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A condensed history of money, and its impact on today

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If you would entertain me reader, would you kindly take a moment to listen to a bit of introductory music for my post. An appropriate melody for the subject matter, and quite relevant too... something you will understand later.



The point of this post is to provide a general condensed layout of the history of "money" a term most people do not even have a real understanding of these days. This non-understanding is contributing to a lot of problems for people all over the world, and it's becoming worse. Unstopable, I agrue. Only the most intelligent, able to comprehend "the big picture" will be able to prosper in the coming years. Only those able to comprehend the big picture will be able to have enough control of their own lives to survive, instead of being just another ant in the path of the banker's boot.


Some of you may have complaints that this is not a more complete, well cited work. I could go through it in more complete detail, but this condensed version is long enough at about 20 pages, and as I am sure most people will not even read the entire thing, I have included a TLDR section towards the end. Feel free to skip ahead to that section if you are willing to accept my work as true. Otherwise, do your due dilligence, check out my sources and consider the objectives before you make your own assumptions.


I did want to write a more complete version, but I'm afraid time is running short, and I am a very busy person with a lot to do. Events are already in motion. If anyone is to be helped from my studies, it will have to be now. No doubt there will be trolls and doubters who will make comment without any actual study. I have studied this topic with passionate interest since about 2009. I have read and/or viewed the following sources, sometimes multiple times, plus more.






Some of the more prominent book sources for my post;


The Creature from Jekyll Island


When Money Dies


The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and A World on Fire


Mein Kampf


None Dare Call it Conspiracy


Andrew Jackson, American Lion






With Honorable mentions for the book "The Crash of 2016". If there is one book I recommend you read first it is this one, because learning about all the history can come after you have prepared.


If you do not have time to read the books, please read some of the internet articles below.


Prominent internet articles;


Relevant historical figures quotations about money


Why Osama Bin Laden was pissed


Thomas Jefferson Lays it all out


The Federal Reserve Act


Rothschild banking dynasty recognized, Rothschild heir pictured


With honorable mention to the "Timeline of the Rothschild Family". I recommend this link first of any, because it goes into complete detail about the history, economics and politics of money manipulation from the 1700s to now, as well as providing what I consider to be the greatest secret of the 20th century.


If you don't have time to read articles, please watch some videos listed below. 


Prominent internet videos:



Professor Bill Still goes into the history of Rothschild and banking


"All Wars are Bankers Wars" history of America's battle against money through all its history


Reverend Louis Farrakhan, contributing leader to the "million man march" discusses money


Current situation of war, by Stefan Molyneux


The Hitler Speech you're not gonna want to hear


"The American Dream" half hour cartoon version of history


"The Kybalion" a text concerning ancient religious knowledge, which supports history of much of the symbolism you see today on money, banking institutions, and corporations. Many of the principles of the Kybalion are used against us in modern economics, and many of its principles are being proven by science.



With honorable mention to the "Dollars and Sense" speech by the John Birch Society. This was one of the first videos I watched to learn about money and economic problems, and it does a very good job of teaching it to you.




If you have problems with the legitimacy of internet videos, please go back to take the time to read the corroborated information in the books and articles.


The following draws upon my studies about banking, found mostly in the links featured.



In the beginning



We have to start this discussion somewhere around 12,000 years ago, about the time when humans stopped being cavemen, and started being Pagans. Today we are finding monuments from about this era which show plainly that somewhere in this period we had knowledge of stone MASONry. Monuments have been found from this time period which are believed to be pillars of the garden of Eden. In Israel, a monument was found to the ancient Pagan moon god Sin, who was a bad god, which is why we call it sinning. Later things like Stonehenge and of course the Egyptian Pyramids would be built, and we still have no idea how they put these things together back then.

It is obvious as well, from this time frame, that man had knowledge of the stars. They believed the world was flat, and that the sun, moon and other planets were gods. SATurn was the original pagan representation of SATan, and Saturn was the 6th planet. The sun was the one true god, "The sun, of god" and was the 7th planet. Satan and the sun were always battling, and since they were the 6th and 7th planets, a dispute between them was regarded in any representation of 6+7, which of course makes 13. Today there are many buildings without a 13th floor, and many representations of 13 on the US dollar. Look for 13s in your day to day life and see what strange coincidences appear.




Money before money



During the earlier centuries, there was no such thing as a "money supply" that served only as a money supply. You had commodities, and/or services, and you would barter item for item, or service. Cattle would be traded for lumber. Food would be traded for clothes. Women would be traded, as commodities, for shelter. Men as work slave commodities, for whatever. We did this for many centuries. These kinds of things are what should be considered "true money" as they have a useful function in our day to day lives. These things that exist without a money supply should be the first things you consider investing in, to avoid being caught up in problems of money supplies, like what we face today. Land, food, water, shelter, people... and a confusing concept I won't go too much into, anything that improves your ability to survive.


Unfortunately, there is a problem inherent to this kind of money. Everything rotted. Cattle had to be fed and maintained. Slaves had to be to. Food would rot. Wood would break. Clothes would tear. And while you might find something that would not rot so quickly, like salt, these things were often easy to find and easy to inflate, thereby diminishing its purchasing power, and wasting your time. There was no item in which a person could invest, that would retain its value. For a merchant to develop a nest egg for himself, he would have to find something that would retain its value over many years. He would find it.




The barbaric metal



Man would discover gold. A seemingly immortal substance, gold would never rot. You could sell your rotting commodities for gold, put it in filthy ocean water, and providing no one had moved or stolen it, it would still be there forever. Silver and copper also retained value. Not as good as gold, but good. Gold had no real value in itself these days, except for being a pretty metal that was rare and hard to inflate. It was therefore good to serve as a money supply, which would represent ANY of the commodities possible for trade, without actually being any of them. It would also serve as a status symbol, showing that any man who owned this beautiful metal must be able to maintain any of the rotting commodities as well, and therefore be economically stable enough to raise a family.  Gold would become so entwined with human history, that later, a Chairman of our modern Federal Reserve would state, "gold is so widely recognized as a valuable money supply, it is as if it is written in our very DNA". 


