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White People

Tyler H

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I saw this last night and thought it may be a step in the right direction - an open discussion on race that seemed to include the idea that white people can be discriminated against just like any other group of people. However the internet was abuzz today on how the show is bent on shaming white people and perpetuating more white guilt. Did I miss something in the trailer that speaks to those concerns? Do people think this show can have a positive impact, or is it just more race baiting?

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Did I miss something in the trailer that speaks to those concerns? Do people think this show can have a positive impact, or is it just more race baiting?

I think they might be referring specifically to the woman in the audience who says that "you kinda get the sense that things belong to you" which, I assume (having heard this sentiment before) means that white people feel entitled because they are automatically part of the in-group. Maybe not what she meant since there was no context beyond the words "white privilege" displayed on-screen. If so, I think she's probably only talking about herself and pretending it also applies to other people via projection.


Personally, I don't trust MTV to do anything which might get politically correct bullies beating down their door. Maybe I'm too cynical, but I don't expect that the discomfort that the white people felt is going to be used to promote anything sympathetic in the way of "white people can be targets of racism too". Rather, I would expect that they take it as further evidence that "white privilege" is a thing and that the discomfort is just having to do with those pesky social justice warriors exposing the undeniable truth!


I don't know, though. All I have to go on is 1 minute and 15 seconds of video and the fact that some people have taken exception to it as race baiting.

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I think they might be referring specifically to the woman in the audience who says that "you kinda get the sense that things belong to you"


Oh I see this all the time, some (white dude) I met from the Netherlands was pissed because the Swiss emigration kicked him out. He thought he was entitled to stay because he was white and the Swiss were also white... (comparing himself to non-European 3rd world immigrants who the Dutch let in by the boatloads..)


In my experience you see this alot with socialist people, they think everything belongs to them in some way or another. So if you have that thinking as root/base it will lead to certain conclusions that might seem alien to ancaps.

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The media has been trying to get a race war going for a while. They have a problem however; white people arent being very reactive. They're taking insults sitting down, letting everything fly over their heads as they continue to be stereotypically insultingly friendly, which, really, is what you are supposed to do in the face of unreasonable hostility. 


It's an interesting position the media has put itself in. After years of training white people to just roll over and take it, they now want white people to fight back so they can get their race war and manipulate people further. It's not gonna happen until they let go of their agenda to get white men to be submissive in the face of things like feminism.

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When you say "all the time", how frequently are we talking? Every week? Month? Year?


I've never met a white person who openly expressed that they deserved something because they are white.


very very frequently.., whenever politics comes up,..., i meet all kinds of people who think they want preferential treatment for all kinds of bullshit reasons, being "white" is as good(or as bad) as an excuse as the rest of them  

The media has been trying to get a race war going for a while.  


The media is controlled by lizard people?

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very very frequently.., whenever politics comes up,..., i meet all kinds of people who think they want preferential treatment for all kinds of bullshit reasons, being "white" is as good(or as bad) as an excuse as the rest of them  

Do you hang out with a lot of neo nazis? Where do you live?


You're telling me that every time that politics comes up, white people say that they deserve something because of the color of their skin?


I don't believe you.

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This whole idea of "we've never had to internalize all of the things white people have done" - I don't know WTF she's talking about.  My experience in public school in a liberal part of America was that White Guilt was constantly inflicted on us, from killing all the Natives, to Slavery, to Jim Crow, and on and on...  Of course the whole idea that you should take personal responsibility for things that people with the same skin color as you have done is insane collectivist bullshit - skin color doesn't commit crimes, individuals do.  And even if we accept that, then do we talk about the crimes of other "races", how about the positive achievements of different races?  Sounds like the same old bullshit to me.

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Do you hang out with a lot of neo nazis? Where do you live?



I am surrounded (work) by a lot of people suffering from a racefettish, but identity politics is kinda the culture here, those "nazis" you speak off would identify themselves as "liberals" or social justice warriors.


 white people say that they deserve something because of the color of their skin?


They wouldn't frame it that way, and when called out on it would even deny its about race (because the use of sophistic wording), but basically their argument boils down to that, yes.


