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The tale of the Unicorn


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I've written this short story, it might seem like it does not belong to the Philosophy board, but once you understand the metaphors you will see why it should be here:


Narrator: Once upon a time there was a sad unicorn hunter, the reason she's sad is because at this very date, exactly 10 years ago, she first set off in her journey to find the unicorn, but even though she had become very good at searching for the creature, she's still terribly bad at finding it.


But today is different, today she decided she would try something new. In the big city there's this strange new idea called marketing, and the way it works is that instead of trying to find people, marketing allows you to be easily found. So she is spreading out billboards throughout the swamp region, in the hope they will work as good for unicorns as they do for people:


After a few days of work her message can now be read from afar, and she will camp at the top of the hill for as long as it takes for any news of the Unicorn to reach her.


She then waited and waited, many days have come and gone until an idea hits her as painfully as a brick wall: What if the Unicorn can't read my message? Why was she expecting an unicorn to be able to read in English anyway? This marketing thing might have been a terrible idea after all.


But as soon as she starts dismounting her camping gear, a stranger appears from behind the tent and quietly asks:

- Are you the one trying to find unicorns?


The hunter quickly jumps up and happily replies: - Yes! Do you know how to find them?

- No, I don’t... Says the man, and after noticing the disappointment in the face of the hunter, he continues. - It's of no use Lady. The swamp is a terrible place to search for Unicorns you know, I’ve already spent my life searching to no avail.


- You mean... That you’re also an Unicorn hunter? She asks while a single tear runs down her cheek.


- Yes, I am. Replies the man.


- Everybody knows there’s no such a thing as an unicorn, why would you spend your life doing something that silly? Asks the hunter.


- Well... Because I am an unicorn - the man now removes his hunter’s hat, revealing a shiny beautiful horn coming out the top of his head.


- An unicorn’s life is quite lonely, says the man, I’m not hunting for unicorns, I’m looking for someone for whom to share true friendship. Someone that being an unicorn, can see the world in the way that only an unicorn can see.


The hunter then replies.
- Today is you lucky day, for I’m also an unicorn, and the reward I offer is the reward of true friendship.


Narrator: From that point on the unicorns knew that they would never feel lonely again, but more importantly, they now understood how to find other Unicorns.

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