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PUA tactics of some women and the resurrecting past trauma in men

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Unfortunately this video is rather long, but worth a listen if you have the time. Particularly in light of all the talk around PUA and relationship building recently. It's basically the defence case of a guy in the vegan community that was wrongly accused of sexual harrasment by several young women in that community, but one in particular. Not only that, but they also managed to blackmail him out of some significant money too after they made the accusations to him.




I think it's a salutory lesson for many guys out there, whose eyes can often glaze over when persued by a pretty young woman. Useful to know the games some women can and do play to get a hold of some guys resources.


What's particularly interesting in this guys case. Is it could be argued that partly why he was drawn to her, was because her historic trauma resembled his own. Rather than rejecting the relationship, he ended up replaying his own historic trauma all over again. Very glad that he has now finally resolved it, although I'm unsure he really understands what happened to him.


But for the men in this community, it's a useful lesson about understanding the difference between your genuine feelings and the feelings that resurrect past trauma.


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I haven't watched the video yet, but why did you put PUA in the title?


Are you saying that the techniques she used were discovered in a PUA manual?  Are you saying that, subconsciously, she used PUA tactics that are part of many PUA manuals - even though she didn't read them?

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Women can be pick up artists, too, and the classic push pull in this one screams player.



I agree that Push/Pull is an essential part of Pick-Up Artistry, but I don't agree that everyone who uses Push/Pull is a Pick-Up Artist.  Most people who use Push/Pull are actually natural manipulators.  And to me, if it's not a trained response, it's not Pick-Up Artistry. 

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Women can be pick up artists, too, and the classic push pull in this one screams player.


Yes sadly, you could easily understand how this guy ended up getting used by her. Throughout the sequence of too and fro messaging between them you could see him ignoring red flag after red flag. Preferring instead to join her in this fantasy she was creating. Thankfully he seems to get that now, just not sure he entirely understands why.


He probably has a history of people creating fantasy around his relationships and probably lied to him a lot. Of course he does briefly mention that he was sexually abused as a child, which could make him highly suspectible to sentimentality. I'm hypothisising of course, but he certainly seems drawn to over sentimentality, even after the event. He has way too much empathy for others and very little for himself it seems. Which is why the accusations were so particularly crushing for him and he happily gave up 1,000's of dollars as a quick remedy too some pretty horrible feelings I imagine. It was quite a vile thing that she did to him frankly.


Interestingly she did make an apology video after the one above. Realising of course that it was pretty damning of her. But get this she used it as a way for him to take down all his evidence videos and then claim she was forced to make the apology. With all his evidence videos removed she would have been able to easily discredit him thereafter. The short video below explains how all this happened. Thankfully he was starting to wake up to her by then and didn't follow through on the agreement entirely.


But drama aside. I think it's quite clear that people not only have to be honest with their romantic partners, but they have to be honest with themselves about their romantic liasons. It's really no good trying to create a fantasy around yourself or fantasising about the other. This might well be the worst example, although I'm quite sure it could have ended even more badly, given the right set of circumstances. But it is an example of how dishonesty in relationships can turn out.

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How the fuck is this even possible?


I'm gathering it was probably a desperate last minute attempt to wipe away the evidence, after the faked apology video failed. The two girls that are involved in the saga have a YT following of 250K each, so I'm guessing these false accusations wouldn't have done much for their reputation. So they've gone hammer and tongs on him.


It is way too easy to bring a channel down these days. Three strikes and they shut shop on you basically. I guess if enough people complain they might reconsider, but Joes channel only had 11K of subscribers, so it's unlikely to effect YT's decision.


EDIT - He did actually go through her Instagram page, which I'm guessing would be a violation, since it's mean't to remain private to her and the people she added.


Looking back the Instagram stuff wasn't really important and was mostly fluff talk around what he considered as a change in her personality over time. I think only he saw it or it was tenuous at best. That said, that was the only serious violation that I can make out. The rest would be considered as fair use normally, but hey YT doesn't give that much resources to such claims. So it's probably up to the channel to fight it out legally.

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I found a mirror for my opener on Vmeo which is currently being modded. Anyway, I thought this song was rather apt, given the situation. And works for either gender too. Although I think the woman in this video clearly protests too much, given her (Reservoir Dogs) reaction. Oh yes, that would be an honourable response for a female. :P


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However, you can't quite consider the guy a victim, it was clear what he was getting into.


If as I suspected this relationship was a re-enactment of past trauma for the pair of them. Then without self knowledge it's unsurprising they both pursued it in the the way they did.


However, regardless of that Joe is the one that has been punished the most for this and indeed the girls have actually even profited from it. So victim-hood in this case certainly remains with Joe.

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