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My recent discovery of liquid iodine


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  For years I've struggled with attentional problems, lack of energy, depression, and I had started to learn recently that it could be due to the lack of iodine in my diet. I had struggled with learning problems and at age 24 I had developed a goiter. My thyroid gland became enlarged and I had to have radioactive iodine treatment which decreases thyroid activity and then they put you on a supplement to supposedly put back the right amount of the hormone to balance it out. Well I'm sure that this was not intended to cure the problem as we are learning the corrupt nature of everything under government. Anyway, I have continued to have all the problems I've always had, but now I"m learning that it probably has to do with the government removing iodine from the food supply starting about 30 years ago. But wait it gets better, they started adding toxins such as flouride, bromide, chlorine, and perchlorate into our food supply, water, and medications which further inhibits our ability to absorb the crucial supplement called iodine. To top it all off, the FDA recommends a daily dose that is 100 times less than we actually need. No you cannot get enough from table salt. What we should be getting is like 12.5 mg or more depending on existing issues due to over or underactive thyroid function. So the other day I went to the natural foods store and had remembered that I was going to look for liquid iodine to see if it would help all my symptoms. This is like only my second day and I've taken 11 drops and I really feel like the mental fog lifted and my energy is improved. This works better than adderall lol! This deficiency can be responsible for alot of other diseases so make sure you get enough iodine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I also ran across an article claiming that The World Health Organisation has identified iodine deficiency as the ''commonest global cause of preventable loss of intellectual performance''. During pregnancy moderate to severe iodine deficiency can cause an irreversible loss of 10 to 15 IQ points in offspring. Health authorities recommend iodine supplements of 150 micrograms a day for pregnant or breast-feeding women.

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This is yet another compelling reason to filter municipal drinking water.




If you aren't getting enough iodine from your food sources, add seaweed. I use salt with potassium iodide. I typically try to avoid costly supplements where I can get the micronutrient elsewhere, but I do occasionally use cod liver oil, but not specifically for iodine.


As a side note, the most important supplement, the one that adds the most benefit in health for the most people, is Vitamin D, which is instrumental for preventing cancer. It's not exceedingly expensive to buy a tincture of it, but I try to get most of my D naturally from the sun.


Here's a blog about the cancer prevention benefits of vitamin D, although unfortunately, they are also perpetuating the myth that saturated fat is a source of disease (in this case breast cancer), in an effort to get women to go vegan. I do not have a facepalm big enough. http://www.naturalnews.com/035063_vitamin_D_cancer_facts.html


Here are 22 other sources of dietary iodine, although I will not recommend white bread to anyone. As mostly everyone has heard by now, wheat (along with corn and soy) is a scourge on our collective well-being.



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This is extremely interesting to me; Alex Jones' InfoWarsHealth platform would be the first source that enightened me to the benefits of Iodine supplementation. They sell liquid forms of nascent Iodine as you've described, though for a far higher price tag than $8, allegedly because of the brand's quality and pureness.



This is just one article that outlines some of the observed increases in IQ from iodinization of salt supplies.

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This is yet another compelling reason to filter municipal drinking water.




If you aren't getting enough iodine from your food sources, add seaweed. I use salt with potassium iodide. I typically try to avoid costly supplements where I can get the micronutrient elsewhere, but I do occasionally use cod liver oil, but not specifically for iodine.


As a side note, the most important supplement, the one that adds the most benefit in health for the most people, is Vitamin D, which is instrumental for preventing cancer. It's not exceedingly expensive to buy a tincture of it, but I try to get most of my D naturally from the sun.


Here's a blog about the cancer prevention benefits of vitamin D, although unfortunately, they are also perpetuating the myth that saturated fat is a source of disease (in this case breast cancer), in an effort to get women to go vegan. I do not have a facepalm big enough. http://www.naturalnews.com/035063_vitamin_D_cancer_facts.html


Here are 22 other sources of dietary iodine, although I will not recommend white bread to anyone. As mostly everyone has heard by now, wheat (along with corn and soy) is a scourge on our collective well-being.




I know I am only responding to a fraction of what you said.... But wheat is bad for you? Could you please provide sources for that information. Thats a pretty large claim. I've heard that if you are not gluten intolerant it is actually bad for you not to consume wheat / gluten.

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This is yet another compelling reason to filter municipal drinking water.




If you aren't getting enough iodine from your food sources, add seaweed. I use salt with potassium iodide. I typically try to avoid costly supplements where I can get the micronutrient elsewhere, but I do occasionally use cod liver oil, but not specifically for iodine.


As a side note, the most important supplement, the one that adds the most benefit in health for the most people, is Vitamin D, which is instrumental for preventing cancer. It's not exceedingly expensive to buy a tincture of it, but I try to get most of my D naturally from the sun.