I dont believe you


Oh thats ok))) I dont believe you too (this --> I've never met a white person who openly expressed that they deserved something because they are white.)

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MTV is nothing if not a perpetual politically correct propaganda machine. They are at the forefront of the culture war. They support R's and are in opposition to the K.  They started the Vote or Die campaign which meant vote for a democrat or you will wish you had died.
MTV has done more to usher in the age of Idiocracy than all illegal drugs combined. The idea they have truth and reason as goals of this White People "documentary" is as likely as the Pope making it his personal mission to discovering the unifying theory in physics.

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I saw this last night and thought it may be a step in the right direction - an open discussion on race that seemed to include the idea that white people can be discriminated against just like any other group of people. However the internet was abuzz today on how the show is bent on shaming white people and perpetuating more white guilt. Did I miss something in the trailer that speaks to those concerns? Do people think this show can have a positive impact, or is it just more race baiting?


How can blaming an entire race for something be in the "right direction"? All they do in that show is to try to be the underdog. I dont care if all other white people did something bad yesterday. I will not tolerate being blamed for anything other people may or may not have done. 


All this creates is an underachieving culture with whiney people, competing on future entitlements from the government. Because that is all you will be able to do in the future when you spend you time like this. 

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Catholic guilt vs White Guilt.    Who would win in a fight?


Knowing Pope Francis, the two would entangle and then fuse into a single monstrous mass of fear of social death.

I am surrounded (work) by a lot of people suffering from a racefettish, but identity politics is kinda the culture here, those "nazis" you speak off would identify themselves as "liberals" or social justice warriors.


 white people say that they deserve something because of the color of their skin?


They wouldn't frame it that way, and when called out on it would even deny its about race (because the use of sophistic wording), but basically their argument boils down to that, yes.


I dont believe you


Oh thats ok))) I dont believe you too (this --> I've never met a white person who openly expressed that they deserved something because they are white.)


I'm white and I openly express that I have the right to an extant race of my own.


This mtv offering looks like a way to shoehorn "white privilege" talk into the minds of white people already calloused from the shoehorning.  Look how cringing and crying they are, when they're not bashfully laughing.  Race isn't uncomfortable to talk about for white people because of "white privilege," it's uncomfortable to talk about because white people have the most to lose from speaking candidly about race issues.

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Not only was white guilt inflicted on us from an early age, but when I pointed out I had some family that escaped Europe because of the oppression of Romanian Gypsies and I wondered where *my* reparations were I got some pretty funny looks.




My Slavic roots on my father's side dictate that my ancestors suffered at the hands of the Turks. Where are my reparations from the Ottoman Empire?

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I don't get this video, this video is not about non-white races. 


I only see white people talking about other whites and how evil they all are.


Seems to be that white liberals are the problem here.


Why are people excusing white liberals as being stupid and naive, seems to me they have an agenda and are very evil.


This excusing...this is due to some tribal loyalty towards other whites? I wonder....

My Slavic roots on my father's side dictate that my ancestors suffered at the hands of the Turks. Where are my reparations from the Ottoman Empire?


Thats not how white liberals think

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Seems to be that white liberals are the problem here.

Not liberals, generally? White liberals specifically?


Most people I know would have labeled me a racist if I had made generalizations about black liberals, or jewish liberals, or muslim liberals.


I don't see why the color of their skin matters.

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Not liberals, generally? White liberals specifically?


Most people I know would have labeled me a racist if I had made generalizations about black liberals, or jewish liberals, or muslim liberals.


I don't see why the color of their skin matters.


0) "...White liberals specifically?,.."  

Yes, Thomas Sowell describes how white liberals use their race as an honor badge when shaming. The whole meeme of this that the ancap whites excuse white liberals because they are white (naive but good willing) but seem to attack colored for  what the white liberals want. This kneejurk excusing is weird..... 







1) Color is not important( to me anyway), but color is important to white liberals (that is my point), I am observing a fact. They are totally obsessed by it. Its like the KKK-whites and their racefettish, (without the burning crosses and hangings, but with the social policies can be detrimental)


2) "Most people you know"?..... Why are most of your friends liberal?  


