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21 Inc is potentially putting BTC mining chips into billions of devices...what does it mean?

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21, Inc is apparently building Skynet. Or so it would seem.  They've raised the most money of any Bitcoin startup, and no one knew what they were planning to do, until recently. The implications are crazy. 

I'm still in the process of catching up with this news and wanted to put this in front of you for feedback and response, if you had any. 


If you're not familiar, 21, Inc. was founded, in part, by Balaji Srinivasan, founder of Counsyl Genomics. To get a feel for his worldview, check out this talk he gave in 2013 focusing on "Voice and Exit" and changing established systems. Balaji sounds like an AnCap to me. 


I'm putting the links to the things I've worked through below.


On the relationship with Qualcomm, one of 21's largest investors:


The release from Srinivasan on the chip, and one of the more thoughtful comments:


Leaked slides from 21, Inc presentation, and commentary:


A discussion on Whaleclub and some really awesome commentary on the Bitcoin sub that follows up...check out the comments for elaboration from u/elux :

If you get through all of that, I'd love to hear what you're thinking. I'm still processing it....but my mind's asploded....especially those last three links. 


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I toyed with the same idea once, the problem with btc is the "51% attack" already single commercial mining pools can claim 10-20% of all btc mining operation, thats counter to the btc philosophy of distributed moneymaking power.


So if everybody has a ASIC chip at low cost contributing to the btc mining, that would be great, not so great for the miners who invested millions in their setup. But in everything you have winners and loosers.

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Does this system have access to nuclear weapons, or any weapons at all?  If not, then SkyNet is not really a fair comparison.


I don't mean that in a bad way....I mean they're potentially turning the internet into one computing machine by enabling micropayments...which will provide financial incentive to coordinate processing power, globally. 

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