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O Canada

the stolen native land

true patriot love

obeying all commands


with glowing hearts

you can't use your eyes

the truth north

strong and naïve


from far and wide

o canada

what choice do we

have in thee?


God keep 'Our Land'

for it's not real

nor is he


o Canada

what choice do we

have in thee?


o Canada

what choice do we

have in thee?




I really like this. It is very creative and funny.


You mentioned stolen land which invoked some thoughts about the racist policies in Canada. Consider the following scenario:


You have a friend (Tom) who is completely naive to Canadian history and wishes to attend a Canadian University. You are helping him with scholarship applications when he notices that he is missing out on a considerable amount of scholarships and bursaries because he does not meet the genetic/racial requirements. Tom is appalled by what he sees because he comes from an advanced society that values race equality, he understands that race has nothing to do with job or academic performance. He is suddenly hesitant about coming to a Canadian University in fear of experiencing intense discrimination from these 'First Nations' people who he imagines must be Canada's majority race. He does not want to come to Canada anymore because he thinks he will have a difficult time finding a good job after graduation because of racial discrimination. He says, "Racism and bigotry must be rampant in Canada if schools, governments and scholarship donors openly favour people of certain genetic heritage." 




I wish the Canadian people could start over with a clean slate in which all people of all genders, sexualities and races were afforded equal opportunity. I understand that there has been some horrible things done in the past and that those actions, like residential schools, have contributed to disadvantage for first nations people. However, affirmative action may not be the solution. 

Affirmative action causes a positive feedback loop of racism within society; non-first nations people are envious of the small advantages afforded to first nations which intensifies racism. In response more affirmative action is applied to compensate for the intensified discrimination which only intensifies the envy and discrimination. 




And I agree with your concern over the use of the term 'Native Land'. I don't think it was ever any 'One Peoples' land to steal in the first place.


"Immigration should be called moving." - Stef


Should have spent some more time on that line. Maybe this: "o Canada, why do we name the land?"

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