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Without government who is going to feed the homeless??

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I find your thread title is misleading. It sounds like you were asking an actual question instead of just posting a video on that topic.


I, like many, don't want to be mislead. Maybe you want to consider that for the future.

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I find your thread title is misleading. It sounds like you were asking an actual question instead of just posting a video on that topic.


I, like many, don't want to be mislead. Maybe you want to consider that for the future.

You said "sounds like I was asking a question,"  well thats your assumption, since I have not said anywhere that its a question, so I do not see a reason for you to chastise me for your incorrect assumption. 


In many cases people are saying what will happen when there is no government, I thought it would be good to point out what happens when there is a government.  I seriously have no idea what your feeling of being mislead has to do with anything.  There are many ways to arm yourself, knowing what happens currently is one way.  I dont really see how I am misleading, you thought I had a question, instead I am pointing out the fallacy of the question, well then your thought was erroneous.  And I had no attempts to mislead anyone.

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I was referring to the thread title and how it corresponds to the actual content of the post. Usually threads are opened to discuss something, and not share a video.


In my opinion, a better thread title would have been:


"Video: Without government who is going to feed the homeless??" (still misleading)

"Video: 90-yo arrested for [...]" (preferred)

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I was referring to the thread title and how it corresponds to the actual content of the post. Usually threads are opened to discuss something, and not share a video.


In my opinion, a better thread title would have been:


"Video: Without government who is going to feed the homeless??" (still misleading)

"Video: 90-yo arrested for [...]" (preferred)

Frederic, there are plenty of thread open just to share something.  Granted the second option could have been used, I dont see how one is better to another, nor do I see how you think that you can tell me off for something as subjective and as irrelevant as this.


 I guess my question is this, and its a serious one.  Looking through many threads, you can find quiet a few, where people just share a video, and people either start a discussion about them or they dont.  So seeing those threads I do not see you chastising authors for anything.  Now the question is this, what is it specifically about me, that gave you an impression that you can approach me in order to berate me, and to talk down at me, just because you didnt like something?  Do you honestly think that you are being appropriate here? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Slavik, I wouldn't want to see your thread go to waste.


Rather on the title question than on the video (limited bandwidth and YT demanding a lot, so sorry for not having watched the video, but from the title and image I get the idea of it).


Your question "who is going to feed the homeless?"


We as modern 21st century people, used to socialist governments (Europe) or other huge governments (warfare, programs, Obama'care' etc.), I'd say that people in general are very well able to feed (and house) themselves. It's simply a matter of survival.


The ridiculous notion (not yours) that without government (that doesn't feed people anyway) people will let themselves starve to death does not have any logical nor historical basis.


People will always look for survival, food, shelter, the basic needs. And find them when not blocked by others (including governments).


So back to your video (or at least what I think it shows); it's the force of governments, with their police apparatus that hinders the development of the homeless. Anyone supporting homeless people from voluntary standpoint should be praised, not taken hostage (arrested) nor being robbed (fined).

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Hi Slavik, I wouldn't want to see your thread go to waste.


Rather on the title question than on the video (limited bandwidth and YT demanding a lot, so sorry for not having watched the video, but from the title and image I get the idea of it).


Your question "who is going to feed the homeless?"


We as modern 21st century people, used to socialist governments (Europe) or other huge governments (warfare, programs, Obama'care' etc.), I'd say that people in general are very well able to feed (and house) themselves. It's simply a matter of survival.


The ridiculous notion (not yours) that without government (that doesn't feed people anyway) people will let themselves starve to death does not have any logical nor historical basis.


People will always look for survival, food, shelter, the basic needs. And find them when not blocked by others (including governments).


So back to your video (or at least what I think it shows); it's the force of governments, with their police apparatus that hinders the development of the homeless. Anyone supporting homeless people from voluntary standpoint should be praised, not taken hostage (arrested) nor being robbed (fined).

You should watch the video, in the video you will see an old man being jailed for feeding the homeless.  The video is an answer to who is going to feed them, as in right now government jailing those who feed the homeless, so it follows that in free society people will feed the homeless since they wont get jailed. 

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