But a money supply and status was not the only thing gold would be good for. With the introduction of religion, a man would be required to provide his prospective wife with a ring of gold, to symbolize their undying love, and remind all other suitors this woman was taken. Gold, therefore, would become the hearts and desires of men, for you could not make love to a woman without first obtaining gold. It is in this way that man would find himself controlled by the golden rule, as in "he who has the gold makes the rules". For if you wanted to have a wife, you needed gold, and if you wanted gold, you had to work for the men who could give it to you. The men who had gold understood this, and would be the first maintainers of a state.  This power, combined with a monopoly on knowledge, saw a few men happily ruling over the rest, the primitive 1% over the 99%. This power and knowledge was developed primarily by one race: Jews. Proven by modern science to be smarter on average than the rest of us,  though an understanding of these controls began as a way to free themselves, not every member of the Jewish race would manage their power responsibly.




Money and the Jews




Enslaved to the money powers of their time, the Jews would find their savior in Moses, one of their most intelligent practitioners of Kaballah. It was the goal of Moses and an organization of Jews he belonged to, to find ways to steal money from their Pharaoh oppressors. These people were accredited as being the first magicians, and would employ things like sleight of hand to steal from the pharaohs in plain sight. It was they who developed things like gambling in the "three shell game" offered to their slavers as just a game, but really a way to swindle money. Moses would draw upon his pagan religious knowledge to predict when the moon would create low tide which would uncover a sand bar, and lead his people across the Red Sea to freedom. He would write, or claim to have been given by god, the Torah, also known as the Old Testament. He would become frustrated at the barbaracy of the uneducated masses of his own people, becoming the first "lawbreaker" as he smashed the stone tablets given to him by god, and ordering his people to kill themselves. He would realize, eventually, that to better themselves, a state would have to be created to educate the masses... but that meant control, by religion. It worked, and worked well, as we still follow his teachings today. 


Unfortunately these Jews would also hand down his teachings of money, and not all Jews went on to use the knowledge and power of Moses properly. The Roman Empire would later find itself owned by a private central bank run by Jews utilizing this knowledge, and using Rome as the military industrial complex of its time to take over the known world. Not unlike America today. The common man was little more than a tool of the empire to feed the military, and life was fairly miserable. For a good long while, it seemed as if the empire, owned by the bankers, would succeed.


There was a problem inherent to the Jewish elite however; they had to teach someone their ways. Someone would eventually have to carry the torch of control, and it seemed that the only ones worthy of inheriting their kingdom was their own blood. The elite primarily taught their knowledge only to other Jews. Their own children would be brought up learning principles of money and gambling, in games of chance as seemingly harmless as playing with dreidels.  One of these Jewish children would inherit a large sum of money, grow up to be educated in the finest schools of the times, and go on to become a martyr against the evils of the improper use of Moses' teachings. His name was Jesus.




The one who would save us all




Jesus, being a carpenter, would be taught some of the most complex math known at the time. An understanding of this level of math would also bring about an understanding of the mechanics of mathematics inherent in banking. Though it still evades my studies exactly who it was that taught and mentored Jesus, it was clear that, whoever it was, strove to teach Jesus virtue, which he would bring to the masses through his life. I find, in my studies, that Jesus also had a twin brother, which would explain certain miracles such as being in two places at once, and rising from the dead. There is an interesting correlating dynamic here between magicians, Moses, and the Jesus brothers here, and I recommend watching the movie "The Prestige" and seeing if you see any similarities. Also watch the movie "Now You See Me" and see what else you notice. 


But I digress. Going back to Jesus knowledge of math and banking, it seems apparent to me that, in Jesus' quest for virtue, he understood the predations of the Jewish private central bank that owned Rome and enslaved the people. He knew, however, that to fight against the money powers would likely mean death.




So what would Jesus do?




He got together a band of disciples who would tell his story, as he planned to become a martyr fighting against the money powers. Then he went to the temple, where the money changers were utilizing their trickery against the people... and whipped them, casting them out. One of the first and most famous acts against the money powers in history. The message that was lost and obscured through centuries, and what I believe was deliberately misguided from us. 

Though Jesus would later be crucified, his message would indeed be carried on, and survive to this day. It is an interesting footnote that Judas, he who betrayed Jesus to the crucifiers, is supposed to be the 13th disciple. 

Jesus' message would spread, and Rome would eventually fall and be dismantled due to money problems. More of the same in banking would happen in history until banking's next major discovery...




Turning paper into gold




My sources cannot seem to agree on exactly who it was who first discovered this, or when it started happening. Many sources point to the templars, and their commandaries. Many sources say the Chinese first started doing it.


What is known is that, some time near 750 AD, banks began to write their depositors paper bills of credit. These paper bills gave the advantage of the depositor not having to carry around a heavy chunk of metal, and if they were robbed, it was much harder for the thief to redeem the paper bill for coin. Sometimes the paper bills would even be encrypted. Because of this, you could also sometimes redeem your paper bills for coin at another city. Seeing the advantages, people began to deposit their money en masse to these banking institutions. Instead of trading gold and silver, they began to trade paper bills. 


And then the bankers realized something. They looked at their vaults and saw the gold and silver deposits of an entire population, and realized that people would rarely come to redeem their precious metals, sometimes never at all. If they just loaned some of this gold and silver out, they recognized, they could make themselves a decent amount of money. It was a good idea, foolproof even, some might say, because if anyone did happen to come by to redeem their money, the bank could just give them someone else's gold or silver. 




A money supply, for a money supply, for actual money. 




At first the bankers would only loan out a 10th of their deposits. They made some decent money. Then they would loan out another 10th, and another 10th. The economy would become stimulated like never before. The bankers were making great profits. Eventually they would find they could loan out about 9/10ths of their deposits, and still be OK!


But it was all an illusion. Actual money, as I have described earlier, was already being represented by a money supply, namely gold and silver, and there was an inherent mechanic which was already being exploited here. Now, with the discovery of paper as gold, there was an exploited mechanic of a money supply, on an exploited mechanic of a money supply, both exploiting true money! And while it did indeed stimulate the economy to develop more "true money", it was not enough to cover everything that was claimed to be out there. 


