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Netflix's Daredevil - Justice is Blind

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Has anybody watched this show yet? I don't normally watch any superhero shows, but this is very dark, gritty, and realistic in terms of moral ambiguity. They delve into the childhoods of Matt Murdock AND Wilson Fisk to give you an understanding of where they're coming from. I gotta say...both of their histories are astonishing. They've even done a good job making you empathize with Wilson Fisk. The way they wrote him made him the most human and relatable villain, and sometimes you actually find yourself rooting for him. Well at least I did, but it was more out of sympathy because it plays on the whole "bad guys are just sad guys" dichotomy in fiction.


The actor btw, he does have sight, but for the show he's actually blind folded during these action scenes. He had to do some rigurous training with an actual blind person to learn how to navigate his surroundings without sight. So that's an impressive feat.


This isn't just about a guy going around at night in a costume beating up bad guys. It's an immersive character study. Every character and plotline is just as important as the Daredevil's himself. I highly reccommend this to anyone who has Netflix and is looking for anything fresh, new, and original to watch.

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I have yet to watch it. I'm actually a really big comics guy ever since I was a kid and I've heard great things about this series.


I just dont have netflix, but I loved your mini review of it. I will find someone to bum a netflix account off of eventually. Haha

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I have yet to watch it. I'm actually a really big comics guy ever since I was a kid and I've heard great things about this series.


I just dont have netflix, but I loved your mini review of it. I will find someone to bum a netflix account off of eventually. Haha


Eh you can always torrent it, stream it, or pay a measily $7 a month for Netflix. 



I'm completely on board with a blind guy being able to fight ninjas but a blind guy being able to use a smartphone... c'mon.




I found the show to be very entertaining.

cool, tell me more if you can. I mean that speech he gave during the court hearing, sealed my philosophical interest in it. Damn!

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I managed to get access to Netflix and started watching this show. I'm in episode 8ish

As a big comics fan since I was a kid, I am so impressed so far. Particularly how they are delving into the childhood of Matt and kingpin.

Matt reminds me a lot of simon the boxer from stefs rtr book.

I'm also impressed they went into matts relationship with Stick and some if his brutality.

I'm also impressed with how the use of force is portrayed in thus show. It doesn't show force as something that fixes the problem but just makes it more complicated and messy


I might try to make a full review of it after u finish, but I'm impressed so far!

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I managed to get access to Netflix and started watching this show. I'm in episode 8ish

As a big comics fan since I was a kid, I am so impressed so far. Particularly how they are delving into the childhood of Matt and kingpin.

Matt reminds me a lot of simon the boxer from stefs rtr book.

I'm also impressed they went into matts relationship with Stick and some if his brutality.

I'm also impressed with how the use of force is portrayed in thus show. It doesn't show force as something that fixes the problem but just makes it more complicated and messy


I might try to make a full review of it after u finish, but I'm impressed so far!


Sweet I look forward to it! Glad you're liking it. Btw Wilson Fisk eh? God damn!

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I'm a few episodes away from finishing, I really think it is a well done show. I also like the portrayals of the hero and villain (I cried a few times for Fisk), and that ideals mean nothing if you use violence to attain them. Same with the parallels between the hero and villain...in a lot of superhero movies I almost find it forced, but here I think it was pretty natural.

Also, the hallway scene was amazing.

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Yes I found the whole exploration into Fisk's psychology especially fascinating.  The first time we see him is in the art gallery, buying the modern art painting from Vanessa (Yowza!!!) which we come to learn is meaningful, because it reminds him of the Stucco wall he was sat in front of, when he snapped and first became a killer, striking his father with a hammer.  This was when the scared, passive little fat boy became a violent .  He connects with Vanessa over this painting, then takes a huge risk with her when he invites her to a private dinner in the restaurant, to witness the bombings he had planned (in my opinion the best sequence of the season, the low-point in Daredevil's crusade), which he implicitly admits to.  Very interestingly, she is into it!  The way she is portrayed, as an attractive woman, drawn to wealth and power, is quite striking.  Then later, in a rare show of vulnerability, he confesses his childhood murder of his father to her, and his commitment to not be a "monster" like his father.  He believes that he uses violence not against the weak, like his mother, his city, but against other violent men, like his father.  Interestingly he is a lot like Daredevil in this regard.

Another thought I had is that the two of them are kind of like the two political wings, Daredevil the Left and Fisk the Right.  Fisk is corrupt but principled, somewhat predictable, and willing to get his hands dirty to keep order.  Daredevil is reactive, chasing who he imagines to be the "bad guy" at the moment, in a crusade of never-ending, ever-escalating violence, with no self-reflection on the unintended consequences.  Also interesting how he maintains a front of "by the books", "use the system against the system", an image of virtue and honor, all-the-while maintaining a secret violent agenda which he keeps from even those closest to him, those involved in his legal crusade.

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