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Father falsely accused of being a 'satanic cult paedophile ring leader'


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This is a terrible story that I had been listening to on the periphery and now thankfully seems to have been thouroughly unfounded. That said, the story hasn't come without its cost to the lives of these two children of course.

To paraphase the judges thoughts on this case.-


"These children had been forced to concoct accounts of horriffic events by their mother and her partner and that their stories came about as a result the judge said of relentless emotional and psychological pressure and significant physical abuse. That included hitting, punching, pinching, pushing and pouring water on them as they were kneeling down half dressed. The judge used the word 'torture'."



I am wondering if the team would like to do a show on this story, perhaps a 'Truth about' one, then again perhaps not.


Instead why not a podcast on how a father (or a mother) might deal with this kind of situation in the aftermath. I'm quite sure Stefan could bring some well needed clarity to this sad story and how a parent with integrity can hope to help their children heal afterwards.

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