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Louder Than Words: Modern Feminism's Actual Achievements (New Article)

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Throughout the entirety of our species’ relatively short history on this hostile planet, the death of a man’s heart, both figuratively and literally, was necessary in order to ensure humanity’s survival and thus, the propagation of the genes our bodies carried. For if man was to successfully hunt beasts or fight wars, then he had to do so at the expense of other men and so couldn’t afford having the kind of win-win mindset and sensitivity to the feelings of others that arises out of a high degree of empathy.

Yet, despite this ongoing conditioning for the necessary brutality that allowed us to adapt to the many dangers of tribal life, miraculously there still remained some love in the heart of man; and with it he strove to lift our species above the savage status quo of mere survival by pursing great truths that would enable us to thrive into the opulent comforts of the twenty first century, even if it cost him his life.

Given all of the benefits that we have inherited from man’s ingenuity and courage, from computers to medicine, the west’s current attitudes regarding the value of men as well as the misinformation regarding male privilege that is mouthed by modern day feminists is agonizing beyond articulation. To borrow a truly staggering example that has been mentioned in a youtube presentation (which I’ll link below) from philosopher Stefan Molyneux entitled “The Truth About Male Privilege”


Despite often repeated allegations that the vast majority of domestic violence is perpetrated by men against women, it simply isn’t true. Dr. Martin S. Fiebert has compiled a collection of 286 scholarly investigations, 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partnersEven the biased not just in name only ‘Office of Violence Against Women’ quotes which say 34% of domestic violence is against men. If you were wondering, there is no ‘Office of Violence Against Men’. 


Given those facts, the question then becomes, Can men get help? Stefan reads more statistics to address this question:


“Denise Hines, PH.D is a research assistant psychology professor at Clark University and a research associate at the Family Research Laboratory and Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Hines detailed her findings on what happens when abused men call domestic violence hotlines or shelters seeking help. About a third of all domestic violence injuries are suffered by men. Of the abused men who called domestic violence hotlines, 64% were told that they “only helped women.”In 32% of the cases, the abused men were referred to batterers’ programs.

Another 25% were given a phone number to call that turned out to be a batterers’ program. A little over a quarter of them were given a reference to a local program that helped. Overall, only 8% of the men who called hotlines classified them as ‘very helpful,’ whereas 69% found them to be ‘not at all helpful.’ Sixteen percent said the people at the hotline ‘dismissed or made fun of them’ ”


Let us move now to an even more shocking finding regarding the uneasy topic of rape. Feminists would argue that we live in a “Rape Culture”, that is, a society where rape is pervasive and normalized, downplayed, or ignored; with men being the main perpetrators(mattress girl anyone?). These facts are from another great presentation from Stefan Molyneux entitled “Rapegate: The Truth About Rape”, which is a more concise version of another presentation of his entitled “The Truth About Rape Culture”. Again, to directly borrow Stefan’s words,

“Do you know that in the modern world there still exists a country that did not even track or classify rape as a crime until a few short years ago. Do you know that that country was the United States of America? In a landmark 1977 case when the U.S Justice System decided to stop executing rapists, the law literature which documents this decision clarifies rape as ‘the rape of an adult woman’. There’s no mention of men getting raped. In fact, up until 2013 the FBI defined rape as the carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will. In other words, for as long as the United States has had country, statistics on reported rape have excluded men from those numbers.

Eh, but how often do men really do get raped? Most people know about the rape of men in prison. Did you know that more men get raped in prison than women get raped outside of prison? Ah, but that is males victimizing other males. Let’s go one step further. If you had to guess, how many men you think get raped by women every year? By the way, if some joke comes to your mind about how men should welcome being raped by women, you are really part of the problem. Recently, the Center for Disease Control over a 12 month period reports that 1,270, 000 females were raped and 1,267,000 males were made to penetrate. Approximately 1 in 21 men were made to penetrate another person during their lifetime and about 80% reported a female perpetrator.