Here's a blog about the cancer prevention benefits of vitamin D, although unfortunately, they are also perpetuating the myth that saturated fat is a source of disease (in this case breast cancer), in an effort to get women to go vegan. I do not have a facepalm big enough. http://www.naturalnews.com/035063_vitamin_D_cancer_facts.html


Here are 22 other sources of dietary iodine, although I will not recommend white bread to anyone. As mostly everyone has heard by now, wheat (along with corn and soy) is a scourge on our collective well-being.




Natural news dot com? Oh no...




Now while i think theyre hearts and mind MAYBE in the right place by being skeptical about the government and it sprograms that doesnt remove theyre history of really bad science and incorrect medical advice. I was feeling seriously concerned and the articles in question... and yeah they rarey give sources to the studies and when they do as i checked they misquote or leave some vital detail out (such as sample size, context and the perioud) and msot importantly quote other sites (not always but often) such as DR. Oz in the second link.


I would be very very skeptical of natural news because of these other factors listed on rational wiki.

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  For years I've struggled with attentional problems, lack of energy, depression, and I had started to learn recently that it could be due to the lack of iodine in my diet. I had struggled with learning problems and at age 24 I had developed a goiter. My thyroid gland became enlarged and I had to have radioactive iodine treatment which decreases thyroid activity and then they put you on a supplement to supposedly put back the right amount of the hormone to balance it out. Well I'm sure that this was not intended to cure the problem as we are learning the corrupt nature of everything under government. Anyway, I have continued to have all the problems I've always had, but now I"m learning that it probably has to do with the government removing iodine from the food supply starting about 30 years ago. But wait it gets better, they started adding toxins such as flouride, bromide, chlorine, and perchlorate into our food supply, water, and medications which further inhibits our ability to absorb the crucial supplement called iodine. To top it all off, the FDA recommends a daily dose that is 100 times less than we actually need. No you cannot get enough from table salt. What we should be getting is like 12.5 mg or more depending on existing issues due to over or underactive thyroid function. So the other day I went to the natural foods store and had remembered that I was going to look for liquid iodine to see if it would help all my symptoms. This is like only my second day and I've taken 11 drops and I really feel like the mental fog lifted and my energy is improved. This works better than adderall lol! This deficiency can be responsible for alot of other diseases so make sure you get enough iodine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I also ran across an article claiming that The World Health Organisation has identified iodine deficiency as the ''commonest global cause of preventable loss of intellectual performance''. During pregnancy moderate to severe iodine deficiency can cause an irreversible loss of 10 to 15 IQ points in offspring. Health authorities recommend iodine supplements of 150 micrograms a day for pregnant or breast-feeding women.


Flouride, bromide, chlorine being harmful in what doses? Potassium ionade useful for anything other than thyroid problems and  against radiation?


I think id like to know where you got said information since this is pretty substantial and huge thing youre claiming (or the sources youve read) is claiming.

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...I"m learning that it probably has to do with the government removing iodine from the food supply starting about 30 years ago. But wait it gets better, they started adding toxins such as flouride, bromide, chlorine, and perchlorate into our food supply, water, and medications which further inhibits our ability to absorb the crucial supplement called iodine.


I'd be willing to bet a large sum of money the reason why the government did this is because a corporate influence wanted it. Maybe a company has a bunch of byproduct chemicals it's normally paying to get rid of. What's a good solution? Make people think it helps them and sell it instead.


This sounds far more believable to me than another common conspiratorial hypothesis being that "the government wants to keep us stupid". Which it very well may, but as we know, people in government can want a lot of things but actually accomplish little.


More importantly though, thanks for sharing this information Sashajade :D

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Hi Jake,


This article may get you started. I am certainly no expert, but you might want to Google on, say, the Paleo diet. 




You might find this of interest as well:


Yeah although I have researched and of course there is no 100% consensus among doctors, but I have never heard a doctor tell people to avoid beans and wheat. In fact most doctors recommend eating whole grains as they are extremely healthy (as well as beans which I believe Paleo people avoid).

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I've heard Alex Jones rave about a specific iodine product.  I promise I'm not plugging Infowars; it honestly might be worth looking into.  He boasts about a revolutionary and patented means of extraction or distillation or whatever the method is.  I can't speak from personal experience, but I would be interested to hear about your experiences with various supplements.


Iodine deficiency has historically been a problem, much like scurvy or malnourishment. That's why salt companies started to include iodine in their products some time ago.


Do you suspect a conspiracy?  Or is this just an example of irresponsible oversight?

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I know I am only responding to a fraction of what you said.... But wheat is bad for you? Could you please provide sources for that information. Thats a pretty large claim. I've heard that if you are not gluten intolerant it is actually bad for you not to consume wheat / gluten.


Wheat, even whole wheat, is one of the most glycemic of foods, meaning it raises your blood sugar higher than eating sucrose, which taxes your hormones and metabolic systems over years and decades. This is the motive force for metabolic diseases like heart disease, obesity, diabetes and cancer.


