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The Beard's Last Call: For a New Hope (a full size book in the works)

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As I noted in my introductory post ( https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/44172-hello-world/ ) I am currently working on writing and editing a full size book.

I recently made a Wordpress site for the book, where I am currently planning to release the first few chapters for free to garner support and interest and for some feedback while I continue to work on the book. The book is still heavy in the editing process which takes a lot of time and work and I'm not sure when the book will be 'done'.



I've posted the title pages, table of contents, and the first chapter "On Language and Words" so far. I will likely post the following two chapters soon. As the book is still a work in process the writing is subject to change. Any feedback is welcome here or on Wordpress if you can comment there. Financial support is also welcome, via bitcoin: 1NBA1GQiVZ73W2FyzHeTAffywbYx66PeH8


I'll make a new post when the 2nd and 3rd chapters are posted on Wordpress. Thanks for your interest and any constructive feedback you can provide!

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