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I Am an Anarchist


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Hello Freedomain'ers! :)


I recently finished a short video on my YT channel called "I am an Anarchist' and thought i would share it here. Opinions, criticisms and discussion are welcome!




"I am an Anarchist. I am moral. I am peaceful. I worship virtue and morality. I am an Anarchist."

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Are you the Anti-Christ as well?


The video is well edited. The narration sounds a bit robot-like, but perhaps it was intentional.


I know the video is a minute long, so it must skip over some finer points, but flags or geographical areas are not two of the most concerning problems for anarchists. In a free society, there will still be flags, dirt, and people who are passionate about their homes and communities. Rather, anarchists oppose the force of government stripping away the sovereign rights of individuals. Patriotism and nationalism are the manifestations of people erroneously believing, due to brainwashing in the formative years, that coercive force is virtuous.


If you find someone who is a patriot or nationalistic about America, you can easily demonstrate how dangerous this mode of thinking is by bringing up Germany, or Japan at the height of their imperial power. Guess which country is at the height of its imperial power now?


I once told a woman, who was of German descent and likely a few generations removed from immigrants, that we were currently living in a country not entirely unlike Nazi Germany. The reaction on her face was one of intense discomfort. It was an unempathetic choice of words on my part, considering her heritage, but I could see her mind briefly connect with the truth of the statement, and immediately shy away from it. She didn't bother to make a counter-argument, and wanted to drop the topic.


If I watch a sporting event or see a parade on a national holiday, I simply imagine the revelers goose-stepping and throwing their arms up in salute, and it all makes perfect sense.

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OK, first impression (5 seconds) black on red - this is an "anarcho"-communist. Secondly, why do you capitalize "Anarchist"? I mean, don't get me wrong, I make that mistake all the time, it's a habit I picked up from.. being German. Thirdly, you need a pop filter or at least don't speak directly into the mic.


About the content:

1. What does that mean, you "oppose" nationalism? How are you doing that? Isn't nationalism a "feeling", not something people do? What should, in your opinion, be done with people who feel nationalist? By "not worshipping dirt and flags" you're stating that you're not a nationalist yourself, but that's not synonymous to "opposing" it.


2. "I am moral". People can't be moral. Only actions are either moral or immoral (or amoral). So, you're saying, your actions adhere to moral rules, is that it? What are these rules?


3. You "worship" virtue and morality. Well, everybody thinks they do. Especially nationalists.


4. What is the deeper meaning behind the constant affirmation "I am an Anarchist"? You have a 1 minute video and repeat it, how often, 6 times?


5. Last image: again, the red, isn't red the color of communism? Why is "non-aggression" in red, when, clearly, communists do not believe in the NAP?


I hope you don't take these questions as personal criticism, I just like picking things apart one by one in hopes that you might be able to create something better, clearer, more compelling, something that I and people like me feel like sharing and spreading.

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  • 4 months later...

Hello Freedomain'ers! :)


I recently finished a short video on my YT channel called "I am an Anarchist' and thought i would share it here. Opinions, criticisms and discussion are welcome!




"I am an Anarchist. I am moral. I am peaceful. I worship virtue and morality. I am an Anarchist."


Hello iOWNme,

I am happy that you are willing to put the time and effort into making anarchist videos. But I think this particular video is a misstep. May I ask who was this video intended for, whether statists or other anarchists?


The problem I see with it is that (even if it was intended for anarchists) if a statist, or even worse a patriot/nationalist watches it, he doesn't bring anything positive out of it. As stated above, everyone claims to be worshiping virtue and morality. Basically you're saying two things: that you're peaceful, followed by telling him that you burn his beloved flag and spit on "the great America". I mean, how could a statist see you as peaceful, when you're attacking his core believes and his statist deity himself? This video will produce quite an emotional reaction with most of them, and those emotions are not gonna be positive. I believe this video widens the gap instead of connecting with the statist viewers - and what's worse, you make it on behalf of anarchism. We just can't win the fight by attacking the opposing camp.

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