A 2010 analysis from the Bureau of Justice Statistics data found that 46% of male rape and sexual assault victims reported a female perpetrator. A Bureau of Justice Statistics report on sexual victimization in juvenile facilities states “approximately 95% of all youth reporting staff misconduct said they had been victimized by a female facilities staff. Did you know that women are part of the cycle of sexual violence? Between 60 and 80% of rapists, sex offenders, and sexually aggressive men were sexually abused by a woman in their childhood. So, to a large degree, healing the plague of sexual violence is not about ‘teaching men not to rape’, but rather teaching adult women not to rape little boys…”

So, by no means is it just men’s suffering that is getting overlooked, but tragically also the suffering of boys. To borrow an from an article entitled “Study Reveals Who Gets Spanked” by Robin Lloyd

Recent studies have found that corporal punishment can cause significant antisocial behavioral, such as lyingcheating, and hitting, in children as they grow older. So Andrew Grogan-Kaylor of the University of Michigan and his colleague Melanie D. Otis of the University of Kentucky wanted to find out what factors, independent of others, predict whether or not a parent is likely to “spare the rod.”

Their analysis of answers from 800 respondents on questions about their use of corporal punishment as well as many other family issues arrived at the intellectual stimulation factor.


1. More than 90 percent of parents of toddlers say they have spanked their child at least once.

2. About 61 percent of mothers of 3- to 5-year-olds had spanked their child in the past week.

3. Boys are more likely to be spanked than girls.

4. Spanking can continue into adolescent years.

5. People in rural areas and the South are more likely to spank.

6. Mothers spank children more often than fathers do.

7. Economic status of a family makes no difference in the odds of spanking.

8. African-American parents are more likely than white parents to use corporal punishment.

9. Conservative Protestants are more likely to use corporal punishment than parents with other religious affiliations.

10. Parents who value of positive reinforcement tend to view spanking as inappropriate.

Source: Andrew Grogan-Taylor, University of Michigan, and Melanie D. Otis, University of Kentucky”



  Granted, while the three examples here might be quite counterintuitive, especially if you’ve been told that we live in a Patriarchy and that women are the primary victims of oppression and sexism, I’ve only begun to scratch the surface of just how far removed the feminist narrative is from the facts. For more information, I’d highly recommend the material listed below.


  Reorienting oneself with reality is a glorious journey, one that requires the willingness to put aside the dominant narrative, no matter how compelling such an account might be or how incredibly frustrating it is to face the degree to which one has been lied to, and instead commit to uncovering the underlying data.


So, given that the primary rationale for being a Feminist in the first place is largely to focus on advancing opportunity for the oppressed, which in their minds happen to be especially women, what are we to make of Feminism if its entire justification for existing is based on false premises and misinformation?


Male privilege as it turns out is a myth. Women are as capable of initiating domestic violence towards their spouses as much, if not more, than males and not only that, women are violent in the worst kind of way, which is towards children and more so than men. Assuming that Feminists operate on the idea that sexism, abuse, and oppression are such terrible things in principle, that is to say not just towards women, but towards anyone, where is the outcry from feminists towards mothers who spank their boys? (And girls too, of course.)


In addition, there is Rape culture. Rape Culture is to women like what the War on Terrorism is to the average American citizen, with the likelihood of each threat both being hysterically heightened to preposterously exaggerated proportions and with the success rates of the solutions proposed for each danger both being equally laughable. For women, we have feminism, which proposes that we fight sexism with more sexism and for homeland safety we have Statists who propose that we can eradicate terrorism by being even greater terrorists.


Also, very similar to how the War on Terrorism survived through the media provoking anxiety and mistrust throughout the nation, while equally deranged members of congress alleviated such fears through reactive policies that allowed for increased surveillance, effectively transforming the United States further and further into the irreversible status of police state, the fear mongering perpetuated by feminists has festered a frenzy of hysterical paranoia that possibly has not been seen since the Bush Administration; a paranoia being directed towards men. The media surely helps with that too, with Yahoo’s internet home page the other day donning an article entitled, “Old Rape Kits and 4 Brave Women Bring Rapist to Justice”.


   This only further demonizes males, much like how Americans were hypnotized into an “Us Vs. Them” mentality toward the middle east after 9/11 and as a result saw the middle east as the land of the “enemies”. Now, rapists abound! Any man is a potential sexual predator. Men can no longer spread their legs on subway seats as they are potentially oppressing women as surely as the guy who brings his gift laser pointer with him on a trip is potentially a threat to the security of other travelers and so, must have his possession confiscated. The NYPD is even beginning to arrest men for “manspreading” on subways.