The result of this eventual exploitation is suffering in one capacity. So in an attempt to draw upon their savings to stave off the suffering, one day, one too many depositors would try to collect on their deposits, and find it was not there, causing bankruptcy. Sometimes these bankruptcies were small, and would only cause local damages. Sometimes it was entire countries. We never seemed to learn the lesson of the problem inherent in fractional reserve banking and money supplies, as this happens again and again in history, as well as is happening today. 




The age of Rothschild




Now lets fast forward to the 1700s, in Frankfurt, Germany. There lived a Jewish man, Amchell Moses Bauer. He was a goldsmith, or banker, who opened a coin shop there. He placed a red shield outside his shop with an eagle upon it, as a sign for his buisness. (do yourself a favor and pull out a 1 dollar bill, look at the symbols and think about what you notice.) In German, red shield translates to rothschild, and when  Amchell Meyer Bauer, Moses' son, inherited the business, he changed his last name to Rothschild. 


Meyer Rothschild himself would have five sons who he would teach banking manipulation to, and update the crest of the family business with five arrows in the claws of the eagle, to represent his five sons. Meyer would later send his five sons to five countries to establish banking institutions which would eventually take control of those nation's economies. They all would establish loans to governments, because the returns were larger, and always guarranteed by the nation's taxation system. The Rothschilds would eventually gain the trust of a prince, who sent money to the Rothschilds expecting that they would loyally spend the money as agents, as he wished. Instead, The Rothschilds took the money for themselves, and used it to develop there economic stranglehold. 




A crash to end all crashes




Nathan Rothschild was the most genious of the five brothers. He was well known in market circles. When he bought, everyone bought, and when he sold, everyone sold. Nathan did all he could to make sure everyone was in fact watching. In the mean time, he was also financing the military of both Britan and France, which would culminate in the infamous Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon of France, after staging a massive campaign that was taking over much of Europe, was finally defeated here. During those days, of course, news traveled at the speed of horse only, and the stockmarkets of France and Britan were on edge, waiting to see what would happen. 


It was here that Nathan's genious comes into play. He paid a courier to run day and night as soon as news of the battle's winner was determined, to bring that news back to him. Rothschild was the first in England to hear of the outcome of the battle. He stood in a central location at the English stock market, and recieved his news. Everyone was watching as Rothschild stood for a moment, seemingly flabbergasted and then... began to sell his stocks in a panic.


The effect was immediate. Everyone knew Rothschild must have had the first news of the battle, and seeing as how he was selling, it must have meant England had lost, and Rothschild was pulling out. The entirety of the stock market went into a frenzy, attempting to sell their shares for whatever they could get, everyone selling for pennies on the dollar. Rothschild had calculated this reaction however, and so through his agents, bought up every stock he could for pennies on the dollar. When the panic was over, news of England's success eventually reached England, and the stock brokers had realized they had been tricked. It was too late... Rothschild was now in control of the entire British economy. 




The takeover begins




Using this mechanism, and several other market manipulation techniques, Rothschild would finance war campaigns of any and all countries, and capitalize on them afterwards. There was one country, however, that stood out as particularly difficult to subdue... America. 


The battle went back and forth over centuries. Before America was a nation, England would outlaw "colonial scrip" the colonists debt free paper money, in order to establish a money supply monopoly and enslave the Americas. Benjamin Franklin would note in his journal that this was the prime reason for the Revolutionary war, and so Benjamin Franklin and George Washington, Both Freemasons, would strive to free themselves from English rule. America won the war, but they were in debt to France for their finances for the war, and had to have a private central bank established upon the colonies to pay it back. Eventually the predations of this bank would become apparent, and congress would vote to dismantle it. Rothschild would then finance the War of 1812 against America, forcing it into enough debt that Rothschild's agent, Alexander Hamilton, would be able to establish another private central bank.

By the way, if you are wondering what the problem is with a private central bank, it is fairly easy to explain. Imagine an enemy of yours being legally allowed to give out IOUs in your name, in any denomination they want, at any time. Your enemy gives a merchant an IOU, he gets whatever he wanted to buy, and you have to do an appropriate amount of work whether you consented or not. It's a secret form of slavery. A private central bank has the ability to do this to an entire nation.




Battle Between Masons




It is less well known that Andrew Jackson, our 7th president and significant man of American history, was also a Freemason, and would be part of this War of 1812. He never forgot what the British did to him, his family and his country. He would later run for president, and dismantle this second private central bank. While this did cause a short term crash, Americans would once again learn the value of having their own proper money, and with the beginning of the Gold Rush in 1850, become a world superpower, having real gold money in their hands.


Now, during this time, as I will go over slightly in coming sections, Rothschild had also completed a takover of the infamous Freemason organization, at least within Europe. The Rothschilds became somewhat well documented Freemasons, and so was Albert Pike, who would eventually become a general in the Confederate Army of the civil war. Rothschild financed the Confederate Army against Abraham Lincoln in an attempt to once again take over America, after having lost it to the hands of Freemason Andrew Jackson. 


So here we can clearly see Freemasons, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Andrew Jackson and others fighting against central bank slavery. We can also see Freemasons, like Alexander Hamilton, Albert Pike and the Rothschilds, fighting to INSTALL central bank slavery. It is because of this, and some other instances in Freemason history, that I cannot decide if the Freemasons were actually a moral organization or not. Regardless, it is clear that what the Masons have become is an organization that is harmful to the freedom of people around the world, as their symbols are on our money supply, because they run the Federal Reserve.




Lincoln wins, and the final loss




Lincoln discovers the secret of making your own paper money supply, and used this secret to finance and win the Civil War with the creation of "greenbacks" which is why our money is still green today. The victory would be short lived, however. Though Lincoln would win the civil war, end slavery, and install the 13th amendment (13s?) Lincoln would be assassinated, and less than 50 years later, J.P. Morgan and several of his associates would sucessfully enact plans to quietly install a private central bank in 1913 (13s?). They called it the Federal Reserve, which is the private central bank we are still under today. 