3) I dont have (African ancestry) friends, I dont avoid them or something, THEY just dont hang around my space (workplace, social circles). Its not my fault, most blacks just dont study mathematics/physics. Maybe that will change in future,.. maybe not. Not my problem.



My only "black" marxist experience: I met some dude (10 years ago) from Ghana (he was a contractor at my place of work), who faked had his refugee status to come to the EU, and how whites owe him a living because of colonialism, thats my only experience with a colored marxist.


But he was not that smart of a guy and was near illiterate when he came to EU, ,  I think he picked up this meme from his white liberal friends (poverty pimp industry/asylum industry is filled with white liberals jerking off at africans to show how enlightened they are).

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This is a very fascinating lecture on the topic of white guilt and anti-white sentiment. It also involves discussion about cultural impacts of judaism on the west. It may have already been posted, sorry if it has. This lecture could probably do with its own thread as quite deep in scope. Kevin Macdonald wrote a book, The Culture of Critique.


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As a multi-racial woman, I found that I received the most racism not from white people but black people.  I am half creole (white European and African) and Korean, black people tell me all the time "well you're not really black".  I just want to scream!  My dad also heard various degrees of racist remarks not from white people but from other blacks, like "Uncle Tom" "you’re trying to be white". He heard this not just from strangers but his own family.  My dad is an educated man and came from a very difficult and impoverished situation but he made choices to make his life better, He became a better him and not a stereotype.  People need to get over it, embrace you are every part and let others do the same.  This idea of white guilt is garbage, why should anyone be guilty for something they haven’t done. 

A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.- Ayn Rand

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As a multi-racial woman, I found that I received the most racism not from white people but black people.  I am half creole (white European and African) and Korean, black people tell me all the time "well you're not really black".  I just want to scream!  My dad also heard various degrees of racist remarks not from white people but from other blacks, like "Uncle Tom" "you’re trying to be white". He heard this not just from strangers but his own family.  My dad is an educated man and came from a very difficult and impoverished situation but he made choices to make his life better, He became a better him and not a stereotype.  People need to get over it, embrace you are every part and let others do the same.  This idea of white guilt is garbage, why should anyone be guilty for something they haven’t done. 

A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.- Ayn Rand


I'm sorry to hear of your experiences with black-on-black racism.  I think the root of this kind of racism is envy and hatred of whites and the adoption of a self-destructive stereotype identity.  Some black people appear to do everything in their power to reject "whiteness" whole hog, and try to hold back any black person seen embracing civilisation (eg., reading, non-rapper attire, politeness, articulate speech, well-paying nonviolent jobs, etc.).  It's a wonder this type of hateful person doesn't reject indoor plumbing and electricity, too, though I suppose the convenient rationale there would be that "black people invented such things" and "whites stole them."  It's depressing.  I encourage you to get as far from such people as possible.

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I'm sorry to hear of your experiences with black-on-black racism.  I think the root of this kind of racism is envy and hatred of whites and the adoption of a self-destructive stereotype identity.  Some black people appear to do everything in their power to reject "whiteness" whole hog, and try to hold back any black person seen embracing civilisation (eg., reading, non-rapper attire, politeness, articulate speech, well-paying nonviolent jobs, etc.).  It's a wonder this type of hateful person doesn't reject indoor plumbing and electricity, too, though I suppose the convenient rationale there would be that "black people invented such things" and "whites stole them."  It's depressing.  I encourage you to get as far from such people as possible.

I agree, misery loves company.  I was always raised by my folks to be me, and I am happy as I am.  Thank you for your post.  I do not care what race you are why on earth would anyone choose to be the dreg of their race or at all.  Interestingly I wish more Black people would look at their roots and ancestry they might be surprised to find that there is a lot more to the Black story than the color of one’s skin.  I know where I came from and the struggle that brought me here, if anything it ensured that I wouldn’t be conflict avoidant and be prepared to take on the hardships of life.  And seriously not all White people are bad, hell many Black people in America are some percentage White.  In my family’s history I found that my 6th grandfather was from France and settled in Louisiana and fell in love with a slave woman.  Together they had 10 children and if the church didn’t object and force them apart they would have married.  My grandfather freed all of his children and my grandmother and continued to raise them.  It’s a great story you can read it “Isle of Canes” by Mills.  Further I learned that many of my other grandparents from France had no qualms about having children with black women and raising their children in their homes proudly.  If it could be done back then why not now?

