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Disposable Males & Cuckoldery in Children's Television

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Hey everyone,


I was originally linked to this by a guy on reddit and thought it was fascinating, and a bit terrifying. Be warned it's a chan-site link, so the language is a bit NSFW.





tl;dr This guy, Jonathan Butler is a co-producer on a Nickelodeon series "Bella and the Bulldogs", a live-action show featuring a female lead on the school football team. What's particularly interesting about the show is the subtle use of imagery & language from the realm of cuckoldery fetishes. Ordinarily, I would chalk it up to a bit of paranoia on the part of the people who looked a little too deep into the show, but when his previous works include one entitled "The Cuckold" and another children's series "Haunted Hathaways", featuring a white woman and her two daughters who live in a house haunted by ghosts of a black man and his two sons, then I think the conspiratorial aura about it falls away.


I don't know if anybody has already discussed this here, but I was wondering what the FDR communities thoughts were on cuckoldery as a whole, and more specifically the use of cuckoldery in television shows targeted at children?

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Cuckolding has been part of the human experience for a very long time because until recently men did not have any way to prove paternity. See Maury Povich. Genetic testing is becoming cheaper and more common and also has reproductive and health applications. Jewish couples routinely go through with genetic screening because of all the recessive disorders in their population.


I once asked an RN who worked in a children's ward if she advocated to her patients to do this before becoming pregnant, and she gave me a really weird look and said, "No, it's not my place to advise that."


The upshot of all this is that women are not going to be able to have a one-night stand with a man outside of their relationship and pass off the resulting child to their long term mate. Perhaps cuckolding is appearing in children's shows in an effort to normalize the behavior for future generations. If you can get the next generation of men to accept polyamory, they can't whine about raising someone else's kids.

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Consider also that if a man demands a paternity test, and it's a match, then his wife will hold his distrust of her over his head for the rest of their married life.


That doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship. An honest woman would have no problem agreeing to the test (if her husband paid for it, as its for his own curiosity).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Also isn't it interesting that in France, having a paternity test done in order to establish the genetic father in order to potentially get out of child support payments for children which aren't biologically your own, is illegal. Let that sink in for a second.

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This is all amatuer theory time on my part. But it really isn't that uncommon amongst young men to at least accept his girlfriend having affairs. Particularly when the relationship has been agreed to keep on hold (or put on ice). I noticed a lot of this among twenties couples, where the woman still had high sexual market value.


I think a lot of men in their twenties (in this economic climate) just see it as not having much choice in the matter. That they have no way of really leveling the playing field with their hottie girlfriend, so they accept that she might wonder off now and then. He may hate it even, but keep persuing her for the sex. This can then translate into open or outright polyamorous realtionships for some, as a means to reject the rather unpleasent feelings of your partner bunking up with someone else. Then of course there are men that privately get a kick out of it. Although one wonders what kind of humiliation they must have suffered as child to enjoy such a thing.


The fact that a childrens programme producer is developing these ideas is sort of worrying. Although I do wonder to what degree shows like that can actually influence a childs later sexual proclivities in adulthood. I guess it would just be part of the general zeitgeist the child is exposed too. From parenting, schooling, peers and the media.

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This is all amatuer theory time on my part. But it really isn't that uncommon amongst young men to at least accept his girlfriend having affairs. Particularly when the relationship has been agreed to keep on hold (or put on ice). I noticed a lot of this among twenties couples, where the woman still had high sexual market value.


This actually raises a good point because one of the trends we've seen more recently is that women have been pricing themselves out of the sexual marketplace. A young, healthy and attractive woman already comes out the gate with an automatically high SMV for almost no cost/work, so when these women are accomplished, wealthy, have good careers and great future prospects the pool of equivalent men dramatically shrinks. It seems the next step to making the most of such high SMV is to date multiple men at the same time, find medium to high value males who on their own would be considered dating down, but then juggle several men at once, they'll tolerate it to have access to higher status women than they'd otherwise be able to get.


The thought of that is really creepy and unsettling, but then we know that womens loyalty is generally much lower than mens, they'll swap partners at the drop of a hat and deal with post break up much better.

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