There was only one voice in congress that stood against the Federal Reserve bill, although more may have stood with him if the bankers had not employed trickery to hide the signing of the bill. William Jennings Bryan was well aware of the implications of the bill, but eventually gave up. Such toothless actions were common for Bryan, and earned him the nickname "the cowardly lion". That name should ring a bell. Bryan is the inspiration for the cowardly lion in "The Wizard of Oz"which is actually an allegory for what happened to our banking system. The upper echelons of modern Hollywood surely are still aware of this fact, as the more recent "Oz the Great and Powerful" clearly depicts Bryan as Glenda's father, standing as the headstone to his grave, with a lion at his side. Hollywood often sells us stories which are allegories of real events... it is too bad no one understands.




The Message in Plain Sight




I will now explain the symbols on the dollar bill. To the uninformed man, symbols mean little. But to the person who is in the know, symbols can convey secret messages to whoever is able to understand what they mean. Symbols are a law of power in the book "The 48 Laws of Power". When the Romans were looking for Christians meeting secretively, they looked around and saw fishes on the edges of buildings and thought nothing of it. None of them ever thought, these might be symbols pointing the way for Christians to find a congregation. The symbols on the dollar have meaning as well. I won't go into complete detail about all the symbolism on the dollar, but enough for you to recognize history in the symbolism. 





If you count the levels on the pyramid, you will notice there are 13 of them. There are also 13 feathers on each wing on the eagle. There are also 13 leaves on the branch, and 13 arrows in the other claw. There are also 13 stars in the symbol above the eagle's head, which, if you notice, form a star of David, which is a Jewish symbol. If you remember earlier, 13 is the Jewish pagan representation of conflict between Saturn and the Sun, which represents man's struggle against slavery of private central banking. The eagle is actually an updated version of the Rothschild crest, which, remember, had 5 arrows in its claws to represent Rothschild's five sons. The Masonic and Rothschild crest are on the dollar because they are trademarks. The Masonic faction of Rothschild owns the US money supply. The history of the struggle of America's money supply can be found in the history of each person found on every denomination of dollar. 


The goal of the bankers can also clearly be seen in plain sight on the dollar. "E Plurubus Unum" translates to "From many, one". Many people have taken this to represent the unification of the American people, consolidating many different peoples into one country. What it actually represents, is the banker's goal to unify the entire world under one government.



Rise of the Nazis



Continuing the Rothschild tradition of financing wars and taking over countries from the wars they financed, the Federal Reserve system would be used to finance World War 1, an attempt to bring the entire world under control through war finance manipulation. It was largely uncontrolled and not well thought through however, as it produced several events and mechanics that brought much of the world out of the banker's control. One such event, the Treaty of Versai, would bring Germany into an economic nightmare so harsh, that it would anger an infamous soilder who fought for the freedom of Germany in the World War; Adolf Hitler.


During the 1920s, Germany experienced the worst hyperinflation in all of history. Hitler, having fought for his country and being frustrated at the "stab in the back" with the signing of the Treaty of Versai, sought to understand what had happened. Hitler was a documented member of the Thule society, an organization not unlike the Freemasons. Sources indicate Hitler became well aware of the Jew's history of money manipulation, from their pagan roots, to the Jewish ownership of the Roman empire (and Christ's attemped revolution) and more.  


In fact, in Hitler's very own "Mein Kampf", Hitler recognizes the phenomena of the "Jewish owned Freemasons". It is no doubt that his understanding of Jewish history contributed to his hatred of them, forgetting the fact that Rothschilds had actively financed the World War that had seen Germany brought under the slavery of the Treaty of Versai. It may be an interesting correlation to note here that Greece currently appears to be going through the same kind of struggle. Hitler's study of the Jews no doubt attributed to his knowledge of money, as the Nazis would go on to replace the failing papiermark with Reichmarks. Hitler's currency and later economics would recover Germany from its economic disaster so well, Time magazine would go on to put him on it's cover, and call Germany's economic recovery "The German Miracle". Hitler now had enough leverage to gain control of the German government, and he did.




The Greatest Secret of the 20th Century




Hitler was elected Chancellor in 1933, and it should be well known what happened. I want to stress here, that I do not agree with what Hitler did. No doubt 99% of the Jews did not even have a clue that other Jews were making a bad name for them, and were completely innocent. But here, I ask you to think about something. Hitler was in power for only 12 years (and what happened on the 13th year?) Not only that, but before Hitler was in power, Germany had experienced the worst hyperinflation in history. 


So, have you seen that movie, "The Monument's Men"? If not, let me summarize for you. A true story, the monument's men were tasked with finding Hitler's gold towards the end of World War 2, and they did. Take a moment to look at the picture of the cave full of gold. 






Look at it. Realize how much gold that is. Now ask yourself something; where the hell did Hitler get all that gold? Germany had just emerged from the worst hyperinflation in history before Hitler came to power, and he only ruled 12 years. Germany did not have BREAD to give ITS OWN CITIZENS, much less a cave full of gold. And yet, all of the sudden, not only was Hitler financing a political campaign which found him in control of Germany, as well as financing a military industrial complex that threatened the entire world, but at the end, he had all that gold to show for it. Where did all that gold come from? 


And Perhaps, a scarier question... was that gold that he had taken... or was that gold he was given? If that was gold Hitler took from the Jews, why did they have so much? If it was gold Hitler was given, who had that much gold to give? 


Somewhat Recently, the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, began to ask for Germany's gold back from the US. They were met with all kinds of resistance. Eventually, Merkel gave up, saying of America that she trusted them. The fact of the matter is, Germany never was going to get that gold back. It was never their gold to begin with. The truth is that gold was given to Hitler by American bankers, following the tradition of their Rothschild affiliates to finance both sides of a war, and then buy everything up afterwards.




But this is only the second greatest secret of the 20th century. The greatest secret of the 20th century reguards Hitler's lineage, which is related to the reason why Hitler attained all that gold. For after waging a campaign of racism against Jews, rumors began to spread about Hitler himself having a Jewish lineage. Though I can find no direct evidence that Hitler discovered his Jewish Heritage, as it seems to have been purposely wiped from history, it is known that Hitler met with someone who supposedly disclosed his true lineage to him, and afterwards, Hitler had the building destroyed where ancestral records were kept.  Despite this, there were those who knew of the fraternizations of Hitler's ancestors, and recorded it. 


