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This is stopping me from being interested in some of Stef's videos

Guest Mags

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I don't really know why. I have the same problem with this guy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ActualizedOrg/videos . That problem is the thumbnails, in combination with (but to a lesser extent) the title. When I see the 'silly' provocative elements it really turns me apathetic to the content and slightly annoyed. This kind of thing is common on YouTube but with different styles. It's when I expect the video to be enlightening that it bothers me when I see that presentation. It's Stef's recent "matriarchal guilt trips" video thumbnail which compelled me into this post. I'm wondering if anyone has insights about this, and I wanted to bring it up incase it somehow helps in delivering Stef's message better. As well as fighting my desire currently to simply not express this out of vague anxiety. Plus I am curious about it all, and why I'm reacting in this way. 


I'm aware that -or I'm assuming, which could be erroneous, that Stef presents videos in this way to insight more views on the content. I heard on a recent Call-in that Stef cycles threw different kinds of videos as needed; one's which are slanted to insight views, and ones that tackle the subject matter more head-on. For example he spoke of desiring to do more parenting videos, but that their views are meagre, so he needs to be strategic; as, of course, we all want the show to grow. Stef has been doing these types of provocative titles for a long while now, but it's only fairly recently that the thumbnails have come in doing the same thing.  

I'm feeling less annoyed about it now that I've sat and analysed it a little, but regardless I haven't clicked into that video yet even though normally I would've shot in. 

I could be subconsciously thinking 'only impulsive emotion-driven people would click on the video solely because it's flashy and provocative.'

It's also in my mind that perhaps new people will click into the channels and see that, and think 'nothing but huff if he needs to resort to this.' It also makes the channel appearance seem somewhat shallow and silly. A lot less respect is garnered at face value. <-- all propounding on my part. Even if what I state is fact the additional views may outweigh the negatives. 


Anyway I need really need to start getting ready for work, so I apologise for any typos or things that could've been fleshed out or clarified, etc. Looking forward to you're thoughts. 

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I can see where you are comming from but I think you may be missing a few things.


Personally I don't get annoyed with provocative thumb nails and titles as if I'm watching anything or listening to anything and I get to the stage where I'm like what going on this isn't what I thought I simply stop watching. The amount of noise (everyone is shouting for you to watch their vids) on YouTube is hudge and the tactic of using thumb nails and titles is so common that it doesn't get to me. I guess because I have a marketing background (BA hons) I might be looking at adverts ect in different way - for example I struggle to watch even a tv commercial without analysing it similarly to perhaps a English student struggling to read a book without analysing it in the sense of hidden meanings and quality at portraying them.


The short videos that (rightly) point out the moral obligation to pay for what you consume I avoid simply because I already donate as much as I can reasonably afford. It is possible that these ones annoy you the most as you do it yet donate and they are pointing this fact out. Of course donating isn't the only way to help out and you could be doing your part in other areas such as sharing the videos...


-> Having said that I have been meaning to contact Stefan regarding a communication technique that I think he isn't using to its full potential. The Jones affect although harder to do with a online community compared to a physical local community I still think it is worth exploring. I didn't learn this technique (which I will explain) at university or at least not in depth I actually learned it when I was involved in 3rd party charity sales. Before I go into it I recognise that fdr is not a charity but there are some similarities in terms of asking for donations and the techniques used to get donations. When I was knocking on doors trying to get average people to sign contracts for significant monthly charity donations (to be clear everything was above board the charity even phoned them the next day to check they knew what they were signing up for and no money was taken out until at least a month and they could opt out whenever they want, also the charity aimed at helping children). Like I was saying when I was asking for donations a huge tactic in the sales pitch was to use the Jones affect when I had signed up someone on that street that would fit into my pitch. It is affective for a number of reasons primarily decisions are safer in numbers we are social animals and this runs deep within us even if we don't realise it. Another reason is it is allot harder for them to be defensive or dismissive of your arguments/points when they know others have listened and have donated. When they feel they are in the same community as others who have donated even if they don't know that person it was just the fact that person lived on the same street. It was used when I introduced myself "Hey how you going" (Australian way of saying how are you) "my name is xyz I have been asked today to speak to yourself and all you wonderful neighbours on behalf of these guys xyz, have you heard about us before?" That was off the top of my head it might have been a bit different. Now I get that you can't do it too much I mean if people think your getting rich rightly or wrongly they will get defensive about adding to that wealth but there is a bigger role for the Jones affect in my opinion. I'm running short of time but I think you should get the idea.


We were told not to guilt trip ect as it makes people defensive fdr is a little different in this aspect as it's about philosophy and psychology so many people at the stage of donating would listen to this argument which is logically correct and act accordingly this is what I did but at the same time it will turn others off. Marketing is a balancing game sometimes.


There are a few other things in terms of marketing that would like to discuss with Stefan presuming he would be interested in speaking with me. I was planning on messaging him tomorrow as my schedule today is tight and I have already spent more time than planned on the forums not that that is a problem. I think I might include a link to this thread in that message. I haven't had time to proof read so sorry for typos and spelling mistakes ect.


