellectual lacks. 


long speech, sry for that... now my actual point: Guys like me are very rare. I'm sorry if it sounds like vanity to you guys, but I just know what I have to offer in human capital and inner beauty for a relationship. Like I said... I'm just human and I really try hard to improve, but it's very hard when you are on your own all the time. I don't want to use myself up on neurotic, simple mined girls, wich want to play around and add me to their list of intriguing ''sexual experiences''. Nowadays It seems that people take relationships not serious at all, it's just a stupid ball game, when you are bored you throw the ball away and find a different game... But this is also a different topic!


I allways talk honest and direct. When I find a girl interesting, it mostly doesn't last for long... When girls really open up, you see how broken, neurotic and used up they are. I have no problems to be friends with a girl that fucked around like a Rockstar in her teen years. But for a relationship ?... not for me! I don't judge females moraly, it's an asthetic thing with me... to put it simply: why shoul I choose a used up and sick horse to ride along with me ?


I really feel disgusted when a girl tells me about her sex relationships with other man. I don't talk about the sex in a long term, stable relationship, I talk about childisch, illusory relationships wich are created threw and for biological needs, hidden and romantizised by female fantasy and there capability to hijack their intellekt with cheap kitsch and sentimentality.


I am 23 and like I said, I know that I have to offer. I'm in my sexual prime and It's a fulltime job to control yourself and stick to yours principles and desires about love and relationship. It's really hard for a young man, if you try not to fuck around like a mindless, biology driven hormone slave, becuase you only want to act if you find a beautiful combination of soul, mind and body in a female. It seems like the hole world became a cheap hedonistic fuck fest. I am really disgusted with the way modern females  (also man, but I don't care about those jerks, because I dont have to date them^^) live out their sexuality. I'm not a puritan, but c'mon girls, this shit is getting out of hand... sexual, emotional overusedness, no selfreflexion, no ideals, no own thougts... This is ridicilous! I traveled around the world and I am shoked that this shit is a world wide phenomenon!


So yeah... I have a strong disgust when I hear a girl talk about her sexual lifestyle. Is my aggression legit to some point or am I just a stupid, naive romantic with a emotional world like a 12 year old girl^^ that has to come to terms with the sexual reality of modern man and females?

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Hey, first post! welcome to the boards!


Unfortunately living a life outside the illusions is going to be a lonely life wether you are looking for a wife, girlfriend, or just a friend. I'm not sure what advice to give you, but I will tell you I underdstand how you feel and I'm sorry that you have experienced all that grief with trying to find other like minded people.

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Thanks for the post! Interesting!


No, you dont have to come to terms with anything. I did not come to terms with most idiotic things in society for most of my life and that has paid off immensely in the end. I advice you to not give up and continue on your own course. You are not a slave to the world. Complaining about other people's behaviour is not productive either.


And 12 year old boys can be emotional too. :)

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Most women who value their sexuality are highly religious. Keep that in mind.


It's tricky, because religious women are also more likely to lie if they don't value it, but want others to believe that they do.


And of course, there's the whole religion thing to get over, which is no easy task.


And most religious women will only date a religious man. Generally of the same religious inclination, too.

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I am 23 and like I said, I know that I have to offer. I'm in my sexual prime and It's a fulltime job to control yourself and stick to yours principles and desires about love and relationship. It's really hard for a young man, if you try not to fuck around like a mindless, biology driven hormone slave, becuase you only want to act if you find a beautiful combination of soul, mind and body in a female.

Tell me about it!


I'm 18, and i recognize these thoughts and feelings. Your disgust seems totally legit to me (I wonder to what extent the agressions goes though?), and you seem perfectly aware of the fact that you're making the better choice not being involved with these kind of women. I myself am not sure if I will find a wonderful, reasonable, virtuous women anytime in the near future, but no way am i going to settle for less. As long as you're going the right path and you are not surrounding yourself with boring and delusional women and men, the fake people will get out of your way and the glorious people will find themselves attracted to you (and the other way around!).


I hope this helps in any way :)

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