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This is a very fascinating lecture on the topic of white guilt and anti-white sentiment. It also involves discussion about cultural impacts of judaism on the west. It may have already been posted, sorry if it has. This lecture could probably do with its own thread as quite deep in scope. Kevin Macdonald wrote a book, The Culture of Critique.



How do you figure "explicit whiteness" squares with the atomised libertarian culture of this board?

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I don't think being for white culture is racist. I don't think white people should be ashamed of being for white culture. I think that is the point of this thread and why i posted the video.


It is a controversial subject in any circle/forum because in the mainstream it is racist to be for white culture. Even liking white culture or even talking about white culture is seen as racist in a lot of places. White are expected to ignore ethicnicity while respecting jewish identity, muslim identity, black identity and so on.


From a anthropological and sociological and evolutionary biological perspective i find the lecture fascinating. Not everything I find interesting is specific or conducive to libertarianism.


A lot of people don't get that far though, as soon as they hear white culture, they lock up and go "thats racist" and put their fingers in their ears and go "wah wah wah".



If you look at how people classify white nationalism as racist without any thought. There are millions of white people that are nationalist that are not racist, well in the UK at least. Most white people that are nationalist in the UK are not actually racist or subscribe to the cliche idea of the swastika wearing white nationalist that we see in the media.


Don't get me wrong, i am white and english, but I am not a nationalist or racist. Personally I don't even think that different races exist, I think that the differences in the physiological make up of the human species is solely due to the different climate and environment that humans have lived in over extended periods of time. Culturally though I can see a clear differences between the different ethnicities. This is primarily because culture is the norms and traditions that gets passed on to people over time and thus to develop requires humans stay in a region for significant amount of time. This is the only reason why ethnicity and culture go hand in hand. There is nothing inherent about being african or Chinese that leads to that culture. It is just that Chinese (for example) lived in that region for such a length of time that they developed their culture independently and at the same time developed their physiological characteristics for the same reason, remaining in the same region for extended period of time.


Macdonalds has some new and interesting ideas surrounding the evolutionary biology of the human species, specifically regarding the differences in family structure and the effects that he thinks that had.


A different take on it is the Book and documentary Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. Diamond says that different levels of advancement has nothing to do with genetics but is solely related to the development of agriculture.


My opinion is slightly different but i still think that book is worth a read. The question being, what led to different regions being more developed than others.


My original thoughts on this was that it was related to genetic isolation. As genetics is affected by climate and environment, when humans were physically isolated geographically, example South Americans or Southern Africans, their culture developed independently in isolation. They were locked in time so to speak, culturally. While cultures in northern europe and eastern asia developed much more diverse genetic and culturally. This led to the advancements. So again there is nothing inherent about white ethnicity that led to them being more technologically developed than Southern Africans. It is solely down to genetic diversity and cultural diversity. This is of course not a popular theory because people don't like to say the genetics plays any part in the differences between the technological advancement between different people around the world, because they see that as racist.

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As a multi-racial woman, I found that I received the most racism not from white people but black people.  I am half creole (white European and African) and Korean, black people tell me all the time "well you're not really black".  I just want to scream!  My dad also heard various degrees of racist remarks not from white people but from other blacks, 


Sad to hear how things are in the USA.


Quote: "well you're not really black"


I would have answered "of course not,  i am not on welfare". 

Piss those idiots off. 

PS; and why do you have conversations with dysfunctional black people anyway? 


And basicly thats already what they are saying since one is not "really" black thing if you are making it on your own through hard work and not segregating yourself by speaking "getto english".



Funny how blacks follow the KKK one drop rule.  This is a cultural marxist identity fettish thing (Hegel's polylogism).


