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Bringing a newbie into the fold of liberty


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Hey ya'll. I've got an old friend who got in touch with me over a political post I made on Facebook. He's a good guy, smart and open minded. He's looking to learn more about liberty. I started him on Bastiat's The Law because it's short and I get off on how unavoidable the logic is.


I want to introduce him to FDR, but I don't know the first video to start him on. What do you think?

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This quick and concise book by Jeffrey Tucker has been helpful for me. It's called The Do's and Don'ts of Liberty.



I can't find it anywhere online anymore so I'll try to upload it on a file hosting page later, when I'm not too busy. I don't know why it's not available anymore, it's been really really helpful for me in learning how to deliver the message of liberty that reduces the argumentation timeframe. 


This wouldn't be for him to read, rather you in learning how to deliver it better to those who are new to liberty, such as your friend.

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