Ps although I didn't agree with everything were saying Mags you managed to be far less aggressive in your communication than most people who disagree with Stefan which is why I took the time to write this.

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I personally think that theyre are fine and enjoyable. I like the fact that smart people will see the content for waht it is and people who are eithe rless intelligent or more easily drawn in by images and text of the video will watch em and maybe get hooked in.


I also think that it is totally appropriate that thumbnail especially since its about exactly what has happened to the caller and what Stef descrives happening in general.

It to me speaks to the nature of people wiggling theyre fingers at stef OR any othe rman whom dares to try to speak theyre mind or act assertively ect.


Now the idea of this being misleading and lieading to bias... well certainly if that facts of many peoples behavior and thepast experiences of the subject matter DIDNT match then it would bad, but still nto biased. Infact i dont see how exactly the of confirmation bias would even be ´relevant here: If the video about matrialcal guilt trips?




Do matrialcal women use guil trips and try to shame totally innocent person in the world?


Yes, id say so.


The only thing i get from the thumbnail is that guilt tripping is jsut wawing your fingers at someone to make them feel guilty... and that Stefan wont jump in, wont buy it or feel guilty.

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I have a similar problem but with the profile user's avatars, I don't know why but sometimes it completely influences the way I read that persons' post. 


For example I'm extremely annoyed by MyLittlePony avatars such as Anuojat's and Rainbow Jam's and sometimes I feel hatred towards them even though they make good and insightful replies.


Your avatar is neutral to me so won't influence the way I read your posts.


On the other hand there are avatars that make me feel admiration and sympathy towards that person, one example that comes to mind is dsayers.

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May i ask why? I am curious...

 Of course :)


Well, it is a mystery for me too because you would think that if I am annoyed by them I must at least have some experiences with them or broines in general but I don't...in my country people have never heard about the "MyLittlePony" trend nor bronies, I myself know only a few things because I was curious at some point.


But as I said I have no idea about this either, all I can say is that somehow my mind expects to see some points of view I despise some ridiculous advice and generally something that will make me curse the monitor or make weird facial expressions.


Don't worry too much about it thou, I am not completely  sane either so it makes sense that I have some weird reactions to some things.

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 Of course :)


Well, it is a mystery for me too because you would think that if I am annoyed by them I must at least have some experiences with them or broines in general but I don't...in my country people have never heard about the "MyLittlePony" trend nor bronies, I myself know only a few things because I was curious at some point.


But as I said I have no idea about this either, all I can say is that somehow my mind expects to see some points of view I despise some ridiculous advice and generally something that will make me curse the monitor or make weird facial expressions.


Don't worry too much about it thou, I am not completely  sane either so it makes sense that I have some weird reactions to some things.


I am assuming then that if youre curious about these sudden feeling that youre taking/being in theraphy? :)


Not because youre feelings must be adressed but if you want to :)

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Personally I don't get annoyed with provocative thumb nails and titles as if I'm watching anything or listening to anything and I get to the stage where I'm like what going on this isn't what I thought I simply stop watching. 

I will avoid any video which presents this way unless I'm particularly interested in the alluded subject mater. https://www.youtube.com/user/redonkulaspopp/videos is a recent one where I looked at his channel (I was sifting threw another YouTuber's subscriptions lol, since I respect that person's judgment) and my reaction was 'eh!... I should at least click into one video... ...' but I was too apathetic and thinking about it I was thinking on a more subconscious level that the person had nothing to offer me. I'm talking a lot about my own emotional-reactions rather than trying to judge things objectively I'm aware. Stef's new video pertaining to climate change had the same style, but it didn't bother me too badly. Something about human faces, because it was a polar-bear image it didn't irk me as much.

As for the donation videos. They don't bother me. I've only semi-recently moved out of my parent's household and have gotten my first 'real' job. My working hours are irregular and I do not have enough data to calculate a mean income yet. I don't need to go on do I? I have done a little proactive promotion of Stef's vids. I fully plan to donate in the future.

The Jones effect is interesting. I'm glad you took to time to mention and write about it.

I didn't see it like I was disagreeing with him, but I suppose I am by implying that he change a decision he's made. I don't have enough knowledge to know if I disagree or not; if it indeed grows the show then I agree, but if it has an effect of turning away enough certain people, and making his image less respected then I do not agree. I would hate for people to click in and have it appear like Terrence Popp's channel, but I would still approve if the benefits outweigh the costs. 




How are you with enthusiasm?

If you'd asked me 6 months ago I wouldn't have hesitated in saying that I have considerable trouble feeling enthusiasm/excitement. It used to annoy me if other's showed it around me as well.

Recently it's been getting significantly easier for me to feel enthusiasm, and cheerfulness.  




I personally think that theyre are fine and enjoyable. I like the fact that smart people will see the content for waht it is and people who are eithe rless intelligent or more easily drawn in by images and text of the video will watch em and maybe get hooked in.


The only thing i get from the thumbnail is that guilt tripping is jsut wawing your fingers at someone to make them feel guilty... and that Stefan wont jump in, wont buy it or feel guilty.

