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MSN speaks: "skinny" and "slim" now badspeak. What's next?

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Lauren Conrad Bans The Words 'Skinny' And 'Slim' From Her Website: Preach, Sister


Well, what's next?  Political correctness isn't a move to stop offending people, it's a move to stop noticing differences.  If the PC police can edit out "man" and "woman" they will.  You know they will.  Gender-bending anti-offensive whatever is part of the Blob that is eating Western Civilisation, and plenty of University-trained "thought leaders" are cheering it on.  Men/women, heterosexual/homosexual, up/down, these things are only held in place so long as they are useful, and the moment they are not they, like the Vagina Monologues, will be crossed out and relegated to the unseen dustbin of history.


The goal is to create people incapable of noticing anything except whatever fishing lures are put next to their mouths.  We will then be absorbed into and digested by the Blob in a Year Zero future.

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What about the words athletic, muscular, and fit? Is lanky acceptable? How about toned? Can someone be labelled a waif? What about the ectomorphs? Will they ever think of the people with eating disorders?


I'm curious... doesn't the phrase Year Zero connote the second coming of Jesus Christ - like Book of Revelations type happenings, or am I mistaken?

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Unless I'm missing something, it seems like there's a disconnect between the messages that are trying to be put across...the first, that you shouldn't be ashamed of your body, and the second, that certain words shouldn't be used because it makes people ashamed of their bodies. You can have one, but not both...if words like "skinny" really make you ashamed of yourself, you don't really have that much confidence in your body, do you?

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Left-liberalism is the philosophy of responsibility avoidance.


Purging words in this manner is an attempt to erase any indication or reminder of failure. In psychology, it's known as leveling.


One of the more subtle but nonetheless highly effective responsibility-avoidance and manipulation tactics is “leveling.” Leveling refers to the disturbed character’s attempt to put himself on equal standing with others of different character. It generally takes two forms: setting oneself up as a person of equal stature to a person in authority; and trying to equate one’s own character, personal value, integrity, etc. with someone else’s, especially one of more mature or superior character.

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