I have deliberated over sharing the secret so readily, thinking I might direct the reader to the link where the secret is. It seems obvious to me however that most people will not even read this "condensed" history of money. Therefore I will share the secret. Hitler was the son of Allois Hitler, formerly Allois Schicklgruber. He inherited that last name from his mother, Maria Anna Schiklgruber. Maria herself was German, and raised her son Allois alone, without a father. For you see, Maria used to work as a maid, in the house where she was raped. When her employers found she was pregnant, the sent her away back home to deal with the child herself.  The family Maria worked for when she was raped... was none other than that of the house of Rothschild, a Jewish family. The greatest secret of the 20th century, is that Hitler was in fact Jewish, but not only that, but as if it was a scene straight out of Star Wars, a Rothschild is Hitler's grandfather.  The secret is in the following link, but it cannot be appreciated without reading it in it's entirety. If you want to check the source on this, please read this entire article;





Allies win World War 2, and the world loses.




And so, when it became clear that the Nazis would lose the war, finance ministers from the 4 corners of the earth met in Bretton Woods, to decide what currency would become the "reserve currency". It was determined that the Federal Reserve note would attain the status, giving America an unprecidented financial advantage. The Federal Reserve was supposed to maintain a currency level that would always allow the bearer of dollars to redeem his money in gold at 35 dollars an ounce, in order to prevent inflation. Though the Fed agreed, it did not happen that way.




The last man standing




In 1963, President John F. Kennedy gives a speech in which he talks about secret societies, specificly describing "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy". The speech describes a worldwide organization that works mainly on subtle means to enslave all of mankind. Listening to the speech, JFK never clearly points out the Federal Reserve as a conspirator, but it seems obvious that the mechanics inherit to banking institutions could be the only organization working in such ways to prevent man from becoming "what he was born to be, free and independent."


JFK signs into law executive order 11110, granting the president the ability to create his own money supply (not unlike Lincoln did with the greenback). JFK's money supply was eroding interest payments to the Federal Reserve, and with time and proper implementation, could have freed us from the national debt. There are some that argue this was not the actual reason for JFK's death, and that it was the fact that JFK refused to allow Israel to have nukes. Regardless, about six months after JFK's speech, he was assassinated. The supposed assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was also assassinated. The media would support the idea that the assassination was a one man job, though congress would later publicly state that "with a probability of 95%, there was another shooter at the grassy knoll." The Warren comission was created to investigate JFK's death further, but Warren himself was a former banker. No president since would speak of such a conspiracy, or stand against the Federal Reserve. The final insult is that the Federal reserve ceased minting quarters in actual silver this year, and to this day you are unlikely to find a quarter in your change with a date from before 1965, because those are all silver.




"I am not a crook"




Seeing that American coin was no longer being minted in actual precious metal, and being concerned that their paper dollars were no longer redeemable in gold, several countries began to attempt to cash in their paper dollars and redeem their metal, as agreed in Bretton Woods. America had been printing dollars rampantly however, to pay for the Vietnam War among other things, and did not have the gold to cover its expenses. So in 1971 then President Richard Nixon "temporarily" took the dollar off of the gold standard. This made it apparent to anyone who knew what was going on that America did indeed not have the assets to cover its expenses, and people around the world began to trade off their dollars for whatever they could get for it. This was crashing the dollar, sending the US into recession.




Nixon sells America's soul to the devil




In order to save the dollar and the US economy, Nixon would have to find something of value to back the dollar with. He met with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, who was also the leader of OPEC, or "Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries". He struck a deal with the king; if OPEC would agree to back the dollar with its oil, Nixon would agree to protect OPEC and the entirety of its oil fields with the might of America's military industrial complex. This agreement would basicly turn all American soldiers into mercenaries for the oil barons. This concept became known as the petrodollar. OPEC agreed, and America began to build bases around the world in order to cashe soldiers near the oil fields to protect them. No one ever seemed to consider that this was a crucial step in the direction of bringing the world under one government. 



A money supply, for a money supply, for a money supply, for actual money



This seemed to be an especially successful era for bankers. Because you see, before the invention of electronic credit cards, banks were forced to keep track of credits by recording entries on paper only. Because of fractional reserve banking, for every paper dollar a banking institution borrowed from the Federal Reserve, the bank was allowed to, IMAGINE, it had 9 times more dollars than it actually had, and loan out those imaginary dollars, as credits. Credits are a functioning money supply, on top of the money supply of paper dollars, on top of the money supply of precious metals, on top of what I earlier defined as "true money". Although I argue now that gold and silver are now "true money" because we consume these materials by putting them into electronics and such.


Once again, before the invention of credit cards, credits were nothing more than written entries on paper, imagined up by bankers, working in their full capacity under fractional reserve banking. This system of credit was fickle at best, because there was nothing tangible to keep track of, except ideas written on paper. With the invention of the credit card, however, "credits" would become "tangible" things, as pieces of data storable on computer servers, protected by cryptography, not unlike bitcoins. In fact, when you open up your online bank account, and view the balance of your savings, what you are looking at are "banker's bitcoins".




The one true power of modern bankers




These "bankers bitcoins" are legal tender which is NOT borrowed from the Federal Reserve, a money supply seperate from the paper dollars we are all familiar with. Technically, because there are 9 times more of these "bankers bitcoin" credits than their are dollars, the money supply exists which could be used to abolish the national debt. There is a gaping hole in this solution, however; non-central banks own this money supply. It is still a money supply owned by a private entity, outside the hands of the American people, and outside the hands of the American Government. Non-central banks own this money supply. Thus, the American people are twice-enslaved. 


When J. P. Morgan wanted to create a crash, all he had to do was contract the money supply. He did so, which resulted in what was known as the crash of 1907. These days, if any banker wants to control anything or anyone, he contracts the money supply of that area. It is fairly simple; the banks simply cease loaning out the money supply they own, the credit system. You cannot understand the power weilded by banks until you understand that credits are a money supply in itself, which is in more complete control by bankers than even paper dollars. Less than 5% of the world population is able to understand this and how it works in enough capacity to do something about it, which allows bankers to get away with this pretty much any time they want.




