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Feminism Is A War Against Both Pretty Women and Happiness.

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From the AnonymousConservative.com/blog




Vox highlights a comment on Alpha Game on how men are winning the battle against feminism with indifference.


I disagree. Men turning their backs on women is not a loss for the feminists – it is a win. A loss for the feminists would be a world filled with Sarah Palins – with pretty, cheerful women happily raising five loving kids, and growing old together with a loyal man in marital happiness. If that happened, the bitter feminist hags would look on, overcome with the narcissist’s rage, jealousy, and spite at the effortless success of their feminine betters.


This site focuses on narcissists, because the narcissist is the single best example of the greater battle which rages within mankind. I went through life oblivious to the battle, but once I saw it within the narcissist paradigm, I began to see it everywhere. It is Normal vs. Narcissist, it is Conservative vs. Liberal, and it is also Good vs Evil. However it is, at its most fundamental, the unhappy people who have to intrude into the lives of others vs the happy people who just want to be left alone to be happy.


Any feminist who minded her own business would be quite harmless in the bigger picture – she could easily be ignored when she decided she wanted a career before love, or that her immediate happiness was more important than any potential child’s. Thus to be a real feminist, and create all this harm we see, a feminist must also find a way to ruin the lives of the pretty, potentially marry-able women. In truth, that is feminism’s true goal – to render every woman as much of an enraged bitter spinster as the average feminist is destined to become.


At this battle’s core is the narcissist – a miserable wretch, made powerless to improve their own lot by a constant overwhelming envy of others, and left livid at what they see as the unfairness of other’s bliss in the face of their misery. However their real overwhelming motivation is a desire to remove the happiness of others which so irritates them. This is the narcissist, just as it is the liberal, just as it is the SJW, just as it is the feminist. The “cause” ostensibly pursued by each is merely the excuse they use to justify their intrusion upon, and their attacks on, the happy.


When viewed through this paradigm, feminism is not a war on men, it is a war on women – specifically it is a war on the pretty, sweet, happy women, waged by unhappy, ugly, bitter women. As with liberalism, it is cowardly rabbits trying to stir dissension and conflict between people who, left to their own devices, would otherwise be happy and successful, and make the rabbit envious.

Feminism, like all destructive lies, is collapsing under it’s own weight. Combined with the K-selected economic reality that approaches, it will once again come to be viewed as the bitter ravings of worthless women who only a fool would marry. But the measure of its ultimate defeat will not be the measure of men’s indifference to the feminists. It will be the degree to which the good women of society reject the entreaties of the feminists to throw away their chance at love and marriage while they are young and able to have children.


When beautiful women ignore feminist lore, and strive to find happiness in loyal marriage and the love of family while they are young and able, feminism will have been truly and completely defeated. When feminists look out to see the nice pretty girls gleefully enjoying the fruits of love, marriage, and family that are denied to the feminist hags, then the feminists will suffer the enraging defeat they most fear experiencing.

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This lady rocks. 





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 That is a really good article. I think it describes accurately what feminism is all about. I think it's great that women have certain freedoms

that didn't exist before but when the government agenda gets involved it ends up creating the opposite. 

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 That is a really good article. I think it describes accurately what feminism is all about. I think it's great that women have certain freedoms

that didn't exist before but when the government agenda gets involved it ends up creating the opposite. 



I agree with your perspective, but don't think it's "the government agenda" that's creating the opposite.  It's the subconscious question asked when both men and women look at pretty, happy young women, "Can't she be intelligent, too?"  (Or the FDR version, "Can't she be virtuous and philosophically rigorous, too?")


This issue is rather personal for me, because my father is what I call a 30th percentile man: someone whose overall value-to-women (and the world) is generously higher than that of only 30% of men.  He repeatedly tells me that my mother was very sweet and kind when he married her but he "doesn't know what happened over the years."  (Hint: He's what happened over the years.) 


But I also remember a Pick-Up artist advising a young man who was angry that a dumb, pretty woman chose a strong, moderately smart, older man over him: "Did you ever stop to consider that she wants to combine his strength and life experience with her happiness and looks to create the perfect child?" 


So my answer to, "Can't she be intelligent, too?" is "Why should she be; can't she just be who she is, and you be happy with that?"


Whereas my answer to, "Can't she be virtuous and philosophically rigorous, too?" is "Not without your constant, steady influence.  Virtuous and philosophical women don't develop in the absence of long-term relationships with virtuous and consistent men.  So if your strategy is to avoid women until you find a virtuous one, you've abandoned all the virtuous women to the unscrupulous men - and all because you didn't want to risk breaking your own heart by attracting what you wrongfully thought was a virtuous woman." 

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Feminism is a war on women, it's a race to the bottom for women with regards to their happiness, just take a look at a lot of modern feminists and you can see they're deeply troubled, unhappy and bitter people.


These people use the ideology of gender equality to insist that women behave like men and adopt male traits, instead of being empowered by their own femininity. All it has lead to is a large number of women becoming very unhappy, they get jobs they really don't want, they abandon traditionally feminine things such as the joy of looking after children and being part of a family unit.

Every time we measure female happiness over the last 30+ years we find that women's is in decline and continues to decline, where as men's is not only much higher but it's also increasing. I'd hazard a guess that while feminists have fought for greater freedoms and greater equality for women, they've also created some level of societal expectation and women feel pressured into these new roles rather than seeing them as optional, so in some sense women are less free and the pressure is on them to do things they simply don't bring them as much happiness.

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Yes, much has been said about how feminism negatively effects men, which it does of course and perhaps in more deleterious ways even. But I think it's definately useful to point out the negative effects it has on women.


It's also perhaps the best way to start deconstructing this ideology to its eventual detriment and downfall. Given how as a species we are more inclined to protect women than men.

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