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Feminists oppose "consent app" and clarity, in general?

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Feminism is a religion, or cult perhaps despite its possible benign origins. It's an A Priori idea based on finding new ways to categorize women as victims regardless of empiricism. It's overarching goal, IMO, revolves around destroying the good/logic and elevating the bad/chaos.

For example here you have an app for sexual consent. It elevates clarity and removes ambiguity in the realm of sexual relations between men and women. In following article this app is described as "evil."

Is empiricism, logic and clarity the enemy of feminism?



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(1) But what if someone using the Application changes their mind?  Women do that, you know.  Men do too, sometimes.  That consent-contract video only applies to that instant in time, and can be revoked at any time afterwards by anyone involved who says "No."  Unless they've prearranged (by Applicational contract?) to agree that, there, "No" means "Yes" and "Yes" means "No."  And of course, anybody using a Consent App might be intoxicated at the time and unable to give consent. Better to film the entire encounter to be extra safe. Moreso, better film the entire relationship just to capture nuances. Or better yet—brain scan the people involved to ensure they were consenting 100% of the time. Real-time brainscan helmets are available at Nordstrom for $79.99.


(2) Feminism weaponises female instincts in order to gain power over men, but it doesn't deny women the power to use reason. It just says Priority One is asking, “Is it good for women?” Becoming too reasonable is not a good strategy for women if their goal is to overcome men, because the more reasonable they become, the less unreasonable (flexible) they become. So feminism is caught in a hybrid protean state of using reason where necessary, but always having “feelings!” and “patriarchy!” and “dead white males!” to fall back on, like a cushion. Men's natural deference to women lets them get away with this because equality and fairness seem like such good ideas.

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Maybe I just don't know enough about these consent apps, but it always seemed to me like they would do more harm than good.  Presumably, the concept exists to substantiate the existence of consensual sexual activity, but what is to stop a rapist/sexual attacker from simply taking the victims phone and hitting the consent button themselves?  Even if it were password protected, the victim could still be coerced into providing the password.

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Maybe I just don't know enough about these consent apps, but it always seemed to me like they would do more harm than good.  Presumably, the concept exists to substantiate the existence of consensual sexual activity, but what is to stop a rapist/sexual attacker from simply taking the victims phone and hitting the consent button themselves?  Even if it were password protected, the victim could still be coerced into providing the password.


Or coerced into filming themselves appearing to give consent.

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When I fist heard about this app, I thought "great now feminists have taken the fun out of sex. nothing kills the mood faster than legal documents." It's even more funny that feminists are against it for literally not giving women the power to ruin the lives of anyone they've had sex with in the past. Like seriously? What if she changes her mind afterward? Oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. 


Keep the Feminists talking, the more shit they say, the more obvious the bullshit is. 

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women tend to like ambiguity because it means they can back out without being accused of giving false signals or leading anyone on


hence the conversation at the door where she goes, "I'd love to invite you in but I have college tomorrow"

and you go "oh it's fine we'll just have one last drink"



everyone knows where that conversation leads, but she has to do it because then she has plausible deniability and can say "one thing just led to another"


I know NAWALT but it's pretty standard, women like to check their exits, and perhaps they have good evolutionary reasons for that.

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