The enemy that was trying to save the world




In 1990 Saddam Hussein began the Gulf War. At the time, Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian native, who was an American asset with the group Al Qaeda. "Al Qaeda" means "the database" which is what the asset was referred to, and Hillary Clinton herself can be seen on video reminding her peers that we were allied with Al Qaeda. Osama offered the Saudis the help of Al Qaeda in order to defeat Saddam. He was insulted when the Saudis refused his offer, and became furious when he learned about the petrodollar agreement. The Saudis were giving America their oil in order for America to fight their war for them. In 1996, Osama declared holy war against America for the "looting of the natural resources of the Muslim world", ironically declaring war on the concept that enslaves Americans to the oil barons. America would fulfil its part of the petrodollar agreement and defeat Saddam, returning his oil fields back under the petrodollar. 




The money that is not yours, is not yours




The bankers were not through manipulating America through its money supply. In 1999, lobbyists successfully repealed the Glass-Steagall act, opening up a whole new wave in money manipulation slavery. For you see, before Glass-Steagall, it was illegal for any bank to take your deposits out of your account, and loan it out, in any capacity, in order to generate interest for you and the bank.


With the repealance of Glass-Steagall however, banks were now legally allowed to TAKE YOUR MONEY from your bank account, and do whatever they wanted with it, in pursuit of profits. Much of depositor's savings were used to provide loans. Many deposits, however, were used to speculate in the stock market, meaning that if there was ever a crash, depositor's money would simply evaporate. The bankers seemed t be OK with this, because if they ever did lose their depositor's money, they knew they would be able to get more money loaned to them, from the Federal Reserve. This "solution" always guaranteed banks would have money to give to their depositors, by always furthering the national debt of the American people... by always compounding the slavery of America. In quite possibly the most ingenious money manipulation scheme in history, the elite have made it so that the masses naturally seek out a supposed solution which actually makes things worse. 





The Twin Towers




On September 11th, 2001, operatives who are later confirmed as Al-Qaeda militants fly jet planes into the Twin Towers of New York, killing nearly 3000 people. They also fly a jet into the Pentagon. The Passengers of another jet seemed to have stopped their vehicle from its destination, as it is found crashed in a field. 


Many holes would later be found with the official stories. Workers and citizens would claim to have heard popping sounds from the twin towers falling, as if it was a demolition. Pictures of molten thermite and perfectly cut steel beams can be seen, evidence of a demolition. "Architects and engineers for 9/11 truth" study the collapse of the twin towers, and determine, using mathematics, that the towers could not have come down without it having been demolition. A very much unknown third world trade center tower, "building 7", is documented as having been demolished on the same day that the twin towers were hit. Missle parts are found in the rubble of the pentagon. 


In the confusion and chaos that follows, the patriotism, the celebrity showboating to cheer up and support America, no one seems to notice that Saddam Hussein once again declares his country's oil supply free from the petrodollar system, and begins to sell his oil for any currency he wishes. Though the official story is very heavily confirmed as Al-Qaeda operatives being responsible for the attacks of 9/11, the US military aims its sights on attacking Iraq. The official narriative is that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction he plans to use to aid terrorists in attacking America. The real reason is that Saddam was selling his oil outside the petrodollar cartel, and it was America's job to bring their oil fields back under control. 


Regardless of what you believe about 9/11, the event did certainly give the US military all the excuse it needed to invade Iraq. Saddam would eventually be captured after his forces largely surrender. The US military would stay in the middle east and operate for many years to come.




The greatest theft in history




While the world was distracted by America's war, America's bankers were priming the market for their greatest heist yet. As described earlier, with the repealance of Glass-Steagall, bankers had depositor's money heavily speculated in the stock market. Following its natural approximate 7 year cycle, the market crashes, this time with depositor's money heavily invested. Banks suddenly find themselves without paper dollars OR credits to give to their depositors. In order to get more paper dollars, and more credits, to provide their depositors with, non-central banks must borrow from the Federal Reserve, and they must borrow heavily... enough to cover the losses from investing in the market when it crashed. With the market in chaos, the national debt balloons from 7 trillion in 2005, to over 17 trillion in 2015. This happens as non-central banks are forced to borrow from the Federal Reserve at an unprecedented rate in order to provide their depositors with the money that was supposedly given to them in trust. 




The thorn in the side begins to hurt




As the world is flooded with paper and credit, "true money" supplies begin to dry up, causing a global recession as people realize there is nothing to trade their paper and credit for.  Gas stations can be seen selling oil around 5.50 a gallon, and higher. People are losing their houses, and massive amounts of people are becoming homeless. Americans begin to organize into groups like "The Tea Party" and "Occupy Wall Street". While not everyone seems to understand what is going on, people are at least now aware that there is a problem, and are seeking answers. 


The world is stuck in a game it thinks it needs to play. A game run by central bankers. People have forgotten, they have the right to create their own money supply, and operate using only that. For you see, in America, the 13th Amendment to the Constitution makes slavery illegal, and any private entity making a money supply in your name is slavery. Many people these days think they have to play the game, they have to use the Federal Reserve's dollars. You do not. 




The people find their own solution




Bitcoin was actually a small side project, started by a Japanese man who lives in California who largely forgot about it. Searching for an alternative means of money supply, the people discover bitcoin, and its value explodes. The creator of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakomoto, suddenly finds himself having to hide from the public as governments, corporations and all manner of common people come looking for the creator of bitcoin. For you see, the common man having and using his own money supply is a threat to the government, the bankers, and the entire game in itself. The system depends upon you being a slave in order to function. With bitcoin, "colonial scrip", and any other means of self-generated money supply, the common man now has the option to not play the game... and the government cannot allow that. 


As the economy begins to get better from several harsh years of recession, the masses begin to believe everything is OK once again, and divest from bitcoin, plunging its value. If there ever is another problem with the economy, however, people certainly will once again flock to alternative currencies like bitcoin, as they search for a way to evade the manipulations of the game. Investing in bitcoin while it is cheap is a good idea. However, I have my reservations about bitcoin. I scoff at the idea of anyone except an individual having the power to create money in their own name; the alternative is to let someone else manage your money supply, which will always open the door to manipulation. Only when an individual is allowed to make "colonial scrip" and/or cyber currency in his name, will people ever truly be free.

























