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Criminals as victims of circumstance


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It it possible to have a criminal at or above the age of reason, who, by virtue of circumstance has been so victimised, brutalised, or brainwashed as to be unaccountable for his actions?  Or is there an age beyond which a person is instantly, suddenly, and totally accountable for everything they do?

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I would say that we are all victims of circumstance. Some are also victims of circumcision. 


We all make choices, but the choices we make are determined by all previous experiences that we have had up to that point. Brain structure is determined by genetics, parenting/caregivers, peer group, teachers and the wider culture. It explains why ignorance, poverty, drug abuse and violence occur in cycles and why ideologies continue through time. Shouldn't we expect a more random distribution of human behaviour if people really were completely free to make their own choices? But instead we see cycles of behaviour that change gradually over time. I call it cultural momentum.


So I believe that punishment is irrational and immoral. Isolate people to reduce harm, sure, but don't do it to get revenge. We should analyse events that result in harm so that we can minimize their occurrence in the future.

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Id say the "point of not return" comes when a person you talk to doesnt even get angry at you for illuminating the choi8ce he/she has.


If there is ZERO resistance from such person to get help or get to theraphy or to get angry from you pointing out how bad his/her life is... th either theyve genuinely seeking help or they are so far gone they go by whatever whim comes across them.


As long as a person can get annoyed for being offered a choice to help themselves they KNOW or have capacity to choose.

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