In the same way it is an act of profound cruelty to incarcerate a heroin addict who has most likely endured outrageous abuses throughout her lifetime, which is the source of the pain that is driving the addiction in the first place, rather than showing her some empathy by helping her recover; cutting off our compassion for men, men who have likely had their penis’ mutilated as babies and who have been hit by their mothers as toddlers until adolescence-to then tell these men that is it they who are the oppressive ones in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, that to me is nothing more than continuing the abuse ad infinitum.


Feminism then becomes nothing more than a socially acceptable form of bullying. I’m reminded of these pictures I saw a while back of individuals proudly holding signs up to the camera that explained why they need feminism. One such sign read, “ I NEED FEMINISM BECAUSE…I considered not getting this photo taken because I’m not wearing make up”. So, if I understand rightly, what she needs from feminism is for these brave justice warriors to rid her of societies’ unjust social norms that pressure her to wear make-up. A noble goal, I think boycotting women’s magazines such as Cosmopolitan would be a great place to start.

But, this got me thinking, “What do I need from feminism?”

A fucking apology.

Link to the medium article version. 


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Great job on this post man.


There is a large problem facing any and all attempt to suggest to women that they become more philosophically prone human beings. It is well encapsulated in another of Stef's videos, provided here:




The problem is, of course, white knighting, and the mechanic that if you do not white night, you face the prospect of eradication from the gene pool. Because in the end, after all is said and done, the fact remains that women hold the eggs and the pussy, and men's biology is constructed to desire the pussy beyond reason. So too is women's biology constructed to pursue emotional fulfillment beyond reason. These dynamics make great evolutionary sense; they make no philosophical or modern sense. 




But what exactly are we supposed to do about this dynamic? Women, supported by modern entitlements, will pursue their emotional stupidities all the way to extinction, as long as modern technology and society allow them. If this were medieval times, women would find themselves properly dependent upon men, and be forced to recognize their value. In modern times, they can go their whole lives without ever realizing the value of men, siphoning the lives from men, and even their children and themselves, until the system collapses, as many of us here on the forum foresee. 


What's a modern guy to do?


Personally, I smile and nod and do what I need to do to get what I want, which is of course get laid. Sure, I would love to find the unicorn woman I could raise kids with, but waiting for that is philosophically foolish. The alternative is to not get laid and become a social outcast. Though I myself will not invest anything else but my personality and a moderate amount of cash for whatever the night might bring, I will still fraternize with unphilosophical women whom I disdain, just to alleviate my human desires. Indeed, I isolate myself beyond what most would consider human in pursuit of philosophical morals, and I still can't avoid the foolishness of feminism in my every day life.




The most horrendous part of all of feminism, is that women are being led into a trap, becoming dependent on the state, ignorantly supporting their delusional holiness and never even realizing how easily the rug can be pulled out from under them, in the form of state and societal collapse. They are birthing children they can't support and get by on alimony and state entitlements, never stopping to consider that the state may not always be there to ensure their cash flow. Part of me says not to blame them, because if they were being told the truth, they would not be in their current situations. Another part of me says, if they were moral and worthwhile people, they would have figured it all out naturally on their own. I am not sure what the answer is, but if there is one, I have long since been ready to hear it. 

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One such sign read, “ I NEED FEMINISM BECAUSE…I considered not getting this photo taken because I’m not wearing make up”.


A passing thought: 


"I NEED APPEARANCISM BECAUSE...I considered not getting this photo taken because I hadn't wiped the mustard off my mouth."

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Great job on this post man.




Hey Utopian. Thanks for taking the time to read and for your thoughtful reply. to answer the question regarding what it is that we do?


One of the goals that I think is at the core of any discussion on any gender related issue is fundamentally to improve relationships between the genders. And to me, feminism is a deeply personal issue because bad ideas about gender has a detrimental impact on the way in which men and women relate to one another as well as their children. My mother, who was a baby boomer and feminist would rant in the car about how awful men were, effectively telling me that I was inferior to women. So, I guess you could say I have a bone to pick with toxic anti male sexism. 



My approach so far has been to just focus on things which I can control. I cannot control men or women's biological drives, nor can I control what the state does. All I can do is speak the truth and nurture positive relationships with women in my own life. I speak to 3 women from the FDR boards currently as friends and find their company just delightful. Those experiences to me give me a tremendous amount of hope that positive relationships between virtuous individuals of the opposite sex are truly possible. 









