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Elon Musk Designed Own School for his 5 Kids

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Elon Musk was dissatisfied with regular school and started one, called Ad Astra (Which probably means "To the Stars") to educate his 5 children and also 9 children of SpaceX employees.


"The CEO wanted his school to teach according to students' individual aptitudes, so he did away with the grade structure entirely."


Musk was asked in a Chinese TV Interview about his fatherhood and opened about his new school, in existence since only one year.


The Interview covers all kinds of topics, they talk about the school beginning at 24m 42s.









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Thank you for mentioning Elon Musk I wanted to say something about this guy. I do like him. Not long ago he donated 10 millions dollars to researches to keep artificial intelligence safe for humans not many people do that. I watched the video the part about fatherhood and I was disappointed. In my view fatherhood is not only about assisting in schools but also love and presence he did not mention that. I hope Stefan interviews him one day. 


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@Lens: Yes an Interview by Stefan with Musk would be great.

Regarding love and presence, I agree with you that this is even more important for children than education individually tailored to aptitudes, interests and way of learning.


Not to defend Elon Musk for not mentioning love and presence, I just wanted to post some background on Musk's own time in school:


“I hated going to school when I was a kid," Musk told his interviewer. "It was torture."


The Washington Post collected an insightful and sad quote:

“They got my best [expletive] friend to lure me out of hiding so they could beat me up. And that [expletive] hurt.  For some reason they decided that I was it, and they were going to go after me nonstop. That’s what made growing up difficult. For a number of years there was no respite. You get chased around by gangs at school who tried to beat the [expletive] out of me, and then I’d come home, and it would just be awful there as well.” — Elon Musk, who said he was hospitalized after one beating and couldn’t return to school for a week. He was living with his father, who was said to delight in being hard on his sons.

(source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2015/05/11/the-22-most-memorable-quotes-from-the-new-elon-musk-book-ranked/)


The last quote obviously minimizes violence through a parent with the words "delight in being hard on his sons"... 

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@Lens: Yes an Interview by Stefan with Musk would be great.

Regarding love and presence, I agree with you that this is even more important for children than education individually tailored to aptitudes, interests and way of learning.


Not to defend Elon Musk for not mentioning love and presence, I just wanted to post some background on Musk's own time in school:


“I hated going to school when I was a kid," Musk told his interviewer. "It was torture."


The Washington Post collected an insightful and sad quote:

“They got my best [expletive] friend to lure me out of hiding so they could beat me up. And that [expletive] hurt.  For some reason they decided that I was it, and they were going to go after me nonstop. That’s what made growing up difficult. For a number of years there was no respite. You get chased around by gangs at school who tried to beat the [expletive] out of me, and then I’d come home, and it would just be awful there as well.” — Elon Musk, who said he was hospitalized after one beating and couldn’t return to school for a week. He was living with his father, who was said to delight in being hard on his sons.

(source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2015/05/11/the-22-most-memorable-quotes-from-the-new-elon-musk-book-ranked/)


The last quote obviously minimizes violence through a parent with the words "delight in being hard on his sons"... 


The quote you quoted is very insightful and I was really sad to hear he was abused at school and at home this was awful it makes sense why he hated school so much and why he wanted his kids to have another type of school I hope he is not isolating them from the outside world to "protect" them from bullies, parents who did not work on their past will pass their unresolved trauma to their children even if they mean well they still do it unconsciously. By the way I agree with you on the minimization I think the pain of not being loved by his father is strong maybe his success is a form of vengeance on those (father and others) who did not see a great and creative mind in him as a child.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mja, school can be pretty dull sometimes,  but depends on schools and teachers,.., I think the whole schooling thing hasnt changed much for the past 130 years orso...


Many people do great without institutional schooling, the polymath Oliver Heaveside was selfschooled (he hated school and dropped out of uni) and Lord Kelvin was home-schooled, (((in much the same way as Elon is schooling his kids.. copy cat maybe)))  Ah and of course the wright brothers were self-thought  engineers. Werner von Braun was a mediocre student until he got the passion for rockets.

Just to name a few of the top of my hat

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