The 1987 crash. The 1995 government shutdown. The 2000 dot-com bubble. the 2008 recession. Following its natural approximate 7 year cycle, we should expect another crash this year. Perhaps the recent events in Greece have triggered it. However, many of my sources indicate the real crash will be held off until 2016, when we recieve a new president. The best time to cause chaos is under new leadership. 


Several other factors are beginning to culminate that will see the beginning of another crash, including the raising of minimum wages, the Federal Reserve raising interest rates, and war being primed along several of America's fronts like Syria, Russia, and the South China Sea. America has not yet recovered from its previous recession, and her enemies are lining up to take advantage of the next event. 




My personal part in the story of our lives




Friedrich Nitchze once said, “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss, The abyss gazes also into you."

I am not quite sorry to say that I myself have become a monster, after gazing long into the abyss of central bankers. I have made a lot of money simply studying bankers, how they think, how they operate, and speculating on their next events. I find myself hoping for them to succeed. I find myself hoping they make things worse for you. Because every time they do, I make a lot of money.


Some of you on this forum have seen pictures of my personal investments. What I have shown is actually only a fraction of my wealth. Most people would say that it is immoral and pessimistic for me to feel and think the way that I do, cheering on the bankers and hoping for bad events. But after studying banking for so long, I realize that these things only work because the masses are so stupid, plain and simple. If the masses would bother to learn about what is going on, they would be able to prevent it. Instead, the masses rush headfirst like lemmings over a cliff into their impending suffering and demise. As if that were not enough, these people disrespect and attack anyone trying to save them. I find these people disgusting. I find myself unable to wait for the day I see them all crushed beneath the banker's feet.


When people are so stupid, I cannot help but feel justified in participating in actions that result in their suffering. These so called humans... they embarras me. They should have weeded themselves out of the gene pool a while ago. You must either beat the bankers, which not even I could do if I so chose, or you must join them, which is what I have done. 


And I must say, I do live a fairly comfortable life.


If anyone has the respect to recognize how much I know about banking and economics, I will be happy to give them advice. I suspect, however, that a person of the masses would not.




So what will happen now?





The bankers have won. They won a good long while ago. The only thing stopping them, is collaborating with each other across the world to realize their goals. There are only three countries that do not have a private central bank manipulating them, and those are Cuba, Iran, and North Korea. So now that we know bankers are pretty much in control of the world, what do they want to do?





The smartest minds money can buy have come to a conclusion; the planet is running out of resources. The problem, is you. The common man. You are multiplying at an unprecedented rate, consuming resources and doing nothing to contribute to the survival of the human race. In fact, you are killing us all by depleting our resources at an increasing rate. If humanity is to survive, it must kill off a large percent of the earth's population. A very, very large percent.



That is actually a goal of the bankers, to find a way to kill off the majority of the world population. "E Plurubus Unum" one world government, with the power to decide to slaughter humans in order to save humanity.  Because a large number of humans across the world will never amount to anything in the modern world, and the intelligent do not need fools consuming resources. I cannot say I disagree with the bankers.  If you read my entire post, it is likely you are not among the foolish masses. Perhaps you still disagree with the way I feel. Regardless, there are events in motion that cannot be stopped, and their eventual results have been proven by some of the smartest minds on earth to lead to catastrophic events, whether you like it or not.


Many of the banker's plans were laid out a very long time ago. The bankers knew they could get away with these things, and largely did, because information could not get around quickly enough, and even large events could be performed without the public realizing what actually happened.  Within the last two decades, however, something appeared that the bankers could not forsee which has the power to ruin all of their carefully laid plans; the internet. These days, people are connected to each other across the globe like never before. Information is attainable within the next second, and education is a click away. You masses are harder to trick. Within the view of the internet, the bankers suddenly find themselves unable to operate in plain sight as they once did. People are becoming smarter... able to free themselves by learning about making their own money supplies, able to follow along as the plans and events of the bankers are now instantly recognizable. The bankers realize they are exposed, and only the denial of the masses keeps them hidden. Because of this, the banks are accelerating their agenda. They need to execute their planned events and unify the world under one government before we become smart enough to stop them.



The Future



They will start, as they already have been, by restricting the common man's ability to make money, and make his way up. As events begin to take place, businesses will find that it is no longer worth it for them to hire people. Massive amounts of Americans will find themselves without jobs, and then without shelter. As America's weakness begins to show, her enemies will take advantage by provoking battles around the world that will compound the strain upon America's economy. Somewhere along the line, Greece, or some other country part of the Euro, will divest, throwing European countries into chaos. They will look to America for support as they have traditionally have, and find the support is not there.


If things get bad enough, China will succeed in its lobbying to end the petrodollar, and the Reminbi will become the new reserve currency. There will be an unprecedented shift in power from the west to the east, as the monopoly upon energy of oil technologies changes hands.




The women




Naive and foolish from mixed messages from media and feminism and the state you never thought would some day not be there, you will suddenly find yourself with no one and nothing to turn to for support. You will look for a job, and realize the jobs are not there. You might depend on a boyfriend or parent or grandparent for money, and find they can't find a job either. You may depend on credit or loans, rationalizing that you will be able to pay it off later, but you will not be able to. You will find yourself becoming a burden on your family, who is suffering. If you were foolish enough to have a child you did not plan for and expected the man to take care of, which seems to be all the rage these days, you will become willing to do anything to provide for your child, or your family, or yourself. It will be at that moment that a banker or other individual knowledgable of money comes along, with the first 20 dollar bill you have seen in a while. You know he does not plan on just giving it to you, as you recognize the message in his eyes. Some of you may realize, this was part of the plan for women all along. But with the world crashing down around you, you will understand the deal, and think to yourself; thank god. 




