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Stefan endorsing Donald Trump?


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I'm a little confused by Stefan's last video about Trump and McCain. Is he actually endorsing Trump in sort of a pragmatic way, or is he just having fun with the thought of it. He did mention the words "Goodness, truth, justice, and virtue" in reference to people who the media don't like (Trump). Can someone clarify this for me? It's a little disconcerting.

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Trump has some grains of truth in the things he says, but he also has some pretty terrifying war mongering rally cries in his speeches.


I think they really ought to do a little more digging. Trump goes against a lot of the major narratives in a lot of ways, but in others he seems to be proud of militaries and their capacity to achieve goals he finds preferable... 

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I think endorsing is a strong stance.


It is a pretty big stretch to say that an anarchist who is against voting and politics as such is endorsing a candidate for political office.


All I saw him doing was trying to provide some level arguments for someone who (whether or not for political attention/gains) is speaking some truth to power, and is getting the media propaganda end of the stick.


I think you are taking things out of perspective.

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I think Stefan is just enjoying the spectacle.  As he said in the video, Trump is independently financing his campaign and isn't beholden to the majority of the same interests as the other candidates, so it makes for some amusing soundbites.

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I agree, I was really put off by the last part of Stef's vid.  I know that's not exactly an argument, in fact there have been times in the past where I felt uncomfortable with a certain direction in which the show was going, but came to learn a lot out of it.  But while I appreciate him pointing out McCain's hypocrisy, the last line just sounded so hyperbolic.  Just because the media doesn't like someone means they are on the side of good?  One of the things that really got me into FDR in the first place was how Stef was very critical of Ron Paul, I found it refreshing and it was the final push I needed to get over political action.  So this is just confusing, as Trump seems way less in line with the libertarian position.

  Stefan surprised many when he took more of an anti-immigration stance, which really seems contrary to consistent libertarianism, but I am trying to understand it.  Also I know he will soften the anarchist stance in videos like this to "hook" new listeners, but it just feels a little gross.  Again, I know that's not an argument, but it's how I felt about it.  Also, say this does bring in new listeners, but how many potential listeners does it alienate?  Trump comes off to many people as an arrogant, narcissistic, entitled rich asshole, a crony capitalist who inherited millions, has blown huge amounts of money, screwed people over, declared bankruptcy several times and benefited from political connections and a climate of easy money in the real estate market, rather than honest competitive entrepreneurship.  I don't know how much of this is true, but I think this image should at least be addressed

Alternatively, I found Jeffrey Tucker's article on Trump to be very well written and inspiring

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I'm a little confused by Stefan's last video about Trump and McCain. Is he actually endorsing Trump in sort of a pragmatic way, or is he just having fun with the thought of it. He did mention the words "Goodness, truth, justice, and virtue" in reference to people who the media don't like (Trump). Can someone clarify this for me? It's a little disconcerting.


You do know Stefan wrote two books advocating anarchy, right?

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An anarchist can state that objective fact without endorsing the political system.


In a free society, "Immigration" is simply called moving. In a statist system, there are many many factors at play, and we aim to point those out so people can understand what is going on now - and what will be going on in the future.


Thanks Mike, that's all I needed to hear  :)

You do know Stefan wrote two books advocating anarchy, right?


Yes, of course, however, Stefan has grown with the show and sometimes he gains a new perspective on situations, like the "atheist apologizes to Christians" video.  All I wanted to hear was what Mike said in the above quote.  That makes sense.  I'm not sure if someone who doesn't know Stefan's work would gleam that Stefan was just taking a stance as an exercise of what would work within "the system."  I think most people would actually think that Stefan is going to go out and vote for Trump after seeing that video.  

I'm not sure what the difference is between a active pragmatic approach to the world we currently live in, and making a case for what actions would be most effective given the unfortunate system we live in.  Stefan, although not voting himself, is giving voting advice to other people, republicans.  What's the difference?  I'm not against this, in fact, I was on the verge of calling in and making the case the we should vote republican for the sake of saving the family unit.  I think someone on the forum talked me out of it.  But, the thought has crossed my mind.

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Hey Mike, I really appreciate the feedback.


We'll be doing a big Trump video(s) at some point in the near future.


Trump and Bernie Sanders are getting lots of attention and we're going to do rundowns of their stated positions.


When everybody in the political establishment (democrats and conservatives) and the media is vociferously attacking and trying to destroy somebody - they are tapping into something important and we'll be discussing that in the near future.


It's simply that IF you're going to have a government with a welfare state AND you have open borders - the country is going to run into significant economic problems very very quickly.


An anarchist can state that objective fact without endorsing the political system.


In a free society, "Immigration" is simply called moving. In a statist system, there are many many factors at play, and we aim to point those out so people can understand what is going on now - and what will be going on in the future.


Yes I get this, and appreciate you pointing this out.  But Trump has made accusations that a disproportionate number of immigrants are involved in criminal activity?  Is there any truth to this?  Because I've heard otherwise.  Anyway I really look forward to rundowns on both Trump and Sanders, I think they both deserve to be taken down several notches.

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If you'd like to call in and make the case for voting republican to save the family, I'd be happy to set it up.  Your calls are always interesting and that sounds like it would make for a fun back and forth discussion.


Sure Mike, it would be a fun conversation and perhaps help me to work some knots out in my thinking.  Just tell when you have an opening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The video:



I am watching it now and Stefan very well points out the utter hypocrisy of McCain in his comments on Trump by showing his own promo clip on Arizona. :ermm:


And at 11:00+ it's pretty clear Stefan doesn't support Trump, compares him to Muhammed Ali and says "neither pulls any punches" and "I do not want to speak for Donald".


But I very much agree, an interesting addition to the circus that politics is. Mainly because he stirs up any discussion that he participates in; allowing others to reveal their thoughts. And what's worse? Sweet talking politicians who are just as evil and abusive as others, or the most obvious clown who will never reach office anyway?


Better have a laugh and fierce discussion with the trumpling (no typo) clown than keeping the lid on the Pandora box and listening to psychos pretending to care for the people, I'd say.

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