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Crackdown On 'Rich' Council House Tenants

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high paid lefties that benefited from social housing that is supposed to home the poor...



Big earners living in council houses or flats and paying cheap subsidised rents are to lose the perk in a Budget crackdown this week.

Sky News understands George Osborne will announce that anyone earning over £40,000 in London or £30,000 outside the capital will lose benefits and have to pay the full market rent.

The crackdown, which will save taxpayers £250m a year, is aimed at the likes of Frank Dobson, who still lives in a council flat near the British Museum, despite serving as a Cabinet Minister under Tony Blair and earning a six-figure salary.

The late Bob Crow lived in a council house in east London, thought to be paying just £150 a week in rent, while he was the militant leader of the RMT union with a pay and perks package of more than £140,000. When challenged, he said he made “no apology” for living in social housing.


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