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Johan Hari - Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong

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Johann Hari has released a new book and has been doing some interviews available on youtube about it. This week a new TED talk from him has gone up.



I think he makes some amazing points, how he ties it all together and disputes the war on drugs, the approach towards addicts, the misconceptions about addiction and what addiction is realy about.


His book is titled, Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Scream-First-Last-Drugs/dp/1408857839


Still on my to read list.


It would be great if Stef could get him on the show to discuss addiction and the war on drugs.


As an addict myself (alcohol and cannabis and coffee), i think it makes perfect sense what he says about lack of connection being the root cause of addiction.

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From a fellow addict, thank you for posting this!


Congratulations on identifying as an addict. It is the very first step in taking ownership over the compulsive behavior.


This weekend, I'm starting my first discussion group meeting on addictions in the local area (Summit County Colorado). I've plastered my fliers all over town, and asked business owners to display them, and I'm going to kick out a promotion video for it immeditately. Unfortunately, I got rained out today. :(

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I got hold of the audio book of this book and I realized while listening to it that the entire drug war might actually be the result of Harry J. Anslinger having a shitty experiences with people that had taken drugs, specifically his father figure being abusive.


Millions of people lives affected in what is realy a domestic war, a war against the people of the same country. People that want to consume a substance that changes their state of mind that has not been approved by the authorities for consumption.

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