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Hi guys, I just saw Mad Max and I really recommend it. It is a spectacular story about the path to enlightenment. It is full of metaphors about slavery, politics, child abuse, moral choices.

For example:


In the movie the state is divided into three categories:

Politics (the sick king- because power corrupts),


Snap 2015-06-27 at 20.53.02.png



Economy/banking (the fat businessman),


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Military (the psychopathic general)  



Snap 2015-06-27 at 21.01.32.png


Entertainment industry helps to control the crowd:



Snap 2015-06-27 at 21.05.16.png


I wonder why religion is not there tho.


You are feeding your own irrationality and must break the chain in order to set yourself freer.


Snap 2015-06-27 at 21.12.31.png


Movie is trying to say that the future depends on children and on the way how they are risen. In the movie a group of women and pregnant queen, with the help of main character - Mad Max, is trying to escape the corrupt kingdom where children are abused and raised as psychopathic, irrational warriors. 

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I wonder why religion is not there tho.

Maybe the archetype wasnt represented but there certainly were elements of religion. Those pale white skinned humanoids talked about life after death before they would kamakazi themselves. They also seemed to view there king as a sort of "moses" like figure who would lead them to the promise land refered to as Valhala? or somthing like that.

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OK so i had some crazy dreams last night and this morning i had some more thoughts on symbolism within this film.

In the begining of the story Max is chained to a creature that is living off his blood. I think this is symbolic of our alter ego or shadow self that tends to run our lives subconciously. In I.F.S.  It might symbolise a  subpersonalitie such as a Firefighter. This part of our selves is there with good intentions trying to protect us. But almost always inevitably hurts us by the very protective action they are taking. In the film Max tries desperatley to escape this being. Even after He cuts his physical chain to him  he is still pursued by the creature. It isnt till the creature itself has the realisation that it is fighting for the wrong cause that ceases its relentless pursuit. This process reminds me again of I.F.S where the internal subpersonalitie cannot be escaped from and cannot be fought against . The personalitie itself has to come to the realisation that it is harming rather than doing good in order to find resolution.


The other major scene is where the Female protagonist in the movie realises that her paradise or home doesnt exist. Max shows her that the place she seeks is the very place they have been running from the "Citidel".

This is akin to the realisation in self knowledge many encounter. Many people are running from themselves and their fears. I think in the film The "citidel" repersents the Self. The armys chasing them represent fears or adversity in ones life. I think the message might be that there is no where to run to  escape your fears. Infact the only solution is to do the unthinkable and turn around and face the army(fear) that is chasing you. The citidel(Self) is your true home and contains all the things neccisary for peace and happines.

 Anyhow Just some groggy thoughts i managed to scribble down in my dream journal this morning.

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