You make good points (not just my quotations but your whole text). Especially that last sentence. Completely true. Now that I see it that way it's essentially defused my annoyance at that particular thumbnail. From this evidence I theorise that part of what irks me about the presentation is that one cannot predict what will be in the video; and if it is as the thumbnail implies then it will be sensationalised and I will not enjoy the content. Does that make sense? It feels dishonest in a sense. 





I have a similar problem but with the profile user's avatars, I don't know why but sometimes it completely influences the way I read that persons' post. 

I see what you mean but it doesn't influence me to a notable degree; unless the icon is exceedingly obnoxious.

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(I just wrote a post almost in full that got deleted when switching tab so this might come across as irritated I'm aware of it so it shouldn't but just encase rest assured my irritation is not aimed at you).


Interesting that faces annoy you more when they are in that particular style I do wonder why. This might be a long shot but it might have something to do with eye contact as the thumb nails do look like he is looking at you quite often. If Stefan has done this on purpose it's clever in the sense that it's human nature to spot eye contact, would make the thumb nail stand out on a subconscious level triggering people to look at it consciously.


In my rushed reading of your message I made a mistake, "matriarchal guilt trips" I understood as guilt trip videos in general. Sorry about that. You didn't need to explain yourself to me of course I understand why you did the word guilt trip triggered the thought process and conclusion it wasn't meant as an attack This mistake kind of made my post off topic but glad you found the Jones affect interesting.


Disagreeing might have been the wrong choice of words critique might have been better but you hit the nail on the head with what I meant. It's a hard one to get the balance right in terms of not annoying people but getting the message across this is the case for allot of marketing especially for donations.



I like the way you communicate a friend request will be sent :).

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I am assuming then that if youre curious about these sudden feeling that youre taking/being in theraphy? :)


Not because youre feelings must be adressed but if you want to :)


I am not. I started being more honest with myself which resulted in being more honest in the comment sections and with others in general.


So far, it feels great.

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I don't see a problem with FDR's thumbnails.  I see other channels sometimes that have misleading ones and get kind of annoyed when I click on it to find I have been duped **COUGH TYT COUGH**.


But I have not experienced this with FDR, and I actual feel like they are creative with trying to sell the content of the video in a single image.


I am curious if you have tried to find out where this annoyance is coming from.  I experience annoyance to be usually something that I have not processed myself.  Are you embarrassed for Stef?  Are you jealous of Stef?  Do you feel it is below you intellectually?

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Interesting that faces annoy you more when they are in that particular style I do wonder why. This might be a long shot but it might have something to do with eye contact as the thumb nails do look like he is looking at you quite often. If Stefan has done this on purpose it's clever in the sense that it's human nature to spot eye contact, would make the thumb nail stand out on a subconscious level triggering people to look at it consciously.


-It's a hard one to get the balance right in terms of not annoying people but getting the message across this is the case for allot of marketing


-Ps I like the way you communicate a friend request will be sent :).

The thing you said about eye-contact is interesting. I'll be looking for that and analysing it's potential impact on the viewer now. However even if the person isn't looking at the camera it annoys me. But, when I consciously think of Stef pulling those faces to get the shot, and joking around with Mike maybe, it makes me amused haha. That's not my natural reaction, but choosing to do that makes me far less annoyed going forward. 


The aesthetics of marketing will be something I'll be thinking about after this post. 


Thanks. I'll answer your friend request sometime today, but I'm short for time currently. 




I don't see a problem with FDR's thumbnails.  I see other channels sometimes that have misleading

-But I have not experienced this with FDR, and I actual feel like they are creative with trying to sell the content of the video in a single image.


I am curious if you have tried to find out where this annoyance is coming from.  I experience annoyance to be usually something that I have not processed myself.  Are you embarrassed for Stef?  Are you jealous of Stef?  Do you feel it is below you intellectually?

Hmm. The FDR titles are sensationalised, but usually have some relevance. Next time I'll take more care to analyse the title after watching the video. I could be lumping it in with other videos of that nature without thinking. 


I get a similar feeling with advertising in general. It reminds me of in school when they were talking about selling yourself to an employer and I really disliked it. I felt it was dishonest to hype myself up so much.

Not embaressed. Not jealous; though every once in a blue moon I think to myself 'damn. Stef's IQ must me threw the roof, and his verbal skills are remarkable. I wish I could be like that,' this doesn't have a poisonous feeling directed toward Stef at all. It makes me want to improve myself, but will also get me worrying about my own capacities slightly. What can one do though? haha. Below me? hmm. There could be an element of that as it pertains to the thumbnail (never the content). 



You aren't interested in all 3000 podcasts?  This is unacceptable...I will have to report you, and recommend that you be banned.

lol good point. I do frequent the podcasts as it's the easiest way to get the latest, full, call-in-shows. For the 'smaller' vids I like the videos though, and most new-comers will be coming from YouTube, I assume. 


To all: sorry if the answers are a bit rushed. I have to be somewhere and I'm already pushing it. Thanks for the responses so far. 

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