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Father Calls Out Parents Who Publicly Humiliate Their Children Online

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“There’s no way in the world I would ever embarrass my son like that,” he says.


“Good parenting starts before he even gets to the point of being out of control. … Good parenting is letting your child know that you love them regardless of what they are and who they are and showing them the way by example,” Gresham says.


“Not one time on this video have you heard me use profanity,” he says. “Not one time on this video have you heard me put my son down.”


He gets it.

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A blogger named The Last Psychiatrist coined the term "outsourcing the superego" to describe this phenomenon.  It's not so much "shaming the kid in public" that's horrible - (though it is quite bad) - it's that the parent needs to get cultural approval for his decision to be upset by what the child has done. 

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