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[YouTube] The Truth About The Euro. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.

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Over the years, the general public has been told many false reasons as to why the Euro was necessary. Everything from economic stability - to preventing World War III has been used as justification for the European currency’s existence. In light of the economic crisis in Greece, we strive to answer: What is the truth about the Euro and the European Central Bank?


Rotten Heart of Europe: The Dirty War for Europe's Money by Bernard Connolly

The Tragedy of the Euro by Philipp Bagus

Economic Thought and the Making of European Monetary Union


Currencies vs. Gold

German Consumer Price Index

Long-Term Interest Rates

Debt to GDP

France and Europe: An Ambivalent Relationship

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Spot on Stefan :)


I cringed the the french accent part but then realised you had agood point: The politicians in there may have aswell said what you did.

Not giving a crap about germanys and frenches past execpt for how it can be used as political weapon.



Also video like this (and peter shiffs recent episode 94) are exellent preludes among other sources for statist and socialist to NOT be able to say libertarians either saw nothing coming or that this has anything to do with the free market or capitalism.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Excellent, excellent stuff Stefan. Great metaphores and some practice for your upcoming desired comedy show. With your French act I even opened a bottle of wine (seriously, no kidding*). Santé!


Idea for the "Obamacare" point "I will think of an example in my head" on "retractable laws", what about the infamous "Patriot" Act? :verymad:


"[You], the people, will get your liberties back, really, promised, trust me, I'm a politician" :devil:


Just one small point: the euro (the tangible currency) was not introduced in 1999, yet on 01-01-2002, it was the EMU in 1999. You later corrected, though.


*and due to ridiculous import taxes here (Mike knows about them) not cheap.

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