A passing thought: 


"I NEED APPEARANCISM BECAUSE...I considered not getting this photo taken because I hadn't wiped the mustard off my mouth."


Lol, I like that. Thank you for taking the time to read. 





You're welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply!

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All I can do is speak the truth and nurture positive relationships with women in my own life. I speak to 3 women from the FDR boards currently as friends and find their company just delightful. Those experiences to me give me a tremendous amount of hope that positive relationships between virtuous individuals of the opposite sex are truly possible. 


I hope you're having sex with at least one of these women, because if you're not, you're not succeeding. 

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I hope you're having sex with at least one of these women, because if you're not, you're not succeeding. 


The value of positive relationships with virtuous others, no matter what gender, is positive, whether or not it has some orthogonal value on the "getting some" axis.

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The value of positive relationships with virtuous others, no matter what gender, is positive, whether or not it has some orthogonal value on the "getting some" axis.



My first attempt at explaining my position didn't pass through the moderator's filter, so here's take two. 


Stefan's ultimate message is that we're all supposed to find virtuous people of the opposite sex, reproduce with that person because they are virtuous, and then raise our children peacefully.   Joel Patterson's statement focuses on the joy he feels when having virtuous women as friends, but if he elevates his enjoyment of these women's company above seeking sex, reproduction, and childbirth with them, then he's not on board with Stefan's ultimate message. 


And if Joel's words (intentionally or not) lead another man to elevate his enjoyment of virtuous women's company above seeking sex, reproduction, and childbirth with them, then Joel's words will have led that man to being not on board with Stefan's ultimate message. 

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Stefan's ultimate message is that we're all supposed to find virtuous people of the opposite sex, reproduce with that person because they are virtuous, and then raise our children peacefully.   Joel Patterson's statement focuses on the joy he feels when having virtuous women as friends, but if he elevates his enjoyment of these women's company above seeking sex, reproduction, and childbirth with them, then he's not on board with Stefan's ultimate message. 


Well, it's situationally dependent. I'm married. I shouldn't try to have sex with every virtuous woman I encounter in order to reproduce. Joel has three virtuous female friends, relationship status unknown, so it may be a bad idea to reproduce with them for unknown reasons. It does not always follow that we should always impregnate at least one virtuous female friend.


I think Stefan's ultimate message is to identify virtuous female friends, develop and nurture a deep, connected relationship with them, commit to one, and reproduce with that one, once you fully know one another and agree to this course of action. This is a process that takes time and effort.

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Well, it's situationally dependent. I'm married. I shouldn't try to have sex with every virtuous woman I encounter in order to reproduce. Joel has three virtuous female friends, relationship status unknown, so it may be a bad idea to reproduce with them for unknown reasons. It does not always follow that we should always impregnate at least one virtuous female friend.


I think Stefan's ultimate message is to identify virtuous female friends, develop and nurture a deep, connected relationship with them, commit to one, and reproduce with that one, once you fully know one another and agree to this course of action. This is a process that takes time and effort.


I agree with all of this.  But Joel never expanded upon his situation, so I've nothing but my own assumptions to go on. 


And I assumed that he's single and finds these women virtuous. 


Hence, I hope that he's having sex with at least one of them.  (Or, at bare minimum, I hope he has very-quick-to-develop plans for discerning whether they want sex with him.)  Because if he isn't, then he's not on-board with the most important parts of Stefan's message. 




If he has a whole bunch of legitimate reasons that "it's complicated", then I hope he's not using his wonderful emotional connections with these virtuous women to avoid hitting on women in real life.  One of the members of the FDR NYC Meet-Up Group describes himself as "having been in therapy for years" - and I was told that he hasn't been with a woman for many years, (perhaps as many as five?).  It would be nauseating if Joel followed this path, especially because he is Joel. 


Eyes on the prize, and all that. 

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This was first post that came up with "mattress."




Oh my god, THIS bit I mean THIS chick. Let me tell you just how messed up this whole situation with this attention seeking false rape crying CONFIRMED MEDIA PROJECT making....


you know what... nope. nope. not even gonna waste my time, i got way better ways to spend my life.

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