Dr. Perlmutter may point this out in the video below, but I'll give you the link. A study published in 2013 demonstrated a correlation between average blood sugar level and odds of having symptoms of dementia in elderly people regardless of diabetes status. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1215740#t=abstract


Wheat has been genetically modified since the 1960s to produce the strain we now all eat called dwarf wheat. Gluten is just one small facet that the industry seized upon in order to sell a niche product. Now if you walk into any grocery store, they are touting gluten-free products as if they were all about health.


William Davis is a good place to start exploring the reality about the health problems due to wheat consumption.



David Perlmutter and Abel James discuss wheat, fat and brain health:


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  I do suspect conspiracy because causing deficiency in iodine is related to so many illnesses that are currently being treated because of it. It is a way to keep people dumb and to ensure that they need to keep paying doctors for the vast array of health problems related to this. You can't tell me that the government doesn't know what the effects are of iodine deficiency when so many illnesses are connected directly to it. It's a little suspicious that in addition to removing iodine from food, they also promote foods that further inhibit iodine absorption. They also add stuff into the food and water to further prevent people from getting enough iodine. The biggest reason why they don't want you to get saturated iodine is because it removes all flourides, lead, bromine, and other toxic halides from your system, even stored ones. 


  Once your system is free of all that toxic stuff, your body can start healing, your brain will function better, your metabolism will get better and you will enjoy an overall much better health. If you have trouble finding the right iodine, search for Lugol solution. It is pretty cheap, a bottle with 60ml costs around $15 and you will need around 8 drops a day to get 50mg. 

Before you start supplementing with iodine please read up on it. There might be some initial side effects when you first stir up all the toxins in the body. You might get some mild symptoms initially, but gradually as the toxins get cleaned out it's suppose to get better. I have gotten a headache so far because I tend to overdo it. I can be overzealous when I discover something new, and a little trouble sleeping. It seems to have a stimulant effect so maybe don't take it in the evening. I would start slow and you will be able to judge how your body reacts and adjust the amount.

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  I do suspect conspiracy because causing deficiency in iodine is related to so many illnesses that are currently being treated because of it. It is a way to keep people dumb and to ensure that they need to keep paying doctors for the vast array of health problems related to this. You can't tell me that the government doesn't know what the effects are of iodine deficiency when so many illnesses are connected directly to it. It's a little suspicious that in addition to removing iodine from food, they also promote foods that further inhibit iodine absorption. They also add stuff into the food and water to further prevent people from getting enough iodine. The biggest reason why they don't want you to get saturated iodine is because it removes all flourides, lead, bromine, and other toxic halides from your system, even stored ones. 


  Once your system is free of all that toxic stuff, your body can start healing, your brain will function better, your metabolism will get better and you will enjoy an overall much better health. If you have trouble finding the right iodine, search for Lugol solution. It is pretty cheap, a bottle with 60ml costs around $15 and you will need around 8 drops a day to get 50mg. 

Before you start supplementing with iodine please read up on it. There might be some initial side effects when you first stir up all the toxins in the body. You might get some mild symptoms initially, but gradually as the toxins get cleaned out it's suppose to get better. I have gotten a headache so far because I tend to overdo it. I can be overzealous when I discover something new, and a little trouble sleeping. It seems to have a stimulant effect so maybe don't take it in the evening. I would start slow and you will be able to judge how your body reacts and adjust the amount.


Hello, i dont know if you missed my comment but are there any scientific evidence to waht you are saying about ionide?

And vice versa about fluoride?

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  For years I've struggled with attentional problems, lack of energy, depression, and I had started to learn recently that it could be due to the lack of iodine in my diet. I had struggled with learning problems and at age 24 I had developed a goiter. My thyroid gland became enlarged and I had to have radioactive iodine treatment which decreases thyroid activity and then they put you on a supplement to supposedly put back the right amount of the hormone to balance it out. Well I'm sure that this was not intended to cure the problem as we are learning the corrupt nature of everything under government. Anyway, I have continued to have all the problems I've always had, but now I"m learning that it probably has to do with the government removing iodine from the food supply starting about 30 years ago. But wait it gets better, they started adding toxins such as flouride, bromide, chlorine, and perchlorate into our food supply, water, and medications which further inhibits our ability to absorb the crucial supplement called iodine. To top it all off, the FDA recommends a daily dose that is 100 times less than we actually need. No you cannot get enough from table salt. What we should be getting is like 12.5 mg or more depending on existing issues due to over or underactive thyroid function. So the other day I went to the natural foods store and had remembered that I was going to look for liquid iodine to see if it would help all my symptoms. This is like only my second day and I've taken 11 drops and I really feel like the mental fog lifted and my energy is improved. This works better than adderall lol! This deficiency can be responsible for alot of other diseases so make sure you get enough iodine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              I also ran across an article claiming that The World Health Organisation has identified iodine deficiency as the ''commonest global cause of preventable loss of intellectual performance''. During pregnancy moderate to severe iodine deficiency can cause an irreversible loss of 10 to 15 IQ points in offspring. Health authorities recommend iodine supplements of 150 micrograms a day for pregnant or breast-feeding women.


thanks for reminding me to take my iodine which i have been neglecting.

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