Umm here in Europe you will hear most racist remarks from white liberals accusing immigrants (we dont have a minority population going back 100's of years) of 'trying to act white" (if they try to get a good education or speak the language well).  


White Europeans call them "bounties" ( as in the candy black on the outside white on the inside)


Show the real root where all this crap comes from, buncha white liberals waging a cultural war on the west with their nation-wrecking tactics. You see it also from the decades of sponsering parallel societies with regards to muslim immigrants.


Switzerland is the only exception to this. 


Cheers from Luxembourg!

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Sad to hear how things are in the USA.


Quote: "well you're not really black"


I would have answered "of course not,  i am not on welfare". 

Piss those idiots off. 

PS; and why do you have conversations with dysfunctional black people anyway? 


And basicly thats already what they are saying since one is not "really" black thing if you are making it on your own through hard work and not segregating yourself by speaking "getto english".



Funny how blacks follow the KKK one drop rule.  This is a cultural marxist identity fettish thing (Hegel's polylogism).


Umm here in Europe you will hear most racist remarks from white liberals accusing immigrants (we dont have a minority population going back 100's of years) of 'trying to act white" (if they try to get a good education or speak the language well).  


White Europeans call them "bounties" ( as in the candy black on the outside white on the inside)


Show the real root where all this crap comes from, buncha white liberals waging a cultural war on the west with their nation-wrecking tactics. You see it also from the decades of sponsering parallel societies with regards to muslim immigrants.


Switzerland is the only exception to this. 


Cheers from Luxembourg!

I don’t typically talk to dysfunctional people, those are typical conversations when people ask about my race.  I don’t look black at all.  And true I don’t use ghetto English, so people assume I am trying at act a certain way.  I am just me so people can take it or leave it, believe me it is not a loss.  I love your response to “you’re not really black” I’m going use that one.

That is true about the kkk one drop rule though, but most Black people don’t even know that the klan was a terrorist group founded by the democrats that they vote for.  When I explain that to people they get defensive and don’t want to believe it.  I don’t argue with stupid. I like William Willberforce’s quote “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”

Cheers from Las Vegas 

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How do you figure "explicit whiteness" squares with the atomised libertarian culture of this board?


I did type a whole long deep explanation but the post was remove possibly due to being off topic or crossing a line, I will try respond again in a more straight forward way, hopefully that is ok. This is a big topic.


I get far more out of that lecture than just explicit whiteness. I don't think being for a cultural identity necessarily implies negativity towards other cultures and ethnicities. This is what macdonald mentions as well, that all other cultures in the world are able to celebrate their culture but white people, which is basically north western european and US Canada Australia are not permitted to do celebrate their culture. Personally I think this is a direct result of nazi'ism and the whole white nationalism concept being framed as racist against jews and basically that white are superior and all that non sense. We can observe this in the UK, a bunch of english people who all look very similar walked through the street of an english town in protest against the muslim grooming gangs in the UK. They were attacked by the left and non white as being racist and they were all framed as being like nazi. When you actually speak to a lot of those people in the protest (basically a walk through a town with signs) they are not racist people. While at the same time if muslims protest and they also all look the same in doing so, well then all of a sudden they have a right to do that. Near at the same time as the protest against the grooming gangs, there was the post democratic election protest against the conservatives from winning. I think a lot of that was just people protesting the whole system, however a lot of their sentiments was anti conservative specifically. They had no counter protest at all. I found it odd that protesting against the result of the democratic election and capitalism is perfectly acceptable but protesting against groups of foreign people methodically exploiting white underage English girls is some how racist and despicable.


What does it have to do with a perceived libertarian narrative? I am only replying to this thread. I thought it was on topic. I agree that discussing race is not related to libertarianism. I did not however think that the leftist ideas about multiculturalism were related to libertarianism either.

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That, I suppose, is one good reason not to be a libertarian:  it disarms people from acting in terms of their group interest, focussing them on this freedom fetish.  In other words, the neighbourhood goes to shit because we're blind to the actions of groups and can only see actions of individuals.  Kind of like failing to stereotype sharks, then wondering in the hospital why they won't "play nice."


EDIT: More piddle on my shoes.  Anyone have the balls to admit who downvoted me and why?

