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Dream Analysis request


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I had a dream a week ago, and it has been on my mind since then so I would like to get some feedback on it.


Short overview of current situation: I live with my girlfriend and we are thinking about splitting up into different apartments because we project our feeling a lot and we get into long conflicts that lasts hours. We have decided recently to seek couples' therapy as well as individual therapy to deal with this problem while living together.


The Dream:


I'm in my apartment. I'm in a fetal position in front of the door to my apartment in the inside. I heard some knocking on the front door, but I was scared that it was my parents and I didn't move. Since I was in a fetal position, I was able to see beneath the door and saw a person's shoes. The shoes were black and thick, like the shoe brand "New Balance". I just stayed down in front the door, because I didn't want my parents to know that I'm inside of this apartment. 


Then the door opens, and a hand reaches out to pet me on my back. I don't do anything. 


My dream skips to another scene happens where I'm in my bedroom and I see my girlfriend, who I slowly realize that she is a dog. She is a mixture of all the dogs that I have liked in the past and current: a corgi, a hotdog dog, shelty, and cavalier. She was coming towards me and I was so happy. This part of the dream was really beautiful for me. Then I start to realize that I'm a dog too because if she is a dog, I'm one too. 


So that's the end of the dream.


I wonder what the significance of this dream is because I'm trying to gain more self knowledge. What do you guys think?


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I have no idea. It's an interesting dream, for sure.


I'm not sure there is enough information here to produce a meaningful analysis, but I do have some questions.


What happened the day before?


Why were you in the fetal position? You mentioned you were scared the knock at the door was your parents, but you were already in a fetal position. What in your life right now (or whenever you actually had the dream) is a primary source of fear? Have you been afraid of something and had some other recent event exacerbate that fear? Is that thing something you feared while living at home with your parents? Something overwhelming enough to put you in the fetal position?


Being that you are in an apartment in the dream (the same one you live in now?) then that could indicate that whatever it's trying to tell you about is something from your present (as opposed to the future or past).


You fear the person outside, but I take it that when the door actually opened and they entered the apartment that it wasn't negative. Being pet or caressed can be nice. Is there anything recently in your life that you thought would be negative but wasn't? Or is there something which you think could go either way in terms of being positive or negative?


The fact that the person opening the door pets you on the back is already treating you kinda like a dog, so that theme seems to carry over to the second part. Being a dog seems to be important in the dream. I don't know why, but I get a sense that dogs here represent some kind of innocence. All those breeds are smaller, cuter breeds, and they are your favorites. Dogs don't pretend to be something they aren't. Dogs are very transparent about what they like and dislike. Dogs are very loyal and affectionate.


There is no actual reason why you would have to be a dog if she were a dog, but you thought this in the dream, which is interesting. And it's how the dream ends. Is there something you need to acknowledge about yourself?



Also, I think it's great that you guys are doing therapy and taking care of business.

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I don't really know anything about interpreting dreams, but here are some ideas (only that) – the door could be representative of your girlfriend, as in a metaphor for her sex, and you being inside the apartment in a fetal position could possibly mean that you feel at home with her, or that you view her as a maternal figure in your life. In a way, it's like you being inside her womb.


This could also mean, that you feel that she has appropriated the apartment as her own and you are trapped in it. And you being afraid of opening the door to your parents, may be a metaphor for you being afraid of your parents knowing about the problems you and your girlfriend are having inside the apartment, maybe you are afraid of sharing what you two are going through with them. (Are you?)


The pat on your back could represent your helplessness in the matter, like maybe you feel there's nothing you can do to remedy the situation, or maybe you feel that your parents don't believe you are capable of dealing with it, and so they just pat you on the back and walk in.


The dog thing may represent your wish that things were as simple as that – a relationship between two beautiful animals, respectful of each other and of their natural duties as partners. In other words, you may see this succession of dogs as representative of the values you seek in a partner. After all dogs are life companions, and friends in a way.


I'm sorry if these interpretations are too weird or far-fetched.

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I have no idea. It's an interesting dream, for sure.


I'm not sure there is enough information here to produce a meaningful analysis, but I do have some questions.


What happened the day before?


Why were you in the fetal position? You mentioned you were scared the knock at the door was your parents, but you were already in a fetal position. What in your life right now (or whenever you actually had the dream) is a primary source of fear? Have you been afraid of something and had some other recent event exacerbate that fear? Is that thing something you feared while living at home with your parents? Something overwhelming enough to put you in the fetal position?


Being that you are in an apartment in the dream (the same one you live in now?) then that could indicate that whatever it's trying to tell you about is something from your present (as opposed to the future or past).


