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Is the International Space Station real?


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I have always accepted the ISS, and had no real reason to doubt it, but when I watched this video today, I dont know what to think about it anymore.


I found the original, and he starts talking about ISS after 6:07

This was the edited video I watched, with some other things added.


I had always thought that it seemed pretty easy to make it, considering that adding parts to it would probably be a huge challenge in space, and it seemed perhaps a little too easy to live in. So I guess I had some very minor questions atleast while I was accepting it.


Lets say its real, with people, but what they give out to the audience is for show and continous funding. Is that a possibility?


What do you think? (after watching the video)


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There are people out there that dedicate their lives to studying the cosmos. Why would someone choose the life of exile in a monastery if they thought god was a hoax?  


Just imagine what that kind of obsession can achieve. Their goal is to fund their hobby, and if their hobby is getting into space what does it matter if the ISS is a hoax or not? Either way we'll still eventually have a fully functioning ISS (or something similar).


Lastly, may I ask, what difference do you think it makes if the ISS is a hoax?

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The ISS is for zero gravity experiments on things varying from new kinds materials in electronics to growing plants, for human experiments on how our bodies deal with prolonged space travel, as place people can go to while repairing satellites and other machinery and in the future it will be a place to actually launch missions to Mars and beyond.

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Thanks for the posts so far.


I sure hope it is real, else I would become quite disappointed in humans. Faking moon landings in 1970 is not a very big deal imo, but making it look like there are people in this station in orbit would be much more offensive to many I am guessing.


I have studied some videos (supposedly) from the station, and have only found a few minor weird things, but then I noticed that all videos with the crews being interviewed are always concluded around 20 minutes.  The longest one I found so far is 22:37 with fade out.


There are many of these "crew talks about" videos and they never seem to go any further than 22:37 afaik. It does not fail. And from the ones I watched, they always end with "that concludes...". Why do they have to 'conclude'? Cant they just continue talking until the interviewers or the crew gets bored or whatever like in any other interview?


Did anyone see a crew video that was longer than this?


And it doesnt seem to be a standard for any of their other videos. If they are interviewing anyone else on earth they use 50 minutes or more than an hour or anything they want, but talking to the crew have to be concluded after around 20 minutes (most are 19:30). Whats the deal?  If it is faked, then do they have the ability to use a zero G plane for a maximum of 23 minutes ? Is that possible?



Another thing that strike me is that they supposedly deal with weightless objects all day long, and so that would become boring after a while, but when they handle the microphone in the interviews, they like to play around with it and even seem invigorated by what happens. That does not speak well of people who supposedly handle all kinds of weightless objects every single minute, or atleast every hour each day.


Am I on to something, or does it sound like nonsense?



Edit: This one is 24:26 So if there is no cut, it would be the longest I've found so far. No wait, how can they make this one 33:36 when all the others are around 20? Maybe they just want to keep them reasonably short and this particular one was allowed to go on for longer.

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is 24:26 So if there is no cut, it would be the longest I've found so far. No wait, how can they make
33:36 when all the others are around 20? Maybe they just want to keep them reasonably short and this particular one was allowed to go on for longer.

I'm glad you seemed to have answered your own question there...


Just for reference... I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the fake things...

Nukes are fake

Moon landing




... Gosh, what else is fake?

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I'm glad you seemed to have answered your own question there...


Just for reference... I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the fake things...

Nukes are fake

Moon landing




... Gosh, what else is fake?


Also there is only 1 potentially real picture of Earth from space and it's from 1972.

All the others are composites or fake CGI.



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You can literally talk to people aboard the ISS with amateur radio. And if you know anything about Amateur Radio you're very unlikely to be tricked. While it's theoretically possible to fake such a thing, most ways of doing it can be detected/noticed and they will have fooled some of the greatest radio experts on earth. Not to mention you don't need much of a telescope to see it.

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I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the fake things...



Me too. But it is liberating to know that they are not based on logic or evidence and pretty much nothing else, and can be disregarded. So that they do not clutter the mind in whatever I am doing.


I dont know if nuclear bombs, or black holes, or ISS is fake, that is why I want to talk about it here. I dont think I would be incorrect in saying that this is the most friendly, tolerable and open minded forum around, so why would I waste time anywhere else.




... Gosh, what else is fake?


There are quite alot of lies and hoaxes and staged events and disinformation and suppressed information. One example of suppressed information is that cancer organizations are notorious in doing NOTHING to research or help in any way to get cancer cures to people, and doing EVERYTHING they can to slam down on any such information getting out to the public. If you have ever or will give money to these bastards then you are helping to suppress cancer cures.


I dont want to rant on that in this thread though. I would like it to be about ISS.

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I'm glad you seemed to have answered your own question there...


Just for reference... I'm having a hard time keeping track of all the fake things...

Nukes are fake

Moon landing




... Gosh, what else is fake?

All of you are only computer programs, NPCs that the matrix is feeding me responses from to keep me from figuring out the truth.

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Another thing that strike me is that they supposedly deal with weightless objects all day long, and so that would become boring after a while, but when they handle the microphone in the interviews, they like to play around with it and even seem invigorated by what happens. That does not speak well of people who supposedly handle all kinds of weightless objects every single minute, or atleast every hour each day.

Astronauts are having too much fun in zero gravity therefore it must be fake?


You're going out of your way to find evidence supporting what you want to believe, while ignoring contrary evidence, maybe you should take a break from these hoax histories and find a new hobby, it seems that you became obsessed about it.

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I think it definitely exists, in that there is a satellite of its description in orbit. It has been seen by many independent astronomers. That does not prove that there is people in it though. I have been looking for HD docking videos for the ISS for many years, since I first heard about the ISS many years ago. NASA finally released some HD docking footage, claiming that they have advanced thrusters and lasers that automatically allow for the docking at 17000 miles per hour around the planet. After watching the videos on youtube that showed that China was faking its space walks by using a pool and a "blue colour filter" to take out the water, creating the illusion of weightlessness. The mistake was not editing out some of the bubbles before broadcasting it on the TV and other mistakes. I did start doubting the ISS even more.

Then we had russia sending a clown to the ISS.


Then the accusation would have to be that they fake all the zero gravity footage in high altitude with modified air planes. I am not convinced either way on this. I am sceptical that there are people in there but I have not seen enough to prove that they are not. The video in the OP is quite convincing and i had not come across it yet.

I know that NASA is involved in fraud, from the apollo missions so i would not put it past them to go through such lengths. Man has never been higher than 280 miles 450km. ISS altitude is 400km. Satellites are at 22000 miles.
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Astronauts are having too much fun in zero gravity therefore it must be fake?


You're going out of your way to find evidence supporting what you want to believe,


Correction; going out of my way to find the truth. And I believed alot of things before that are lies. I believed that man made global warming was real because I had been brainwashed by 10000 references on TV. I believed that gas chambers were real because TV said so... and much more. alot of stories do not hold up so well when you actually try to prove it to yourself instead of listening to well spoken people on TV.



while ignoring contrary evidence,


1. You dont know what my brain is doing.

2. You are wrong.

3. You could have asked.



maybe you should take a break from these hoax histories and find a new hobby,


Please do not make condescending remarks about what I do with my life. My main hobby is programming. But I also want to know everything about the universe. Getting rid of blatant lies that are without evidence is a must for such a goal.



it seems that you became obsessed about it.


That is partly true, but only because I want to know as much as possible about the universe.

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