The men




And what about the men who are subject to the manipulations of banking and economics? Bankers don't really want much from you, except to go away. Well, as corporations begin to shed jobs and more people go homeless and without food, one job will rise above the rest, becoming more and more enticing the longer you starve. For you see, America makes most of its money primarily through one industry; 


The military industrial complex. During a time of recession, America's enemies will be all but happy to take advantage of her weakness as they launch assaults on the borders of Russia, and Syria, and the South China Sea, and more. Men will be needed to go overseas and die to "fight for your country" when you are really fighting for the wealth of the bankers who have enslaved your country. As the fighting worsens, the military will be all but willing to hire you, and you will be fairly willing as the corporations refuse to create jobs. You will find women are more amiable to you, as you now have money in a moniless world, and have the prestige and reputation generated by the media for soldiers. It will seem like a wonderful, irresistable deal. Right up until the point you find yourself in a battle, struggling to survive in a foreign country. Starving and struggling before you are enlisted, however, you won't think about that until it's too late. Because this was the plan for you all along; for the world to cleanse itself of its less intelligent members by forcing itself to participate in the largest war we have seen yet. The bankers will finance both sides, sell you all the supplies needed to fight the war, and buy up everything after the fighting is done.


Welcome, man of the masses. Welcome to the soldier side.



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Ok Im trying to understand this.  So Governments, or Tyrants or whichever rulers borrow the money in order to finance their vote buying and wars.  Banks loan them the money, and its the bankers fault that the rulers borrow ?  Tell me what Im missing here?  Isnt this the same as blaming corporations for lobbying the government, and thinning that government is innocent here?  And one more serious question, what is the purpose of constantly mentioning a particular nationality when you are talking about such things as banking and economics at large?  How does nationality = something? Im open to learning.

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 So Governments, or Tyrants or whichever rulers borrow the money in order to finance their vote buying and wars.  Banks loan them the money, and its the bankers fault that the rulers borrow? 


Imagine for a moment, that you went to some of the most remote areas of Africa, where people are starving. The people are not even educated enough to read, much less comprehend the mechanics of a loan. Now if I were a banker, and I loaned money to one of these African people, would you blame the African for signing away his life when he doesnt even understand what is going on, or would you blame me, for giving a loan to someone too stupid to understand what he is doing?


It is the same principle between the Fed and our government. Our so-called representatives are too stupid to know what they are doing. The banks know this, but they are completely OK with it. That is one way they enslave nations, by getting the so called representatives of nations to take out loans in the country's name, stuffing some cash in the representative's pocket, telling them everything will be OK, and having them sign on the dotted line. 



Many people do not know there was once a hundred-thousand dollar bill, and on that bill was the president who signed the Federal Reserve into law, Woodrow Wilson. Years later, when he realized what he had done, he stated "I have unwittingly ruined my country..." The mechanics used to enslave nations are many and varied, but it usually boils down to officials not knowing what they are doing, pressured or in the pockets of bankers.



  And one more serious question, what is the purpose of constantly mentioning a particular nationality when you are talking about such things as banking and economics at large?  How does nationality = something? Im open to learning.


Because Jewish history is the oldest and most relevant recorded history we have, and that is for a reason. They are smarter than the rest of the races. If you really want the proof ask and I will link you a source on it. Don't get me wrong, I am not an anti-Semite. In fact I practice a Jewish "religion". One of the reasons I mention Jews so much, is because most of what I have learned about banking, I have learned from them. But you see, I learned it from them, because they were the only ones with intelligence enough to use their mechanics against the rest of us. Not all of them are bad of course. But the few bad apples certainly ruined everything for everyone.






Oh, BTW, an interesting coincidence, some people think the Rothschild family is just a myth. However, JUST NOW, I came across a link once again recognizing their existence;




In this link you can clearly see mainstream media recognizing a Hilton marrying James Rothschild, also recognizing Rothschild is a banker. 

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Ok Im trying to understand this.  So Governments, or Tyrants or whichever rulers borrow the money in order to finance their vote buying and wars.  Banks loan them the money, and its the bankers fault that the rulers borrow ?  Tell me what Im missing here?  Isnt this the same as blaming corporations for lobbying the government, and thinning that government is innocent here?  And one more serious question, what is the purpose of constantly mentioning a particular nationality when you are talking about such things as banking and economics at large?  How does nationality = something? Im open to learning.


I recently found another interesting source to answer your question;



Ron Paul acurately predicted the housing crisis in the early 2000s. He had been campaigning to solve America's money problem for a while. He clearly states in the provided recording, that other congressmen still foolishly believe the dollar is backed by gold. I am telling you, our government officials suffer from exponential idiocy. 


He also says congressmen have told him, the congressmen believe the average person is too stupid to figure out what's going on with money, which, really, I agree with. My internal struggle is, should people die because of their stupidity.

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He also says congressmen have told him, the congressmen believe the average person is too stupid to figure out what's going on with money, which, really, I agree with. My internal struggle is, should people die because of their stupidity.


In addition, new Common Core education will provide an extra hurdle...  :confused:

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Education is indeed a large problem here. How money works should be one of the first things children learn in school. It's kinda important to know someone manipulating a money supply can enslave you without your knowing it. Of course, the school system is designed for you to not really learn this, or anything else that will allow you to profit for yourself. We can't have a bunch of young people figuring out what's going on, only people trained well in being slaves. And so, how can I damn people to the slavery of the system, when it's not their fault the world they were born into was designed to keep them stupid? And yet, aren't people free enough to learn about these things on their own accord? After all, I did. There is certainly a failure, or a direct intent of the older generations to not teach their children how to fend for themselves. I just constantly find myself baffled at how willing people seem to be to stay like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just constantly find myself baffled at how willing people seem to be to stay like that.


I believe that's just logic.

If you're born in a halfway good environment, say a family that has an own house, parents who have well paid jobs and friends who live the same way, you never have any reason to question the system.

You're taught from start, this is just the way it is, you automatically swim with the stream, get a good school education, go for a well paid job and live your life normally.

If you ever find some kind of problem in the system, such as increased taxes, you're told that's the fault of the poor we have to support and unless you go for intense research on your own, in mainstream media you never get the info, it might be the fault of a money system that favors a tiny elite at the expense of 1/2 the population.

Just the opposite, you will actually vote conservative, against the poor and in favor of the rich, simply because you never know, just how rich they are and what they are doing.


Only if you lose your job or experience any other hardship that drops you down, out of the comfortable middle class, then you will begin to question things and you surely will discover the elite causing these problems, but then you belong to the bottom class which has no voice, so then it's too late.


In short: As long as roughly half the population remains in the middle class, there is no hope for any change, no matter what direction you wish to go.

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