You fear the person outside, but I take it that when the door actually opened and they entered the apartment that it wasn't negative. Being pet or caressed can be nice. Is there anything recently in your life that you thought would be negative but wasn't? Or is there something which you think could go either way in terms of being positive or negative?


The fact that the person opening the door pets you on the back is already treating you kinda like a dog, so that theme seems to carry over to the second part. Being a dog seems to be important in the dream. I don't know why, but I get a sense that dogs here represent some kind of innocence. All those breeds are smaller, cuter breeds, and they are your favorites. Dogs don't pretend to be something they aren't. Dogs are very transparent about what they like and dislike. Dogs are very loyal and affectionate.


There is no actual reason why you would have to be a dog if she were a dog, but you thought this in the dream, which is interesting. And it's how the dream ends. Is there something you need to acknowledge about yourself?



Also, I think it's great that you guys are doing therapy and taking care of business.


Hi Kevin, 


I don't know what happened the day before, but recently I have been doubting myself and thinking about what to do with my girlfriend and my situation. Whether we should move in together again or not. I'm guessing that it's telling me about that but I'm not sure. 


I have many fears. If I were to relate it my relationship with her, I would say that I fear messing our relationship up. Failing our relationship. Like we did things too rashly rather than to wait it out. It hurts me to think about that. 


There was a couple of weeks where I really felt bad about our relationship and I distanced myself away from her. And I think this dream came after this had happened. I felt that all my negative emotions meant that I should change the relationship to her in some way to fix it. I didn't want us to hurt each other inadvertently so I shut off. 


I didn't answer all your questions in the first post but I'm willing to hear your thought and further questions on this. 


I don't really know anything about interpreting dreams, but here are some ideas (only that) – the door could be representative of your girlfriend, as in a metaphor for her sex, and you being inside the apartment in a fetal position could possibly mean that you feel at home with her, or that you view her as a maternal figure in your life. In a way, it's like you being inside her womb.


This could also mean, that you feel that she has appropriated the apartment as her own and you are trapped in it. And you being afraid of opening the door to your parents, may be a metaphor for you being afraid of your parents knowing about the problems you and your girlfriend are having inside the apartment, maybe you are afraid of sharing what you two are going through with them. (Are you?)


The pat on your back could represent your helplessness in the matter, like maybe you feel there's nothing you can do to remedy the situation, or maybe you feel that your parents don't believe you are capable of dealing with it, and so they just pat you on the back and walk in.


The dog thing may represent your wish that things were as simple as that – a relationship between two beautiful animals, respectful of each other and of their natural duties as partners. In other words, you may see this succession of dogs as representative of the values you seek in a partner. After all dogs are life companions, and friends in a way.


I'm sorry if these interpretations are too weird or far-fetched.


I find your analysis interesting. I find that helplessness is certainly a big part of my life. I feel helpless about my life sometimes. I had no choice regarding anything in my life, so I have been really trained to be obedient and helpless... waiting for the next command to come my way. And when I think back on this dream, I think about how dogs are obedient and slave like. But at the same time, I wonder why my girlfriend is portrayed in this fashion?  



Want to call into the show about it?


Hi Mike, I sent you a PM and email about it. Thanks. 

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I find your analysis interesting. I find that helplessness is certainly a big part of my life. I feel helpless about my life sometimes. I had no choice regarding anything in my life, so I have been really trained to be obedient and helpless... waiting for the next command to come my way. And when I think back on this dream, I think about how dogs are obedient and slave like. But at the same time, I wonder why my girlfriend is portrayed in this fashion? 


Have you looked into therapy? You certainly shouldn't feel helpless in regards to your life! However, I'm sure it's quite hard to start taking charge of your life after feeling this way for so long. Particularly if your personal relationships reinforce your feelings of helplessness.


If you have the opportunity of speaking directly to Stef, then I would highly recommend it.

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After having another conversation with my girlfriend, I got some more information out of this dream.


I realized that the person outside of the door is actually a representation of myself. And I think that it's my parent's manifestations of myself. So it's like my parent's part of me. And that person is really trying to scare me and go over my boundaries. And in essence, I think it is a dream about being afraid of myself. Because there are parts of me that are so against what I'm and what I believe in. And those parts made me do bad things and it is still affecting me a lot to this day. I have had similar dream in the past, and it's something that I need to inspect more. 


August Boulder, 


I don't know if you read the intro to my dream, but I have stated that I'm looking for a individual therapist as well as a couples' therapist. Recently, I have found an individual therapist and will be going to my 2nd session on this coming week. So far so good :)

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