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What does it means to be white?


If MTV's intention is to show how brainwashed people really are with regards to the illogical/immoral theories at the root of racism, the show will have some merit, otherwise IMO it will only perpetuate ignorance and add fuel to the misguided fires of the concept of racism, which I'm sure will serve the state.

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I don’t typically talk to dysfunctional people, those are typical conversations when people ask about my race.  I don’t look black at all.  And true I don’t use ghetto English, so people assume I am trying at act a certain way.  I am just me so people can take it or leave it, believe me it is not a loss.  I love your response to “you’re not really black” I’m going use that one.

That is true about the kkk one drop rule though, but most Black people don’t even know that the klan was a terrorist group founded by the democrats that they vote for.  When I explain that to people they get defensive and don’t want to believe it.  I don’t argue with stupid. I like William Willberforce’s quote “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”

Cheers from Las Vegas 


I don’t typically talk to dysfunctional people, those are typical conversations when people ask about my race. 


Talking about race is not normal, regardless how one slices it, sad if it is typical.


"...I love your response to “you’re not really black” I’m going use that one..."


hahha) Glad to help) You can try "I am jewish",..,for variety. Liberals/Democrats dont follow up on that,


Las Vegas,..., I only know it from movies)) Need to visit one day)

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What does it means to be white?


If MTV's intention is to show how brainwashed people really are with regards to the illogical/immoral theories at the root of racism, the show will have some merit, otherwise IMO it will only perpetuate ignorance and add fuel to the misguided fires of the concept of racism, which I'm sure will serve the state.


The "state" is really having it both ways on the race issue, isn't it?  We're beset by racial-harmony-, immigration-, multicultural-, "tolerance"-, affirmative action- and race-mixing-propaganda, the government was the one who enforced desegregation in schools and public venues, and now there's a black President.  Hard to see how "racism" is serving the state if the (liberal) state is pushing for what amounts to complete white dispossession.  Unless by "racism" you mean precisely that process of dispossession, "racism against whites."  Then, it makes more sense.

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The "state" is really having it both ways on the race issue, isn't it?  We're beset by racial-harmony-, immigration-, multicultural-, "tolerance"-, affirmative action- and race-mixing-propaganda, the government was the one who enforced desegregation in schools and public venues, and now there's a black President.  Hard to see how "racism" is serving the state if the (liberal) state is pushing for what amounts to complete white dispossession.  Unless by "racism" you mean precisely that process of dispossession, "racism against whites."  Then, it makes more sense.

The "State" only ever has it one way, the way that serves it best. Keep the livestock fighting amongst themselves to distract them from the reality of their slavery. The "state is a violent/immoral institution that controls people through propaganda (amongst other uses of force), it has perpetuated the falsehoods of racism, to hide the consequences of the actions it's involved in (slaughtering millions of innocent people, creating the conditions that hold back the poor, national debt, etc).


What I mean by "racism" is "control".

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The "State" only ever has it one way, the way that serves it best. Keep the livestock fighting amongst themselves to distract them from the reality of their slavery. The "state is a violent/immoral institution that controls people through propaganda (amongst other uses of force), it has perpetuated the falsehoods of racism, to hide the consequences of the actions it's involved in (slaughtering millions of innocent people, creating the conditions that hold back the poor, national debt, etc).


What I mean by "racism" is "control".


Would you agree that the policy of the current state and its media organs is to dispossess and "soft genocide" whites?--all in the name of sowing discord and division, so that the state can better justify tightening its control?

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Would you agree that the policy of the current state and its media organs is to dispossess and "soft genocide" whites?--all in the name of sowing discord and division, so that the state can better justify tightening its control?

Id say that the people involved in the "state" would use any means to stay in power, to further their control and to hide the reality of their actions from the people. People in power are sociopaths/psychopaths, they lack empathy and see the public as livestock. Black, white, yellow, blue or brown is irrelevant to them, they will do whatever they think at the time will further their ends.


Stefan has a number of videos that talk about this issue. I've not researched this area in any real detail, I've watched the link below and a few others. I hope it helps.



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