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FDR 3015 - The Caller Who Doesn't Exist

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I am trying to reach out to the caller from podcast 3015: the one whose life has come to a standstill, and this the result of his history of bullying others. I was impressed by his candor and his bravery to push past the blocks in the conversation.


But most importantly I was stunned at how closely his experience resembled mine. I also bullied people growing up, humiliating them with an endless barrage of insults about how weird they were, or how fat, or how stupid. And like the caller, my life has completely stalled out. The lightning bolt of insults that I furiously hurled like Zeus on high has exploded in my hand; I am now the eternal storm cloud that boils alive with electricity. 


In spite of the journaling I'm doing in therapy, I have avoided my bullying history. I tell myself I'll consider it tomorrow, always the next day. But I don't want to put it off anymore.


If you're reading this, Brian, I'd like to talk to you if you're willing. Share experiences and so forth.

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If you're reading this, Brian, I'd like to talk to you if you're willing. Share experiences and so forth.


Good for you.  Hope it works out.  MMD, are you willing to share contact information so that this can happen?  (After all, it's not 100% guaranteed that the caller is part of the message board.) 

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