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[YouTube] The Truth About Dylann Roof | Charleston Church Shooting

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Nine people are dead after a shooting that occurred on Wednesday at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. The congregation, established in 1816, is one of the oldest African American churches in the United States.

Gunman Dylann Roof told the worshipers, "I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country and you have to go."

One woman was specifically spared as Roof said, “I'm not going to shoot you because I want you to tell everyone what happened.”

Authorities believe that Roof acted alone – but as we’ll soon discuss, no mass murderer truly acts alone.  

Roof has now been charged with nine counts of murder and has reportedly confessed to carrying out the shootings. In discussions with investigators, he said: “I wanted to start a race war, but almost didn’t go through with it because everyone was so nice.”

On Saturday, Dylann Roof’s personal website “The Last Rhodesian” was discovered. The website featured additional photographs and a 2,500-word manifesto which explained his motivations.

What is the truth about Dylann Roof?

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How do you guys find this stuff and turn these around so quick?  It's pretty awesome.  For any given incident you can always count on FDR to put forth information that makes far more sense in explaining these tragedies while every pundit on the MSM is spewing blather about racism and gun control.  Maybe FDR is biased as well as always looks towards child abuse\personal issues, but at least that bias makes far more sense.

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Terribly sad story but thanks for the great info guys.


If anyone's interested I just heard similar info here: https://www.noagendaplayer.com/listen/732/1-36-04 A lot of it is similar to what is touched on above, but they also look a bit more into the website itself, the manifesto, the drug he was on, and the senator who was killed. If nothing else it's nice supporting research to what Stefan and the guys have found.



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