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Microaggression, Macro-Crazy

Alan C.

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Microaggression, Macro-Crazy


The University of California keeps upping the ante in its search for imaginary bias.

Early this year, the University of California’s president, Janet Napolitano, asked all deans and department chairs in the university’s ten campuses to undergo training in overcoming their “implicit biases” toward women and minorities. The department heads also needed training, according to the UC president, in how to avoid committing microaggressions, those acts of alleged racism that are invisible to the naked eye. A more insulting and mindless exercise would be hard to imagine. But Napolitano’s seminar possesses a larger significance: it demolishes any remaining hope that college administrators possess a firmer grip on reality than the narcissistic students over whom they preside.


Janet Napolitano used to be head of Homeland Security under Obama.


It's hardly a mystery as to why the U.S. is falling behind.

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Lets go looking for SIN under the chairs!


I am sure well find something wrong or offensive SOMEWHERE if we keep looking logn enough!


Whole heap of crazy looking for somethign that doesnt exist. Very religious in that granting somethings existance FIRST in ones head and thens ets out to look for it.



Just replace creationist with feminism or sjw's...

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