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[H&W] Vitamin D, Health, and Human Longevity with Dr. Rhonda Patrick

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The title is a bit of a bait and switch as the speaker only discusses Vitamin D from 5:30 to 12:30. Rhonda also fields a Vitamin D question from the audience at 46:00.


No one would actually read this if I called it Nutriogenomics and Epigenetics.



Considering that Stefan is very interested in genetic research as it may apply to philosophy, human psychology and child development, Mike should seek out Rhona Patrick for an interview.


This is Rhonda's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/user/FoundMyFitness


The Barbell Shrugged team also interviewed her. She discusses Vitamin D a bit more in this video, starting at 51:00 to the end of the video.




Don't forget to get your Vitamin D levels tested! (I just ordered mine.) 70% of Americans do not have adequate levels of Vitamin D in the bloodstream!



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  • 1 month later...

Hey cool.  Saw you posted in my thread.  Glad there are others who are tracking this and trying to get the information out there.  Her research and presentations on Epigentics is phenomenal, and I immediately thought of Stefan when watching it.  I would love it if he did an interview with her.  Possible topics would be epigentics of course, but also early childhood development issues caused by malnutrition, and also cognitive diseases caused by lack of Vitamin D etc.  

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Thank you J.D. for posting this. I will listen to Dr. Patrick's video.


You are correct on stats with Vitamin D, adults with below levels, unknown levels.

The outdated recommendations via the professionals on labels doesn't help with this: lack

of information.


Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. For 9 yrs, I a licensed (non medical) skin care tech.

I became licensed in 2000. Skin our exterior, most do not pay attention to. 

The Face is high priority, what about the rest of us, our skin continues.


2000 " the Sun" persons exposure was in full blown controversy in media, in magazines.  

The arguments of man vs machine. Tanning beds, sun screen, sun block. 


Then it seemed every product right down to shampoo evolved to have a SPF quotient.

Bah, these products too are laden with inert ingredients that go into the blood steam

and or sit on top of the skin, varying upon application, its' so not a daily requirement.


If you are blocking and or screening and or omitting the sun from your body:

All bets are off for Natural Vitamin D " to aid you, to enter" ~ the Sun is part of the maintenance 

we all require. No Sun for long periods, quality of life, the living cells begin to break



What if you are a person of a higher melanin, you're own skin is working for you as 

a built in sun screen.  You the fairer skinned person may find they themselves

are not able to tolerate direct sun for long periods of time: this then diminishes

time spent in direct sun. The body is a miraculous machine: we know this. 


This where it is of interest the differences within us: genetically, geographically

within vitamins, nutrients, our indifference, how our bodies are of values recommended.

I am excited to listen to the good Dr.'s findings.


If you weren't to apply these products they say if you don't apply or use

products with at least this level of protection" DAILY" the chances are increased

..you to be diagnosed with

" Skin Cancer" the fear factor, the seed is planted. Would you crumble, dry up, be of risk ?


How much Sun does one person truly find themselves exposed to? 

those who are not of their occupation outdoors, athletes, outdoor enthusiasts ..etc



Then is environment man created. In the US the sun differs greatly dependent upon region.

Windows, in buildings, in autos, in and all around us, how much time are we truly

" in the direct sun"


Fear and catchy packaging phrases is a wondrous marketing tool, Profiting upon

new and improved, it's that new one, you haven't heard of it....it's supposed to 



Slathering one self in these products with layers. From hair to toe is what ?

It prevents the body from a properly functioning immune system. You become a tweaked

version of your former once working for you: involuntarily functions become altered. 


Our skin (as a whole) is the most neglected of our selves, not purposely, it's that we wake up

it's there. We go to sleep it's there. Until there is pain, irritation, something appears

that wasn't there the day before ..does most take a deeper look, to examine one's self.


Our neglect, it's our every day routines that has impact: good bad indifferent we need to 

remind ourselves, we're only as healthy as we pay ourselves attention.


The health of our skin, that we forget how integral our skin truly is. If we listen, our skin is talking.

It speaks of what is going on in the inside.

If a negative is occurring, when it's realized no actions are of your own, does it " yell out" to you via

visual, via sensory reactions on and on..


OUCH where did that come from !? ...

how long has that been there ? ~~we've all said it. it's what we learn from where and why 

it came out, why it was there, how did this happen..that it more than likely is a symptom to/of

something underlying. 


I have pushed play :thanks:






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  • 2 weeks later...

What do you guys think of Wim Hof ?



At first he sounds like a new age hippy but then he gets backed by science and his incredible feats(climbed Everest in shorts! and no oxygen mask?). If his methods prove to be true by many peer reviewed studies, this would save more lives than penicillin.

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Hey guys, thanks for replying!

I recently got my Vitamin D test results back, and I got a 47.1 ng/mL, which is excellent for the autumnal equinox at 40N latitude. I take regular D3 supplements and expose my skin to the sun on a regular basis. I do not use sunscreen, but coconut oil. If I get sunburn, which is infrequent, I will use aloe before I peel. My sunscreen is currently being used as a hemorrhoid cream since it has zinc oxide in it.

Until there is a Health & Wellness section on FDR, all my health and wellness videos and topics will appear is the Self Knowledge section with the heading [H&W]. I would appreciate it if one of the admins could move this thread over there for me.

I linked the Wim Hof interview with Rhonda Patrick over there. https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/45504-hw-dr-patrick-interviews-the-iceman-wim-hof-immunology/

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  • 4 months later...

Hi thanks for showing us the video and the online test! What is the most comprehensive blood test I can take at home and mail in? I plan to get my vitamin D test but I would like to check as much as possible and not just vitamin D.

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Hi thanks for showing us the video and the online test! What is the most comprehensive blood test I can take at home and mail in? I plan to get my vitamin D test but I would like to check as much as possible and not just vitamin D.


Look up where you're planning to send the sample. I think you typically just give them a checklist (each with a cost of course) of things to determine about the sample you send in.

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Look up where you're planning to send the sample. I think you typically just give them a checklist (each with a cost of course) of things to determine about the sample you send in.

The one in the OP only seems to do the vitamin D test. From my research I couldnt find anything that does something like this. The ones I found require a visit to the clinic. I was hoping maybe someone who does there blood testing via mail in could provide the resource. 



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