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Saw this political spectrum test on a youtube video: https://www.politicalcompass.org/


It is hard to fit an anarchist in some these boxes, but still interesting.  Also has a spanking question which is interesting.


I ended up in the middle of the Libertarian Right, with an economic score of 6.5 and a social score of -5.74


Anyone interest in sharing their results?  Would be fascinating to see what the spread of this forum looks.

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Saw this political spectrum test on a youtube video: https://www.politicalcompass.org/


It is hard to fit an anarchist in some these boxes, but still interesting.  Also has a spanking question which is interesting.


I ended up in the middle of the Libertarian Right, with an economic score of 6.5 and a social score of -5.74


Anyone interest in sharing their results?  Would be fascinating to see what the spread of this forum looks.

I couldnt take the test because its full of false dichotomies, had they given third options Id be interested to take it, 

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I couldnt take the test because its full of false dichotomies, had they given third options Id be interested to take it,


I think the restricted questions are intentional? All those questions about state economic intervention made me uncomfortable to the extreme. I just had to answer that in the context of our current society, state intervention may be a lesser evil, all the while hoping the answers wouldn't make me end up on the authoritarian side of the spectrum, as I would never endorse state intervention/redistribution in an anarchist society.

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I couldnt take the test because its full of false dichotomies, had they given third options Id be interested to take it, 


I can see that, but I found a way to come up with my best answer even though I didn't agree with the premises (like I said, it is hard to fit anarchists in their boxes).  It is just a measure that is imperfect, and probably has some political bent to make most people think they are on the Left Libertarian spectrum. I found it interesting though, and wasn't very emotionally invested into how I "scored".

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I can see that, but I found a way to come up with my best answer even though I didn't agree with the premises (like I said, it is hard to fit anarchists in their boxes).  It is just a measure that is imperfect, and probably has some political bent to make most people think they are on the Left Libertarian spectrum. I found it interesting though, and wasn't very emotionally invested into how I "scored".

I scored on the left libertarian side because I am a communist anarchist. It seems to be fairly accurate in depicting both libertarian leftists and rightist to me, I doubt it is some giant anarchist conspiracy, lol. If you read the page it says that right wing libertarians generally score only moderately in libertarianism because they are predominantly concerned with economic liberty more than social, which I think is a fair claim.

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I scored on the left libertarian side because I am a communist anarchist. It seems to be fairly accurate in depicting both libertarian leftists and rightist to me, I doubt it is some giant anarchist conspiracy, lol. If you read the page it says that right wing libertarians generally score only moderately in libertarianism because they are predominantly concerned with economic liberty more than social, which I think is a fair claim.


Who said giant conspiracy?  lol lol. I just said there was likely a bent. Go troll someone else.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We should survey as many FDR listeners as possible then plot everyone on the political spectrum (there's a feature on said site). I like seeing graphs and data! I'm a geek....


Here are my numbers:

Economic Left/Right: 6.0 
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.44 
Or "right libertarian" (but in contrast to some of you, I'm an authoritarian socialist)
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Yeah I took the test a few weeks ago. I think it's probably the best of a bad bunch. But I agree with the WasatchMan that it has a bias towards left libertarianism. Which is why Sargon of Akaad probably took it recently, in a desperate plea to prove he was a leftist, rather than a conservative. ;)


It's questions like this that don't help:


"I'd always support my country, whether it was right or wrong."


I mean in a stateless world, I guess you could replace 'country' with 'tribe' perhaps. But it still doesn't really help. You either end up answering on principle (if you can) or pragmatically from a perspective of the world we actually inhabit. It's a terribly uninteresting question to answer for an anarchist, because it assumes that in either case we are good with the idea of a 'country' in the first place.


All said mind, it's still rather fun to take. And I enjoy annoying some of my leftist friends by showing I'm not that far removed from them on the political spectrum. :P

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I took this test and I was correctly identified as a libertarian of the rightist paradigm.  I used to love saying libertarianism or anarchism is neither left nor right, but after reading this piece by Hoppe, I quit saying that.  I imagine Hoppe would come out in the bottom right hand corner if the test was constructed flawlessly.  If the way Hoppe presents the left-right dichotomy is correct, which I believe it is, then anarchism is simply not compatible with leftism.  If the piece is TLDR, the gist is that the leftist paradigm is that inequality among humans should be rectified while the rightist paradigm is that inequality is biological and unavoidable, therefore, nothing can or should be done about this.  The right matches observable reality while the left does not.  

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Your Political Compass Economic Left/Right: 9.75 

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.38


But What I want to know is how one gets 10 and -10 :)


Learn the test and answer how they want you to.  The first three questions are too black and white for me to answer, so I didn't get past them and didn't bother taking the test.

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I took this test and I was correctly identified as a libertarian of the rightist paradigm.  I used to love saying libertarianism or anarchism is neither left nor right, but after reading this piece by Hoppe, I quit saying that.  I imagine Hoppe would come out in the bottom right hand corner if the test was constructed flawlessly.  If the way Hoppe presents the left-right dichotomy is correct, which I believe it is, then anarchism is simply not compatible with leftism.  If the piece is TLDR, the gist is that the leftist paradigm is that inequality among humans should be rectified while the rightist paradigm is that inequality is biological and unavoidable, therefore, nothing can or should be done about this.  The right matches observable reality while the left does not.


Actually, anarchists argue that inequality is biological and unavoidable too. What anarchists oppose is the artificial inequality inherent in the capitalist system. Capital accumulation under capitalism is not based on merit, it is based on capital, hence its name. When anarchists talk of inequality they usually mean this artificial state of affairs. It is a fundamental difference in what constitutes justified inequality.




The article was so full of fail I couldn't finish. Here's a better outline of the fundamental principles of anarchism (ignoring the unfair and misinformed slander of anarchist communism at the end).



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Actually, anarchists argue that inequality is biological and unavoidable too. What anarchists oppose is the artificial inequality inherent in the capitalist system. Capital accumulation under capitalism is not based on merit, it is based on capital, hence its name. When anarchists talk of inequality they usually mean this artificial state of affairs. It is a fundamental difference in what constitutes justified inequality.




The article was so full of fail I couldn't finish. Here's a better outline of the fundamental principles of anarchism (ignoring the unfair and misinformed slander of anarchist communism at the end).



I agree.  That labor theory of value stuff is stuffed to the rafters with fail.  Oh whoops, you're saying you didn't read the article I linked to.  Let's play source wars!!!

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Sorry, I missed you. I just updated it to include you.


It'd be great if we had a larger sample size of FDR listeners (those who are willing to provide an answer to some of those infuriating false dichotomies).

Edited by russoft
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I've put these in Excel and plotted them. Take a look. If we continue to get a response, I'll make it look nicer. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByXyiDkY8ma_fllaZHlIY2RyYnlTS05FNGZ5UlBzaWFINFVUUVpEN3NEdUZsQml2QnVJWlk&usp=sharing


Good work russoft!  Appreciate you doing that.


It is interesting that the social spread is pretty small across the board, but the economic spread is wide.

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